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Vivia Perpetua

A Dramatic Poem. In Five Acts. By Sarah Flower Adams

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Vivius and Statius in the house of Vivius.
Thus for your part in it,—how say you? Speak!

You're a bold planner; and bethink you well
You wear the silver crown. He is the man
Who had the pow'r to send this weakness hither,
As you have call'd the præfect.


Had! Good word.
Though of the past, it comes with prophecy.
Look you, good Statius: what was Plautianus,
He who doth rule the ruler of the capitol?
Base born, more basely bred, an exil'd wretch,
For that low vice, the slander of his betters—
What else was his sedition—his, or any?
He labour'd hard to sow his blacken'd grain
Amongst the wholesome corn. Mark you, he fail'd.

But what is Plautianus?

Still the seditious knave.
Although he sits at Rome, as he had twinn'd
With the emperor at a birth; grasps in his hands
The pow'rs of the state like to a petty Jove,
And they his thunderbolts; weds his brown daughter
With Bassianus, sure to strike his root
Deep in the imperial forest (note you that);
Still the seditious knave who was exiled.
His daughter weds he with Severus' son—
The daughter of this slave!—the elder son,
Though not the better. Geta yet remains,
And Geta hath the legions at his back.

His age but just fifteen. I know it well
By this his festival.


When comes my pow'r,
I will create thine office registrar
Of the city's ages, save the cost the while
Of scroll or stylus. Nay, take hearty thanks.
Fifteen? The elder's very time when he
Married this minion. Geta's festival!
Had I been consul—but to Plautianus:
Ask yet another, “What?” what he shall be!
How shews the eagle of this Jupiter
The while—the Roman eagle? Eye on fire,
And feathers all astir, at each caress
Of his plebeian hand. The time will come,
Nor far remote, for the bird to slip, to mount,
And with one stoop to beak him to the heart!
Once he has fail'd—to fail but once again.

This festival,—you said, had you been consul—

The people's greed had been the better fed,
They should have feasted full in the arena.
They hold with you the while you find them shows:
Howe'er they think themselves aggriev'd, provide
Some tawdry folly, or some barbarous sport,
They throw up caps for you, and idly shout,
And give you godship, where before your bribe
They tongued you to the Furies. Now, dost wonder
Contempt feeds full upon such ready food?


These pleasures, as they call them, are to me
Lightnings, that clear the garden of our state
From insects, noxious, mischief-breeding Christians!
Hast seen a galley making for the harbour?
Or I mistake, she speeds the coming bolt—
Meantime, the business—

One moment, say—
That Jew, how much had he for vouching, think ye?

Dog! he in thy thought? His pocket vouches
For taking all the coin that he can catch;
Say, steal—or else. He first the wealthiest tries.
Now how to win it? No way shews but this—
That to a man unsullied in his life
Sometimes there clings a fear lest foul report
Arise to taint him; and we know how oft
Envy doth make profession of belief
In ill, where most she feels amount of good.

He knows you not? You fear him not?

Fear him! Fear is the word we give the gods,
And them alone. It shames me as I think
That he could ruffle me. Come o'er again,


I should go bid him catechise my son
In his new faith, or hear my daughter pray
Unto their niggard Deity, the while
Myself did strip the household altar bare
Of our Penates. Oh, 'twas shame to waste
So good an earnestness!

And is this all?

Of Plautianus? Nay.

Of the Jew, I mean.

Gods! let him go.

And I with him. My time
Already is outstaid.

And mine is lost. [Aside.
[They rise.

Wilt pass me through thy garden?



Thy robe as well as mine.

No need for it;
The sky is fair. Not quite an old man yet,
For all the silver crown.
