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Fareweel, ye hills, ye braes, ye glens,
Ye towering woods, and leafy dens;
Fareweel, ilk spot that memory kens
Amang the heaths o' Inchery.


Fareweel, ye hallan, auld but dear,
Ye've sheltered a' our bairnhood year.
We'll never hae, we sairly fear,
A hame sae sweet as Inchery.
Fareweel, ye hills; fareweel, ye springs,
Ye glens where sweet the blackbird sings,
An' woods that wi' its music rings,
Amang the hills o' Inchery.
Nae mair we'll stray the braes amang;
Nae mair we'll hear the blackbird's sang;
Nae mair in spring-time when it's thrang
We'll guide the plow in Inchery.
A stranger and a stranger's son,
They tend our flocks, and till our grun';
A bauld intruder sits upon
Our father's seat in Inchery.