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[When Hope endears the Lover's chain]

When Hope endears the Lover's chain,
And sooths the enamoured heart;
When Beauty smiles to hear the strain,
How pleasing is the smart!
But if Despair the sting increase,
And every Hope remove;
If Beauty beam no ray of peace,
How dreadful 'tis to love!



[Days of Love are days of pleasure]

Days of Love are days of pleasure,
Love is Woman's mighty treasure,
Love is Man's excessive joy;
Love exalts the human soul,
'Tis the spark Prometheus stole,
When he formed his argil boy;
Without it still were man but clay,
And lovely woman a phosphoric ray.
Stella then impart thy treasure,
As thou hopest for days of pleasure;
Give me Love's excessive joy,
And exalt thy Lover's soul;
Fan the spark Prometheus stole,
Till the flame all clay destroy:
Till ecstasies thy Henry prove,
Till beauteous Stella kindle life by Love.