The Lovers Melancholy | ||
To tell yee (Gentlemen) in what true senseThe Writer, Actors, or the audience
Should mold their Iudgemēts for a Play, might draw
Truth into Rules, but we haue no such law.
Our Writer, for himselfe would haue yee know,
That in his following Sceanes, he doth not owe
To others Fancies, nor hath layne in wait
For any stolne Inuention, from whose height
He might commend his owne, more then the right
A Scholer claimes, may warrant for delight.
It is Arts scorne, that some of late haue made
The Noble vse of Poetry a Trade.
For your parts (Gentlemen) to quite his paines,
Yet you will please, that as you meet with straines
Of lighter mixtures, but to cast your eye
Rather vpon the maine, then on the bye.
His hopes stand firme, and we shall find it true,
The Louers Melancholy cur'd by you.
The Lovers Melancholy | ||