![]() | The Discription of A Maske | ![]() |
As in battailes, so in all other actions that are to bee reported, the first, and most necessary part is the discription of the place, with his oportunities, and properties, whether they be naturall, or artificiall. The greate hall (wherein the Maske was presented) receiued this diuision, and order: The vpper part where the cloth & chaire of State were plac't, had scaffoldes and seates on eyther side continued to the skreene; right before it was made a partition for the dauncing place; on the right hand whereof were consorted ten Musitions, with Basse and Meane Lutes, a Bandora, a double Sack-bott, and an Harpsicord, with two
Thus much for the place, and now from thence let vs come to the persons.
The Maskers names were these, (whom both for order and honour I mention in the first place.
1 Lord Walden.
2 Sir Thomas Howard.
3 Sir Henrie Carey Master of the Iewell house.
4 Sir Richard Preston, Gent. of the K. priuie Chamber.
5 Sir Iohn Ashley, Gent. of the K. priuie Chamber.
6 Sir Thomas Iarret Pentioner.
7 Sir Iohn Digby, one of the Kings Caruers.
8 Sir Thomas Badger, Master of the King Hariers.
9 Maister Goringe.
Their number Nine, the best and amplest of numbers, for us in Musicke seuen notes containe all varietie, the eight being in nature the same with the
The Speakers were in number foure.
Flora the Queene of Flowers, attired in a changeable Taffatie Gowne, with a large vale embrodered with flowers, a Crowne of flowers, and white buskins painted with flowers.
ZEPHYRVS in a white loose robe of sky coloured Taffatie, with a mantle of white silke prop't with wyre, stil wauing behind him as he moued; on his head hee wore a wreath of Palme deckt with Primmeroses and Violets, the hayre of his head and beard were flaxen, and his buskins white, and painted with flowers.
NIGHT in a close robe of blacke silke & gold, a blacke mantle embrodered with starres, a crowne of starres on her head, her haire blacke and spangled with gold, her face blacke, her buskins blacke, and painted with starres, in her hand shee bore a blacke wand, wreathed with gold.
HESPERVS in a close robe of a deep crimson
These are the principall persons that beare sway in this inuention, others that are but secunders to these, I will describe in their proper places, discoursing the Maske in order as it was performed.
As soone as the King was entred the great Hall, the Hoboyes (out of the wood on the top of the hil) entertained the time till his Maiestie and his trayne were placed, and then after a little expectation the consort of ten began to play an Ayre, at the sound wherof the vale on the right hand was withdrawne, and the ascent of the hill with the bower of Flora were discouered, where Flora & Zepherus were busily plucking flowers from the Bower, and throwing them into two baskets, which two Siluans held, who were attired in changeable Taffatie, with wreathes of flowers on their heads. As soone as the baskets were filled, they came downe in this order, First Zepherus and Flora, then the two Siluans with baskets after them: Foure Siluans in greene taffatie, and wreathes, two beating meane Lutes, the third a base Lute, and the fourth a deepe Bandora.
As soone as they came to the discent toward the dauncing place, the consort of tenne ceac't, and the foure Siluans playd the same Ayre, to which Zepherus and the two other Siluans did sing these words in a base, Tenor, and treble voyce, and going vp and
To befrend this place with flowers;
Strowe aboute, strowe aboute,
The Skye rayn'd neuer kindlyer Showers.
Flowers with Bridalls well agree,
Fresh as Brides, and Bridgromes be,
Strowe aboute, strowe aboute,
And mixe them with fit melodie.
Earth hath no Princelier flowers
Then Roses white, and Roses red,
But they must still be mingled.
And as a Rose new pluckt from Venus thorne
So doth a Bride her Bride groomes bed adorne.
For some priuate deare respect,
Strowe about, strow about,
Let euery one his owne protect.
But hees none of Floras friend
That will not the Rose commend.
Strow about, strow about,
Let Princes Princely flowers defend.
Roses the Gardens pride,
Are flowers for loue, and flowers for Kinges,
In courts desir'd, and Weddings.
And as a Rose in Venus bosome worne,
So doth a Bridegroome his Brides bed adorne.
Flowers and good wishes Flora doth present,
Sweete flowers, the ceremonious ornament
Of maiden mariage, Beautie figuring,
And blooming youth, which though we careles fling
About this sacred place, let none prophane
Thinke that these fruits from common hils are tane,
Or Vulgar vallies which do subiect lie
To winters wrath, and cold mortalitie.
But these are hallowed and immortall flowers
With Floras hands gather'd from Floras bowres.
Such are her presents, endles, as her loue,
And such for euer may this nights ioy proue.
For euer endles may this night ioy proue,
So eccocs Zephyrus the friend of loue.
Whose aide Venus implores when she doth bring
Into the naked world the greene-leau'd spring.
When of the Sunnes warme beames the Nets we weaue
That can the stubborn'st heart with loue deceiue.
That Queene of beauty, and desire by me
Breaths gently forth this Bridall prophecie.
Faithfull and fruitfull shall these Bedmates proue,
Blest in their fortunes, honoured in their loue.
All grace this night, & Siluans so must you,
Offring your mariage song with chāges new
VVho is the happier of the two,
A maide, or wife?
Which is more to be desired
Peace or strife?
What strife can be where two are one,
Or what delight to pine alone?
None such true freendes, none so sweet life,
As that betweene the man and wife.
A maide is free, a wife is tyed.
No maide but faine would be a Bride.
Why liue so many single then.
Tis not I hope for want of men?
The bow and arrow both may fit,
And yet tis hard the marke to hit.
He leuels faire that by his side
Laies at night his louely Bride.
Sing Io: Hymen, Io: Io: Hymen.
This song being ended the whole vale is sodainly drawne, the groue and trees of gold, and the hill with Dianas tree are at once discouered.
Night appeares in her house with her 9. houres, apparrelled in large robes of black taffatie, painted thicke with starres, their haires long, blacke, and spangled with gold, on their heads coronets of stars and their faces blacke, euery houre bore in his hand a blacke torch, painted with starres, and lighted. Night presently descending from her house spake as followeth.
Vanish darke vales, let night in glory shine
As she doth burn in rage, come leaue our shrine
You black hair'd hours, and guide vs with your lights,
Flora hath wakened wide our drowsy sprights
See where she triumphs, see her flowers are throwne,
And all about the seedes of malice sowne?
Despightfull Flora ist not enough of griefe
That Cynthia's robd, but thou must grace the theefe?
Or didst not here Nights soueraigne Queen complaine
Hymen had stolne a Nimph out of her traine.
And matcht her here plighted henceforth to be
Loues friend, and stranger to Virginitie
And mak'st thou sport for this?
Bee mild sterne night
Flora doth honour Cinthia, and her right,
Virginitie is a voluntary powre,
Free from constraint, euen like an vntoucht flower
Meete to be gather'd when tis throughly blowne.
The Nimph was Cinthias while she was her owne,
But now another claimes in her a right
By fate reseru'd thereto, and wise foresight.
Can Cynthia one kind virgins losse bemone?
How if perhaps she brings her tenne for one?
Or can shee misse one in so full a traine?
Your Goddesse doth of too much store complaine.
If all her Nimphes would aske aduise of me
There should be fewer virgins then there be.
Nature ordaind not Men to liue alone,
Where there are two, a Woman should be one.
Thou breath'st sweet poison wāton Zephyrus
But Cynthia must not be deluded thus.
Her holy Forrests are by theeues prophan'd,
Her Virgins frighted, and loe, where they stand
That late were Phœbus Knights, turnd now to trees
By Cynthias vengement for their iniuries
In seeking to seduce her Nymphes with loue:
Here they are fixt and neuer may remoue
But by Dianaes power that stucke them here.
Apollos loue to them doth yet appeare,
In that his beames hath guilt them a they grow,
To make their miserie yeeld the greater show.
But they shall tremble when sad Night doth speake,
And at her stormy words their boughes shall breake.
Toward the end of this speech Hesperus begins to descend by the house of Night, and by that time the speech was finisht he was readie to speake.
Hayle reuerend angrie Night, haile Queene of Flowers,
Mild sprited Zephyrus haile, Siluans and Howers.
Hesperus brings peace, cease then your needlesse tarres
Here in this little firmament of starres.
Cynthia is now by Phœbus pacified,
And well content her Nymph is made a Bride
Since the faire match was by that Phœbus grac't
Which in this happie Westerne Ile is plac't
As he in heauen, one lampe enlightning all
That vnder his benigne aspect doth fall.
For artes and wisedomes meete for Phœbus throne.
The Nymph is honour'd, and Diana pleas'd:
Night be you then, and your blacke howers appeas'd:
And friendly listen what your Queene by me
Farther commaunds, let this my credence be,
View it, and know it for the highest gemme,
That hung on her imperiall Diadem.
I know, and honour it louely Hesperus,
Speake then your message, both are welcome to vs.
Your Soueraigne frōthe vertuous gem she sends
Bids you take power to retransforme the frends
Of Phœbus, metamorphos'd here to trees,
And giue them straight the shapes which they did leese.
This is her pleasure.
Hesperus I obey,
Night must needs yeeld when Phœbus gets the day.
Honor'd be Cynthia for this generous deede.
Pitie growes onely from celestiall seede.
If all seeme glad, why should we onely lowre?
Since t'expresse gladnes we haue now most power.
Frolike grac't Captiues, we present you here
This glasse, wherein your liberties appeare,
Cynthia is pacified, and now blithe Night
Begins to shake off melancholy quite.
VVho shold grace mirth, & reuels but the night,
Next loue she should be goddesse of delight.
Tis now a time when (Zephyrus) all with dancing
Honor me, aboue day my state aduancing.
Ile now be frolicke, all is full of hart,
And eu'n these trees for ioy shall beare a part.
Zephyrus they shall dance.
Daunce Goddesse? how?
Seemes that so full of strangenes to you now?
Did not the Thracian harpe long since the same?
And (if we ripp the ould records of fame)
Did not Amphions lyre the deafe stones call,
When they came dancing to the Theban wall?
Can musicke then ioye? ioy mountaines moues
And why not trees? ioyes powerfull when it loues.
Could the religious Oake speake Oracle
Like to the Gods? and the tree wounded tell
T'Æneas his sad storie? haue trees therefore
The instruments of speech, and hearing more
Then th'aue of pacing, and to whom but Night
Belong enchantments? who can more affright
The eie with magick wonders? Night alone
Is fit for miracles, and this shalbe one
Apt for this Nuptiall dauncing iollitie.
Earth then be soft and passable to free
These fettered roots? ioy trees the time drawes neere
When in your better formes you shall appeare.
Dauncing, and musicke must prepare the way,
Ther's little tedious time in such delay.
You charmed groue of gould,
That shall your formes vnfold.
Endue your Siluan shapes with powre this strāge delight to make
Much ioy must needs the place betide where trees for gladnes moue,
A fairer sight was nere beheld, or more expressing loue.
Mete on your winding waies,
Your Brydall mirth make knowne
In your high-graced Hayes.
While we do Io Hymen sing in honour of this night
Ioyne three by three, for so the night by triple spel decrees
Now to release Apollos knights from these enchanted trees.
By vertue of this wand, and touch deuine,
These Siluan shadowes back to earth resigne,
Your natiue formes resume, with habite faire,
While solemne musick shall enchant the aire
Presently the Siluans with their foure instrumēts, and fiue voices, began to play, and sing together the
Either by the simplicity, negligence, or conspiracy of the painter, the passing away of the trees was somewhat hazarded the patterene of them the same day hauing bene showne with much admiration, and the 9 trees beeing left vnsett together euen to the same night.
Songe of transformation.
Night , and Diana charge,
And th'Earth obayes
Opening large
Her secret waies,
While Apollos charmed men
Their formes receiue againe–
And so fall downe, and rest behinde the traine
Giue gratious Phœbus honour then and so fall &c.
When those wordes were sung, the three maskers made an honour to the King, and so falling backe the other sixe trees three by three came forward, & when they were in their appointed places Night spake againe thus
Thus can celestials worke in humane fate,
Transforme, & forme as they do loue or hate.
Like touch, and change receiue: the Gods agree
The best of numbers is contained in three.
The song of transformation againe.
Night and Diana, &c.
Then Night toucht the second three trees and the stage suncke with them as before. And in breefe the second three did in all points as the first: Then night spake againe.
The last, & third of nine, touch magick wand,
And giue them back their formes at nights command
Night toucht the third 3. trees & the same charme of Night and Diana was sung the third time, the last three trees were transformed, and the Maskers raisd. VVhen presently the first Musique began his full Chorus.
Long liue Apollo Brittaines glorious eye.
This Chorus was in manner of an Eccho, seconded by the Cornets, then by the consort of ten, then by the consort of twelue, and by a double Chorus of voices standing on either side, the one against the other bearing fiue voices a peece, and sometime euery Chorus was heard seuerally, somtime mixt, but in the end altogether: which kinde of harmony so distinguisht by the place, and by the seuerall nature of instruments, and changeable conveyance of the song, and performed by so many excellēt masters, as were actors in that musicke, (their number in all amounting to fortie two voyces and instruments) could not but yeeld great satisfaction to the hearers.
While this Chorus was repeated twice ouer, the Nine maskers in their greene habitts solemnely descended to the dauncing place, in such order as they were to begin their daunce, and as soone as the Chorus ended, the violins, or consorte of twelue began to play the second new daunce, which was taken in forme of an Eccho by the cornetts, and then cat'cht in like manner by the consort often, sometime they mingled two musickes together; sometime plaid all at once; which kind of ecchoing musicke rarely became their Siluan attire, and was so truely mixed together, that no daunce could euer bee better grac't then that, as (in such distraction of musicke) it was performed by the maskers. After this daunce Night descended from the groue, and addreste her speech to the maskers, as followeth.
Phœbus is pleas'd, and all reioice to see
His seruants from their golden prison free.
But yet since Cinthia hath so freendly smilde,
And to you tree-borne Knights, is reconcild,
First ere you any more worke vndertake,
About her tree solemne procession make,
Dianas tree, the tree of Chastitie,
That plac't alone on yonder hill you see.
These greene leau'd robes wherein disguisde you made
Stelths to her Nimphes through the thicke forrests shade
There to the goddesse offer thankfully,
That she may not in vaine appeased be.
The night shall guide you, and her howres attend you
That no ill eyes, or spirits shall offend yon.
At the end of this speech Night began to leade the way alone, & after her an Houre with his torch and after the houre a masker, and so in order one by one, a torch bearer and a masker, they march on towards Dianas tree. VVhen the Maskers came by the house of Night, euery one by his houre receiued his helmet, and had his false robe pluckt off, & bearing it in his hand, with a low honour offred it at the tree of Chastitie, and so in his glorious habit, with his houre before him march't to the bowre of Flora. The shape of their habit the picture before discouers, the stuffe was of Carnation satten layed thicke with broad siluer lace, their helmets beeing made of the same stuffe. So through the bowre of Flora they came, where they ioyned two torch-bearers, and two Maskers, and when they past downe to the groue: the houres parted on either side, and made way betweene them for the Maskers, who descended
VVith spotles mindes now mount we to the tree
Of single chastitie.
The roote is temperance grounded deepe
Which the coldiewc't earth doth steepe:
Water it desires alone,
Other drinke it thirsts for none:
Therewith the sober branches it doth feede,
Which though they fruitlesse be,
Yet comely leaues they breede,
To beautifie the tree,
Cynthia protectresse is, and for her sake,
We this graue procession make.
Chast eies and eares, pure heartes, and voices
Are graces wherein Phœbe most reioyces.
The motet beeing ended the Violins began the third new dance, which was liuely performed by the Maskers, after which they tooke forth the Ladies, and danc't the measures with them, which being finisht, the Maskers brought the Ladies back againe to their places: and Hesperus with the rest descended from the groue into the dauncing place, & spake to the Maskers as followeth.
Knights of Apollo proude of your new birth,
Pursue your triumphs still with ioy and mirth,
Your changed fortunes, and redeemd estate
Hesperus to your Soueraigne will relate,
T'is now high time he were far hence retir'd,
Through the dimme euening shades, then taking flight
Giues place and honour to the nuptiall Night.
I that wish't euening starre must now make way
To Hymens rights much wrong'd by my delay.
But on Nights princely state you ought t'attend,
And t'honour your new reconciled frind.
Hesperus as you with concord came, eu'n so
T'is meet that you with cōcord hence shold go
Then ioyne you that in voice, and art excell,
To giue this starre a musicall farewell.
A Diologue of foure voices two Bases and two trebles.
Of all the starres which is the kindest
To a louing Bride?
Hesperus when in the west
He doth the day from night deuide.
What message can be more respected
Then that which tells wish't toyes shalbe effected?
Do not Brides watch the euening starre?
O they can discerne it farre:
Loue Bridegroomes reuels?
But for fashion.
And why?
They hinder wisht occasion.
Longing hearts and new delights,
Loue short dayes, and long nights
Hesperus since you all starres excell
In Bridall kindnes kindly farewell farewell.
VVhile these wordes of the Chorus (kindly farewell farewell) were in singing often repeated Hesperus tooke his leaue seue ally of Night, Flora, & Zephyrus, the Howers, and Siluans, and so while the Chorus was sung ouer the second time, hee was got
Come Flora let vs now withdraw our traine
That th'ecclipst reuels maie shine forth againe
Now the Maskers began their lighter daunces as Currantoes, Leualtas, and galliards, wherein when they had spēt as much time as they thought fit, night spake thus from the groue, and in her speech descēded a little into the dauncing place.
Here stay, Night leaden-eied, and sprighted growes
And her late houres begin to hang their browes
Hymen long since the Bridall bed hath drest,
And longs to bring the turtles to their nest.
Then with one quick dence sound vp your delight,
And with one song weele bid you all god-Night.
At the end of these words, the violins began the 4. new dance, which was excellētly discharged by the Maskers, & it ended with a light chāge of musick & mesure: After the dance followed this dialogue of 2 voices, a base & tenor sung by a Siluan, & an Howre.
Ten: Siluan.
Tell me gentle howre of night
Wherein dost thou most delight?
Bas. Howre.
Not in sleepe,
Wherein then?
In the frolicke vew of men?
Louest thou musicke?
O t'is sweet.
Whats dauncing?
Eu'n the mirth of feete
Ioy you in Fayries and id elues?
We are of that sore our selues,
But Siluan say whie do you loue
Life is fullest of content
Where delight is innocent.
Pleasure must varie not be long,
Come then lets close, and end our song.
Yet ere we vanish from this princely sight,
Let vs bid Phœbus, & his states god-night
This Chorus was performed with seuerall Ecchoes of musicke, and voices, in manner as the great Chous before. At the end whereof the Maskers putting off their visards, & helmets, made a low honour to the King, and attended his Ma: to the banquetting place.
![]() | The Discription of A Maske | ![]() |