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Constance De Castile

A Poem, in Ten Cantos. By William Sotheby

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Hail! barons bold, who liege-men wait
On Aquitaine's superior state,
Lords of Guyenne and Gascony,
Of Poictou and fair Angoumois,
Saintonge, along whose pastures wide
Swift Charente's silver waters glide,
And fiefs, where Adour, winding down,
Joins distant Tarbe to far Bayonne.
And ye! the pride of Albion's coast,
High chieftains of th' heroic host:
Warwick, whose far-fam'd puissance led
The van when routed Poictiers bled:
Fitzwalter, foremost in the field,
Spenser, unknowing how to yield,
Manny, who wading deep in gore,
Onward the flag of conquest bore,
And, terror of the northern bounds,
Earl Percy, grac'd with glorious wounds.