University of Virginia Library



There's a wide sea flowing and a deep river going
Betwixt you and me, Mayo,
And there's no bridge over, and past all recover
Are the days of long ago.
But O it's dear you are, and O it's fair you are!
As I go to and fro
I see the great skies of you: the fall and rise of you
Are like my heart, Mayo!
Your great skies arching and your mountains marching,
Like Kings to the sea they go;
Croagh Patrick & Nephin have scarce their like in Heaven,
O the grandeur of your mountains, Mayo!
The wind from the ocean comes with a wild commotion
Over bogs I used to know;
Rose and bronze and azure, like a great King's treasure
The colours of your bogs, Mayo.
Was I ever fretful, of your beauty forgetful,
Were the days ever sad and slow,
When he and I together, walked in the wild weather,
Your roads and your fields, Mayo?
There's a blue sea by Achill and a long heather hill;
My heart keeps sighing soft and low;
But we'll never come again in the sun and in the rain
Over your shining plains, Mayo.