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Poems, Epigrams and Sonnets

By R. E. Egerton-Warburton

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the Troubadour, versified from La Gaule Poétique.

Geoffroi Rudel était devenu tout-à-coup amoureux de la princesse Mélinsende, alors en Palestine, sur ce qu'il avait entendu raconter à des pélerins de ses vertus et de ses grâces. Durant la nuit, durant le jour, en tout temps, en tout lieu, Geoffroi Rudel ne rêve plus qu'à cette femme, dont, au gré de son imagination, il se figure les traits angéliques et le parler plein de douceur. Ne pouvant vivre plus longtemps éloigné de cet objet parfait, il monte sur un vaisseau qui cinglait vers l'Orient. Pendant le trajet, assis à l'ombre des voiles frémissantes, il composait les romances les plus tendres en l'honneur de Mélinsende, qu'il compare à la divinité qu'on adore, bien qu'elle n'ait pas encore frappé les yeux. A cette mélodie, à ces vers mêlés de soupirs, les matelots ravis oubliaient en l'écoutant la rame et les signaux; et les dauphins, aux écailles argentées, suivaient le long sillon de lumière que le soleil ou l'astre des nuits tracait derrière le navire.

“Mais dans le trouble qui l'agite sans relàche, une fièvre brûlante attise encore les feux d'un amour déréglé. Sans repos, sans nourriture, et ne cherchant, au milieu de sa vague contemplation, qu'à repaître son âme d'illusions et de chimères, il se consume, il va mourir. Déjà sa voix expire; mais le nom de Mélinsende est sans cesse errant sur ses lèvres décolorées. Cette image idéale qui le tient en extase, lui dérobe, comme par enchantement, et la vue de son danger, et même l'impression du mal qui le dévore. Le navire aborde, mais Rudel n'a plus qu'un instant à vivre. L'ami qui l'accompagne vole au palais de Mélinsende, et l'instruit de sa passion, du voyage et du péril de Geoffroi Rudel. Oh! second miracle de l'amour! A cet exemple de tendresse et de dévouement, cette princesse elle-même ressent pour celui qu'elle ne connait pas encore un sentiment impérieux qui l'entraîne au rivage; elle soulève dans ses bras l'harmonieux troubadour, dont les regards semblent verser sur elle la langueur et la volupté. Il la reconnait. Oui, la voilà! telle et plus belle encore que tant de fois il la vit dans ses rêves, qui n'étaient que des pressentiments; la voilà! . . . . et cependant ses yeux presqu'éteints vont se fermer pour toujours. O joie trop voisine d'un regret amer, c'est donc vous s'écrie-t-il? A ce mot il baise la main de la princesse, et rend le dernier soupir. On dit qu'à cet instant se rompit une corde de sa lyre, et qu'un lugubre murmure circula entre les sycomores de la rive orientale. Mèlinsende, inconsolable, quitte la cour de son père, abjure les grandeurs; et dans un monastère, près duquel elle élève à Rudel un superbe mausolée, elle veut consacrer le reste de sa vie à regretter er à pleurer son cher troubadour.”—La Gaule Poëtique, vol. vii. page 72.

“Pétrarch, en parlant de cet infortuné troubadour, dit qu'il alla chercher la mort à force de rames et de voiles.”
Her wandering pilgrims, from the Syrian shore,
Provence has welcomed to their home once more;
And gathering crowds, with eager voice, demand
What tidings bring they from the Holy Land?
They tell of battles by the Christian won,
And deeds of daring by Crusaders done;
They tell of perils and of toils past through,
Till tears of pity every eye bedew;
But worthier still of praise and wonder deem
One gentle name, their still unceasing theme.
In Tripoli dwells, endow'd with beauty rare,
A virgin princess, Melinsende the fair;
They tell how never on this earth as yet
Such various gifts in one fair mortal met;
How gentleness and dignity combine,
How wit and wisdom in her converse shine;
Romance ne'er pictured to the dreamer's sight
A form so graceful or an eye so bright!


As though enchain'd by some strange magic spell,
Still lingering, listens to the tale they tell,
With beating heart, the Troubadour Rudel.
Fly! ere too late, unhappy Troubadour;
Fly! ere those words to thy destruction lure.
Alas! already that encrimson'd cheek
And throbbing pulse love's influence bespeak!
That name by day his song's untiring theme,
That form by night the phantom of his dream.
Amid the armèd chivalry of France,
Rudel no more shall to the lists advance,
Nor urge the steed, nor wield the knightly lance;
Bright eyes, the glory of his native clime,
Shall win no more the homage of his rhyme.
Let other minstrels now their charms recite,
He views them only as the stars of night;
A fancied sun, in regions far away,
O'erpowers their light and lures him to its ray.
O'er fame and glory conquering love prevails,
His parting speeds, and still with favouring gales
Wafts on the vessel as it eastward sails;
Yet oft the deck with restless step he paced,
The winds outstripp'd by his impatient haste;
Now silent, would he gaze with longing eye,
Intent the haven of his hope to spy;
Now when the winds were hush'd, and, in their stead,
By stroke of oar the lab'ring galley sped,


Beneath the shrouds reclining, would he string
His plaintive lyre, and thus in sadness sing:


How bright with bliss, love-favouring night,
When eyes, which I adore, with light
Of seraph-sweetness beam;
Sad day, how dark! when envious morn,
From my fond sight that image torn,
Dispels the dream!
O blissful night, when whisper'd near
Those accents charm my listening ear,
And all my senses thrill!
Linger, night, linger yet awhile,
And bid that harmony beguile
My slumber still!
The morning sun disturbs a dream
More beauteous than his midday beam—
Strains which from Heaven fall!
Strains which by day my ceaseless lyre,
Still baffled in the vain desire,
Would fain recall!
To catch the echo of the words he sung,
On their poised oars the listening sailors hung;
The vessel's track, in glistening scales array'd,
The dolphins follow'd as the minstrel play'd.
Alas! already flush'd with fever's dye,
The sunken cheek and the enfeebled sigh


Tell how that flame, devouring night and day,
With pain unceasing, wastes his heart away.
Ah! fond delusion, she, unseen, unknown,
That voice inspiring may not hear its tone,
Save in the utterance of life's parting moan.
In sight at length the wish'd-for shore appears,
And now the port the straining vessel nears;
Ere from the mast the fluttering sails they lower,
The pitying sailors bear Rudel to shore.
Swift speeds his page, the wondering Princess seeks,
Kneels at her feet, and thus love's errand speaks:
“Fair Melinsenda! from his distant home
Fame of thy beauty lured Rudel to roam.
From far my master, those bright charms to see,
Has cross'd the waves that sever'd him from thee.
Alas! that love which led him o'er the wave,
In mockery guided only to his grave!
E'en now, his pallet stretch'd upon the beach,
Thy whifper'd name employs his feeble speech.
Haste, gentle Princess! though the charms which gave
Th' unconscious wound have now no power to save,
In pity, haste! though Heaven his life deny,
Bless with one look thy victim ere he die!”
Urg'd by a secret sympathy, she flies,
With eager steps, to where her votary lies;
Though death now 'gan his closing sight to dim,
He saw those eyes, and saw them fix'd on him.


How far the bright reality excell'd
Whate'er fond fancy had in dreams beheld!
“'Tis thou! 'tis thou!” with struggling voice he cried,
Press'd on her hand one fervent kiss and died.
Faintly his falling lyre was heard to fling
One plaintive echo from its broken string;
The gale that swept it through the eastern grove
Bore his chaste spirit to the realms above.