University of Virginia Library


First of all things primeval, hoar
Was Thought, self-throned in glory,
Brooding with shaping might before
Each new Creation's story:
An unvoiced strength, a quiet power
Still pondering, still conceiving,
Unfathomed depth from hour to hour
With deathless virtue heaving;
Exhaustless, infinite to produce,
That in its gentle going
Weldeth the limbless and the loose
To reasoned beauty growing.
Hail, glorious Thought, silent, sublime,
From thy divinest nature,


Sprang worlds on worlds from dateless time
First Father, First Creator,
Voice forth the hymn, loud pæans roll,
Ye thinking souls from pole to pole,
And round your centre gather!
Far peal his praise from jubilant throat,
Soul of all soul, thought of all thought,
The hidden God, the Father.