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Carols for Easter-Tide

Set to Ancient Melodies by the Rev. T. Helmore ... the words Principally in imitation of the original, by the Rev. J. M. Neale

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XVI. Give ear, give ear, good Christian men!


Give ear, give ear, good Christian men!
The lay is worth a hearing:
We tell how grief hath ended woe,
And fear hath finished fearing:
And pain that lasted for a day
Hath brought eternal cheering!


Was ever battle won like this,—
Where He That lost was gaining:
And He That fell was triumphing,
And He That died was reigning:
And He That held the Reed of Scorn,
A Sceptre was obtaining?



The winner then had such a foil
As crush'd him down for ever:
The wise was taken in his craft,
The strong in his endeavour:
And He, the Slain, was Victor still,
And he that slew Him, never!


Give ear, give ear, good Christian men!
The riddle is expounded:
From north to south, from east to west,
Its meaning shall be sounded:
On Easter Day was fought the fight,
Whereon the Crown is founded!