University of Virginia Library



Many bells are tolling slow,
Midnight past two hours ago.
Lightly echoing drips the rain;
Ghostly lies the window-pane
Slanting on the shadowy walls
Where the street lamp's radiance falls.
Sleepless, I am staring wide,
Thought and Silence at my side.
Wave the hand but close the lip,
And in floating fellowship
Lead my spirit here and there,
Wavering like a gossamer
Over London dim and vast,
Lengthened street and ample square,
Park and garden, tower and stair,
Spire and dome and creaking mast.
Dreadful London, vast and dim,
What thou art no man can tell,
Brain and sense and reason swim,
Scarcely dare my spirit dwell
On thy mingled heaven and hell—
Scarcely watch
That dark river's quivering lamps
Struggling through its folded damps.