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The Harp of Erin

Containing the Poetical Works of the Late Thomas Dermody. In Two Volumes

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Now when the sun with less enamour'd beam
Lights the faint blushes of the fading year,
Oh teach me, matron staid,
To woo thy tender calm!
For much I love the languish of thine eye,
Luxurious stream'd o'er each congenial scene,
That lends to all around
A delicate repose:
Whether thy evening-clouds their skirts unfold
Of paler purple, through the forest-gloom
Effusing partial streaks
From their ethereal glow;
Or the blue bosom of the tranquil lake,
Where Silence sits amid the dusky steam,
Scarce undulating, heaves
Thy chasten'd smile beneath:
Thy auburn locks with dewy woodbine drest;
Ere yet the sere wreath withers on thy brow,
Or brumal blasts deform
Thy stole of sober green.


Oft, mid the leafy wilderness of shade,
Through its obscure recesses moaning deep,
But yet without a wind,
Conduct my devious step.
Nor seldom let me catch the softer dash
Of distant water, from some willowy sluice,
Prone to its pebbled bed
Bounding in faery fall;
Or curfew's slumbrous swing from village-spire;
Or hollow hum of whisp'ring voices near,
Homeward returning late;
Or watch-dog's sullen bay.
Meanwhile the mellow swell of past'ral flute,
May from her thicket lure the Attic bird,
With one sad-closing strain
To harmonize the whole.
Then will the muse (the muse, thy handmaid fair),
When all the hamlet's hush'd in silence sweet,
Resume her solemn song,
Her song of grateful praise:
For, ever in thy rear is Genius seen,
Inly conversing with himself; and then
Contrasting with each sight,
The creatures of the mind.


Thine Wisdom too; and rapt Devotion thine,
List'ning the sphery chime with pauseful ear;
Sage Meditation still,
And eagle-pinion'd Thought.
While those too, brighter yet, that troop behind,—
Content, blithe child of Labour well repaid,
(Who laughing leads along
Brown Harvest's buxom form,
The poppy nodding mid her sheafy crest,)
And Vintage flush'd with his own ruddy grape,—
Complete thy festal train,
Superior to assault;
Well, loveliest Autumn, mayst thou mock the rage
Of Winter, surly dotard, following fierce,
With frozen breath malign
To blight thy later blooms;
Nor need'st thou yet the full voluptuous glare
Of Summer envy, more divinely drest
By Nature's liberal hand
In plenitude and peace.