Believe as you List | ||
[Act 3d.]
Scæne first
[Ent:] flaminivs [wt h. 2. letters] [Calistus. Demetrivs]fla:
you gaue hym store of gold with the instructions
that I prescribde hym.
yes my lord, and on
the forfeiture of my credit with your [hono] honor
Titus will doe his parts and diue into
their deepest secrets.
men of place pay deere
for their intelligence it eates out the profit
of their imployment. but in a designe
of such waight prodigalitie is a vertue.
for their intelligence it eates out the profit
of their imployment. but in a designe
of such waight prodigalitie is a vertue.
the fellowe was of trust that yo[OMITTED]espatchd
to Rome with the packet?
to Rome with the packet?
yes sr Hee flies not rides.
by this yf his accesse answer his care
Hee is vpon returne.
I am on the stage
and yf now in the scæne imposd vpon mee
soe full of change, nay a meere labirinth
of politicque windinges I showe not my selfe
a Protean actor varijnge everie shape
with the occasion, it will hardlye poyze
the expectation. Ile soe place my nets
at one flight out of [Europe] Affricque I shall catch hym.
gieue theis at Siracusa
to the [good kinge Hiero.] [proconsul Marcellus] let another post
to Sardinia with theis. you haue the picture
of the impostor?
drawne to the life my lord.
take it alonge with you. I haue com̄anded
in the senates name that they man out their gallies,
and not to let one vessell passe without
a stricte examination. the sea
shall not protecte hym from mee. I haue chargd to
the garrisons that keepe the passages
by lande, to let none scape, that come from Carthage
in the senates name that they man out their gallies,
and not to let one vessell passe without
a stricte examination. the sea
shall not protecte hym from mee. I haue chargd to
the garrisons that keepe the passages
by lande, to let none scape, that come from Carthage
without a curious serch.
Enter Lentulus.
I will excuse
my visit without preparation, feare not.
whoe haue wee heere?
when you haue viewd mee better
you will resolue your selfe.
my good Lord Lentulus.
you name mee right. the speed that brought mee hither
as you see accoutred, and without a trayne
sutable to my rancke, may tell your lordship
that the designe admits noe vacant time
for complement. your advertisements haue bene read
are full of wonder, and astonishement
at the relation. your care is much
com̄ended, and will finde a due rewarde
when what you haue soe well begun, is ended.
in the meane time with their perticular thanckes
they thus salute you. you shall finde there that
their good opinion of mee (far aboue
my hopes, or meritts,) haue appointed mee
your successor in Carthage, and com̄it
vnto your abler trust the prosecution
of this impostor
as their creature ever
I shall obey, and serue em. I will leaue
my freed man to instructe you in the course
of my proceedinges. you shall finde hym able
& faithfull on my honor.
I receaue hym
at his due valewe. can you ghesse yet whither
this creature tendes? by some passengers I met
I was tolde howere the state denies to yeelde hym
to oure dispose they will not yet incense vs
by gievinge hym protection.
[Enter Titus.]
ere longe
I hope I shall res[OMITTED]ue you. to my wishe
heere comes my trew discoverer. bee briefe,
& labour not with circumstance to indeere
the service thou hast donne mee.
heere comes my trew discoverer. bee briefe,
& labour not with circumstance to indeere
the service thou hast donne mee.
as your lordship
com̄anded mee in this Carthaginian habit
I made my first approches, and deliverd
the golde was giun mee as a private present
to another cuntrie. for I did pretende
I was his mæniall servant.
very well.
'twas entertaind almost with sacrifice
and I as one most welcome was admitted
into their turbulent counsaile. many meanes
were there propounded, whither, and to whom
their kinge Antiochus (for soe they stile hym)
shoulde flie for safetie. one vrgd to the Parthian,
a seconde into Egipt, and a thirde
to the Batavian. but in conclusion
the corpulent flamen that woulde governe all,
& in his nature woulde not gieue allowance
to any proposition that was not
the childe of his owne brayne resolud to carry
their may game prince coverd with a disguise
to Prusias kinge of Bithinia. his opinion
carried it, and thither without pause, or stay
to thancke my lord for his bountie, they are gone
vpon my certaine knowledge for I rid
two dayes, and nights alonge that I might not builde
vpon suppositions. by this they are
at their iourneys ende.
with my thanckes [take] theres thy rewarde.
I will take little rest vntill I haue
sowrd his sweete entertainment. you haue bene
in the court of this Prusias, of what temper is hee?
a well disposd, and noble gentleman,
and very carefull to preserue the peace
& quiet of his subiects.
I shall finde hym
his spetiall favorite?
one that was his tutor.
a seeminge polititian, and talkes often
the ende of his ambition is to bee
a gentleman of Rome.
I shall fit hym, feare not
your travayles ended. mine begins, and therefore
[sans ceremonie] I will take my leaue formalitie of manners now is vselesse.
I longe to bee a horsebacke.
you haue my wishes
for a faire successe.
my care shall not bee wantinge.
scæna secunda.
Antiochus. the .3. marchants.1 marchant:
This tædious iourney from your maiesties
longe discontinuance of ridinge hard
with wearinesse hath dulld your spirits.
2 marchant:
the flamen
his corpulencie consyderd hath helde out
beyonde imagination
3 marchant:
as often as hee rodd downe a hill I did expect
the chininge of his horse.
I wonder more
how mine sustaind his burthen. since the waight
that sitts on my more heavie heart woulde cracke
the sinewes of an elephant.
2 marchant:
tis sayd
that beast hath strength to carry syx arm'd men
trewe but the sorrowe
of a wretched, and forsaken kinge like mee
is far more ponderous.
1 marchant:
o part not sr
from your owne strength by yeeldinge to despaire
I am most confident Berecinthivs will
from the greate kinge Prusias, in his goodnesse greate
bringe comfort to you.
I am prepar'd however
lower I cannot fall.
3 mar:
Ha! theis are signes
of a glorious entertainment, not contempt.
[Enter Berecinthivs.]
beare vp sr. I haue donne you simple service,
I thancke my eloquence, and boldnesse for it.
when would a modest, silent foole effect
what I haue donne, but such men are not borne
for great employments. The fox that woulde confer
with a lyon, without feare, must see hym often.
o for a dozen of rubbers, and a bath
and yet I neede noe tubbe since I drench my selfe
in mine owne balsum.
1 marchant:
balsamum? it smells
like a tallow chandlers shoppe.
does it soe you thinnegut?
thow thinge without moysture. but I haue noe time
to answer thee. the greate kinge (by my meanes sr
ever remember that) in his owne person
with his faire consort, and a gallant trayne
are come to entertaine you.
[Ioue yf thow art]
[pleasd that it shall bee soe.]
[change not you Ioues purpose]
[in your slownesse to receaue it. in your carriage]
[expresse your selfe. they come.]
[Enter Prusias. Queene. Philoxenus.] [attendants.]
the stronge assurance
you gaue at Carthage to confirme you are
the kinge Antiochus (for soe much from
my agent there I haue heard) com̄andes mee to
beleeue you are soe. & however they
awde by the Roman greatenesse durst not lende you
aide or protection; in mee you shall finde
a surer gard. I stande on mine owne bases:
nor shall or threates, or prayers deter mee from
doeinge a good deed in it selfe rewarded.
you are welcome to my bosome.
all that yet
I can returne [is] you sr is thanckes, expre'sd
in teares of ioy, to find heere that compassion
hath not forsooke the earth.
alas good kinge
I pittie hym.
this ladye sr your servant
presents her dutye to you.
[OMITTED] Antiochus:
pray you forgieue mee
callamitie my to longe rude companion
hath taught mee gratious madam to forget
civilitie, & manners.
I nere touchd
but the kinge my husbands lipps, & as I liue
but the kinge my husbands lipps, & as I liue
hee kisses very like hym.
heere is one
I dare present to you for a knoweinge man
in politicque designes but hee is present
your assistance sr
to rayse a [k] trod downe kinge will well become you
what man can doe that is familiar with
the deepe directions of [Xemophon] Xenophon,
or Aristotles politicques, besides
mine owne collections, wch some prefer
& with good reason as they say before em
your highnes may expecte
wee will at leasure
consyder of the manner, and the meanes
how to restore you to your owne.
& till then
suppose your selfe in your owne court.
the gods
bee sureties for the payment of this debt
I stande ingagde. your bounties overwhelme mee.
exevnt. Prusias. Antiochus Queene. Philoxenus attendants.
I marrie this is as it shoulde bee. ha?
after theis stormes raysde by this Roman divell
Titus flaminivs, you knowe whom I meane
are wee got into the port once. I must purge.
1 marchant:
not without cause.
or my increasinge bellie
will metamorphose mee into the [shape] shape
of a greate tortoyse, and I shall appeare
a cypher, a rounde man, or what you will
now ieere at my bulke, and spare not.
1 marchant:
you are pleasant.
farce thy leane ribbes with hope, and thow wilt growe to
restor'd, let mee consyder, as hee must bee
and I the principall meanes, Ile first growe rich,
infinite rich, and builde a strange newe temple
to the goddesse that I worship, and soe binde her
to prosper all my purposes.
2 marchant:
bee not rapd soe.
prethee doe not trouble mee. first I will expell
the Romans out of Asia. and soe breakinge
their reputation in the worlde, wee will
renewe our league wt h Carthage. then drawe [in] to
our partye, the Ægiptian Ptolomee,
and greate Arsaces issue. I will bee
the Generall, and marche to Rome, wch taken
Ile fill prowd Tiber with the carkases
of men, woemen, & children. doe not persuade mee
Ile showe noe mercie.
3 marchant:
haue the power to hurt first.
then by the senators whom Ile vse as horses,
I will bee drawne in a chariot made for my bulke
in trivmph to the Capitoll more admir'd
then Bacchus was in India. Titus flaminivs
our enemie lead like a dogge in a chaine
as I descende, or reascende in state
shall serue for my footestoole. [I will coniure hym]
[yf revenge hath any spells.]
[Enter flaminivs. &] [[Titus.] Demetrivs.]
com̄ande the Captaine
to waite mee with his galley at the next port
I am confident I shall fraught hym.
exit Demetrivs
1 marchant:
you are coniuringe
& see what you haue raysde
Cybele saue mee
I doe not feare thee Pluto thowgh thou hast
I doe not feare thee Pluto thowgh thou hast
assum'd a shape not to bee matchde in Cocytus.
why dost thou followe mee?
why dost thou followe mee?
art thow mad?
thow comest
to make mee soe. how my iellie quakes! avant
what haue I to doe with thee.
you shall knowe at leasure.
the time is nowe to pretious.
exit flaminivs.
'tis vanish'd.
sure 'twas an apparition
1 marchant:
I feare
a fatall one to vs.
2 marchant:
wee may easilie ghesse at
the cause that bringes hym hither.
3 marchant:
now yf ever
confirme the kinge.
1 marchant:
against this batterie
new workes are to bee raysd, or wee are ruinde.
what thincke you of this rampire? 'twill holde out,
and hee shall shoote throwgh, and throwgh it but Ile crosse hym.
[scæna tertia.]
[flaminivs. Philoxenus.]flaminivs:
what wee haue sayd the Consulls will make good
and the glad senate ratefie.
they haue soe
obligde mee for this favor, that there is not
a service of that difficultie from wch
I woulde decline. in this rest confident
I am your owne, and sure.
you shall doe sr
a noble office in it. and however
& certaine honors, the worldes terror Rome
in thanckefulnesse cannot but shower vpon you,
are whoelye yours. how happie I esteeme
my selfe in this imployment to meete with
a wise, and provident statesman.
my good lord.
I flatter not in speakinge truth. you are soe
& in this prompt alacritie confirme it
since a wise forecast in the managing
worldlye affaires is the trewe wisdome, rashnesse
the schoolemistrisse of idiots. you well knowe
charitie begins at home, and that wee are
neerest vnto our selves. fooles builde vpon
imaginarie hopes, but wisemen ever
on reall certainties. a tender conscience
like a gloweworme showes a seeminge fire in darkenesse,
but set neere to the glorious light of honor
it is invisible. as you are a statseman,
and a master in that art, you must remoue
all rubbs (thowgh[g] with a little wronge, sometimes)
that may put by the bias of your counsailes,
from the faire marke they aime at.
you are read well
in worldlye passages.
I barter with you
such trifles as I haue. but yf you pleasde
you could instruct mee, that Philosophie,
and policie in states are not such strangers
as men ore curious and precise would haue em.
but to the poynt. with speede get mee accesse
to the kinge your pupil, and tis well for hym
that Hee hath such a tutor. rich Bithinia
& vigilant watchman for her peace, and safetie
as to your selfe.
without boast[e]e I may whisper
I haue donne somethinge that way.
all, in all.
fame fillinge her lowde trompe with truth proclaimes it.
but when it shall bee vnderstood you are
the principall meanes, by wch a dangerous serpent
warmde in your soveraignes bosome, is deliverd,
to haue his stinge, and venemous teeth pulld out
and the ruine in a willinge grant avoyded,
wch in detayninge hym falls on the kingedome
not Prusias alone, but his sau'd people
will rayse your providence altars
let mee intreate
your pacyence some few minutes, Ile bringe the kinge
in person to you.
doe, and this effected
thincke of the ringe you are priveledgde to weare
when a Roman gentleman, and after that
of provinces, and purple. I must smile now
exit Philoxenus.
in my consideration, with what glibnesse
my flatteries oyld with hopes of future greatenesse
are swallow'd by this dull pate. but it is not
worth 'thobservation. most of our seeminge statsemen
are cought in the same [nooze] nooze. retur'nd soe soone
[Enter Prusias, &] [Philoxenus.]
& the kinge with hym? but his angrie forhead
furrow'd with frownes noe matter I am for hym.
from the people of Rome? soe quicke! hath hee brought with hym
to treate with vs?
I read em.
what can hee
propounde, wch I must feare to heare? I woulde
continewe in faire tearmes with that warlike nation,
ever provided I wronge not my selfe
in the least poynt of honor.
to the full
Hee will instructe your maiestie.
soe may
fælicitie as a page attende your person
as you embrace the freindly counsaile sent you
from the Roman senate.
with my thanckes to you
their instrument, yf the advice bee such
as by this preparation you woulde haue mee
conceaue it is, I shall (and 'twill become mee)
receaue it as a favour.
know then Rome
in her pious care, that you may still increase
the happinesse you liue in; and your subiectes
vnder the shadowe of their owne vines eate
the fruite they yeeld 'em; their soft musicall feasts
continewinge, as they doe yet, vnaffrighted
with the harsh noyse of war, intreates as low
as her knowne power and maiestie can descende
you woulde returne with due æqualitie
a willingenes to preserue what shee hath conquer'd
from change, and innovation.
I attempt not
to trouble her nor ever will
fix there
or yf for your owne good you will moue farther
into her handes the false impostor that
seekes to disturbe her quiet.
this I loo'kd for
& that I shoulde finde mortall poyson wrapde vp
in your candied pills. must I because you say soe
beleeue that this most miserable kinge is
a false affronter? whoe with arguments
vnanswerable & meere miraculous proofes
confirmes hym selfe the trewe Antiochus.
or is it not sufficient that you Romans
in your vnsatisfied ambition haue
seasd with an vniust gripe on halfe the worlde,
wch you call conquest, yf that I consent not
to haue my innocence soylde with that pollution,
you are willingelye smeard ore with.
pray you heare mee.
I will bee first heard. shall I for your endes
infringe my princelye word? or breake the lawes
of hospitalitie? defeate my selfe
of the certaine honor to restore a kinge
vnto his owne? and what you Romans haue
extorted, and keepe from hym? far bee it from mee
I will not buy your amitie at such losse.
soe it bee to all after times remembred
I held it not sufficient to liue
as one borne only for my selfe, and I
desire noe other monument.
I grant
it is a spetious thinge to leaue behinde vs
a faire report, thowgh in the other world
wee haue noe feelinge of it, & to lende
a desperate, thowgh fruitlesse ayde, to such
as fate not to bee alterd hath markd out
examples of callamitie, may appeare
the oracle of your kingedome that can tell you
when there's noe probabilitie it may be
effected 'tis meere madnesse to attempt it.
a trewe position
your inclination
is honorable but your power deficient
to put your purposes into act.
my power?
is not to bee disputed yf waighd truelye
with the pettie kinges your neighbours but when ballancd
with the globes, and scepters of my mistris Rome
will but I spare comparisons. but you builde on
your strength to iustefie the fact. alas
it is a feeble reede, & leaninge on it
will wounde your hande much sooner then support you.
you keepe in pay tis true some peace traynd troopes
wch awe your neighbours but consyder when
our egles shall display their sayle stretchde winges
hoveringe ore our legions, what defence
can you expecte from yours?
vrge that poynt home.
our olde victorious bandes are ever readie,
& such as are not our confæderates, tremble
to thincke where next the storme shall fall with horror.
Philoxenus knowes it. will you to helpe one
you shoulde contemne, and is not worth your pittie
& such as are not our confæderates, tremble
to thincke where next the storme shall fall with horror.
Philoxenus knowes it. will you to helpe one
you shoulde contemne, and is not worth your pittie
pull it on your owne head? your neighbour Carthage
would smile to see your error. let mee paynt
the danger to you ere it come, imagine
our legions, and th'auxiliarie forces
of such [such] as are our freinds, and tributaries
drawne vp, Bithinia cover'd with our [troopes] armies.
all places promisinge defence blockde vp
with our armd troopes; the siege continewinge;
famine within, and force without disablinge
all opposition; then the armie enter'd
(as victorie is insolent) the rapes
of virgins, and graue matrons; reverend old men
with their last grones accusinge you, your cittie,
and pallace sackd.
would smile to see your error. let mee paynt
the danger to you ere it come, imagine
our legions, and th'auxiliarie forces
of such [such] as are our freinds, and tributaries
all places promisinge defence blockde vp
with our armd troopes; the siege continewinge;
famine within, and force without disablinge
all opposition; then the armie enter'd
(as victorie is insolent) the rapes
of virgins, and graue matrons; reverend old men
with their last grones accusinge you, your cittie,
and pallace sackd.
deere sr
and you your selfe
captiude, and after that chainde by the necke,
your matchlesse queene, your children, officers freindes
waitinge as scornes of fortune to gieue lustre
to the victors trivmph.
I am in a fever
to thincke vppon 't.
as a freinde I haue deliverd
and more then my com̄ission warrants mee
[and more then my] this caution to you. but now peace, or war,
yf the first, I entertaine it, yf the later
Ile instantlye defie you.
pray you say peace sr.
on what conditions?
the deliverie
of this seductor, & his complices
on noe tearmes els, & suddainelye
how can I
dispense with my faith gieven.
Ile yeelde you reasons.
let it bee peace then oh. pray you call in
the wretched man. in the meane time Ile consyder
how to excuse my selfe.
exit Philoxenus
while I in silence
on the reward that crownes it. a stronge armie
coulde haue donne noe more, then I alone, and with
a little breath haue effected.
Enter Antiochus. Queene. Philoxenus. Berecinthivs. the 3 marchants. Demetrius. attendants.
goodnesse garde mee
whom doe I looke on. sr come further from hym.
hee is infectious; soe swolne with mischiefes
and strange impieties; his language to
soe full of siren sorceries, yf you heare hym
there is noe touch of morall honestie
though rampierd in your soule but will flie from you.
the mandrakes shrieks, the Aspicqs deadly tooth
the teares of crocodiles, or the Basiliskes eie
kill not soe soone nor with that violence
as Hee whoe in his cruell nature holds
antipathie with mercie.
I am sorrie.
sorrie? for what, that you had an intent
to bee a good, and iust prince? are compassion,
and charitie growne crimes?
the gods can witnesse
how much I woulde doe for you. and but that
necessitie of state.
make not the gods
guiltie of your breach of faith, from them you finde not
trecherie com̄anded, and the state that seekes
guiltie of your breach of faith, from them you finde not
trecherie com̄anded, and the state that seekes
strength from disloyaltie, in the quickesands wch
shee trusteth in is swallow'd. 'tis in vaine
to argue with you. yf I am condemnde
defences come to late. what doe you purpose
shall fall on poore Antiochus?
shee trusteth in is swallow'd. 'tis in vaine
to argue with you. yf I am condemnde
defences come to late. what doe you purpose
shall fall on poore Antiochus?
for my
securitie, there beeinge noe meanes left els,
against my will I must deliver you
[Ent: Garde—]
to whom?
to Romes embassador.
o the furies!
exceede not hym in crueltie. remember
I am a kinge. your royall ghest. your right hande
the pawne, and pledge, that should defende mee from
my bloodie enemie. did you accuse
the Carthaginian Senate for denijnge
ayde, and protection to mee, gievinge hope
to my despairinge fortunes? or but now
rayse mee to make my fall more terrible?
did you tax them of weakenesse, and will you
soe far transcende them in a coward feare
declaimde against by your owne mouth? o sr
yf you dare not gieue mee harbor, set mee safe yet
in any desert, where this serpents hisses
may not bee heard, and to the gods Ile speake you
a prince both wise, and honorable.
alas, it is not in my power.
as an impostor
take of my head then, at the least soe far
proue merciefull; or with any torture ease mee
of the burthen of a life, rather then yeelde mee
to this politicque state hangeman.
this to mee is
a kind of ravishinge musicque.
I haue liu'd
for many yeares sr your obedient handmayde,
nor ever in a sillable presum'd
to crosse your purposes: but now with a sorrow
(as greate almost as this poore kinges) behouldinge
deserue noe better name) I must put of
obsequiousnesse, and silence, and take to mee
the warrant, and authoritie of [a wife] your Queene
and as such gieue you counsaile.
you displease mee.
the phisicque promisinge health is ever bitter.
Heare mee. will you that are a man, nay more
a kinge of men, doe that forcd to it by feare
wch com̄on men woulde scorne? I am a woman,
a weake, and feeble woman, yet before
I woulde deliver vp my bondewoman
and haue it tolde I did it by constraynt
I would endure to haue theis hands cut of,
theis pull'd out.
Ile heare noe more.
doe you then
as a kinge shoulde.
away with her.
they beare of the Queene
my affaires
exacte a quicke despatch.
Hee's yours conceaue
what I woulde say farwell
exevnt Prusias & Philoxenus
that I had bene
borne dumbe. I will not grace thy trivmph tyranne.
borne dumbe. I will not grace thy trivmph tyranne.
with one request of favour.
exit Antiochus garded
my good Lord
your will deere flamen?
I perceaue you are like
to drawe a great charge vpon you. my fat bulke,
and theis my lyons will not bee kepd for a little
nor woulde wee bee chargeable. and therefore kissinge
by noe meanes
I haue bene busie, but I shall finde leasure
to treate with you in another place.
I woulde not
put your lordship to the trouble.
it will bee
a pleasure rather. bringe em all away.
the comfort is. whether I drowne, or hange
I shall not bee longe about it. Ile preserue
the dignitie of my famelie.
'twill become you.
the end of the thirde Acte.
Believe as you List | ||