University of Virginia Library


I Prethee send me back my heart,
Since I cannot have thine:
For if from yours you will not part,
Why then shouldst thou have mine?
Yet now I think on't, let it lie,
To find it were in vain,
For th'hast a thief in either eye
Would steal it back again.
Why should two hearts in one breast lie,
And yet not lodge together?
Oh Love, where is thy sympathie,
If thus our breasts thou sever!
But Love is such a mysterie,
I cannot find it out:
For when I think I'm best resolv'd,
I then am in most doubt.
Then farewel care, and farewel woe,
I will no longer pine:
For I'le believe I have her heart,
As much as she hath mine.
J. S.