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Scena tertia.
Intrat Miso.Mis.
Bodye of god stande backe what monster haue we heare
an antike or a munke a goblinge or a finde
some hobbye horse I thinke or some tumblinge beare
Yf thou canst speake & declare me the kinde.
My yonge master ho ho ho
Passion of me it is robin hoode I thinke verelye
I will let flye at him if he speake not furthwith
speake lubber speake or Ile kill the presentlye
Nay then haue at the shalt near dye other death.
Godes armentage godes denti deare
can my yonge master florish so fine
The devill take the and all thy fonnde geare
a moringe lighte one that foules face of thine.
What pacyfye your selfe sir or weil haue an ostler
Your mannes harte I knowe & your cūninge in i****
*** [ar]e a fenser & a verye fine wresler
[OMITTED] **de****d**d [OMITTED]
If] thou hadst not spoke when thou didst as I am trwe gentleman
Shouldst near a gone furr but even like a cowe
At my foote oute of hande thou shouldst haue bene [s]l[a]yne
I woulde haue bene thy preist I make god avow[e.]
Sanke ye by my tosse for your sparinge so longe
yow are coragious I [knowe] but what care I hearke
If yow had stricke I woulde haue kepte ye thronge
and there haue bene gropinge some maydens in the darke
Thou art as full of knaverie as an egge is full of meate
I beleve the by the masse but how gattest yu these eares
thou were abowte some skoggingly feate
tell me I pray the shall no bodye heares.
Will yow nedes knowe whi then lay your head to myne
What thou lyest villayne thou be his naturall
fy of all follye how blearest thou his eyne
is my father to fooles become so liberall?
but did he thinke thou wert a foole in deede
he were never so foolishe to thinke so of the
Your selfe may iudge that by my foolishe wede
both my capp and my cote he bestowed on me.
Nay I am become his counsayler I can tell yow newes
whatsoever he speakes he giues me leaue to hear
my company at no tyme he will refuse
I will tell yow a iest if yow will giue good eare.
Whats that for love of god tell me good boy
Yf it be for my wealth and for my advauntage
thou shalt be my chaplinge I sweare by St Loy
or if thou canst be prested Ile giue the a persnage.
I thanke yow by my hallidome I wer fit for that office
I coulde mumble my mattinges & my durge wt h the best
and if it were not for ye impostin in my kodpesse
to lift at a chery I haue a buminge breaste.
Tushe, tell me the newes thou talkedst one of late
and thou best a goodfellow tell me wt h spede
Your fathr was comoninge wt
h a yomanāe his mate
Her in this place as hevy as lede.
Her in this place as hevy as lede.
And wote yow why the poore man were so sadde
forsoth for his sonne that he fearde was past grace
O (quoth he) its a parlousse vnthriftye ladde
Your gentlemanshipp vtterly he did deface
forsoth for his sonne that he fearde was past grace
O (quoth he) its a parlousse vnthriftye ladde
Your gentlemanshipp vtterly he did deface
Feare not sayth the other I will bringe him to corn̄
[Yo]w are to blame what yow his father
[Y]f yow suffer him heil make yow a starke foollorn̄
*** him tast of the rodde & ride byard rather
[Yo]w are to blame what yow his father
[Y]f yow suffer him heil make yow a starke foollorn̄
*** him tast of the rodde & ride byard rather
Nay stay a wh[ile and] th[en] showe your manhodde
Your father was pleaste but he dourste not so deale
no sayth the other yow are then but a cowarde
Yf I was as yow my feste he shoulde fele.
Goges woundes.
Ye haue not all yet if this gentleman dourste
Your father enquired to nourture him then
Dare I (quoth he) he is not so courste
Ile hamper him I warrent yow & all his men.
By his soule & sydes by his death & his life
Ile make ye olde churle repente this talke
hamper me (quoth you) where is my knife
Ile sticke him by the mas if this waye he walke.
Your knyfe fye for shame yow shoulde say your dagger
Godes my armes sticke not to drawe your sworde.
(Will I) i that I will a fartte for the bragger
he shall downe if he giue me but one bouggish worde
Now I cun yow thanke that is spoken like a man
Yow to be brought of such a loute vnder
I defy him I with all that he can
Let my father takes parte & Ile both of them cunger.
Well sayde olde ladde but stay your wisdome a while
Its here in fayth ile go playe a prety pranke
I knowe the waye how yow may him revile
and so vse him that agayne heil neare be so cranke
Hoe cacurgus ile performe the my promisse
tell me the way and make thy selfe priste
and of my honestye thoust haue my best benefice
and ever hereafter in my favoure be highest
Prepare your selfe then in a readynes oute of hande
where be your sarvinge men call the knaves oute
here in this way together all stande
at laste they may helpe to face out the loute
And what wilt thou doe wilt thou get the hence
wilt thou forsake me when I haue most nede
Its bed tyme nowe I will goe to my wench
fare thou well for this tyme god sende the good speede
And thou wilt nedes be gone then fare well froste
All thy mynde I perceave is of Jone
I did but ieste Ile to take vp the rost
& cause this gentleman to come oute alone
exit Cacurgus.
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