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Or, The Printer's Devil's Polichronicon. A Sublime Poem. Edited by Anser Pen-drag-on [i.e. S. W. H. Ireland]

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Natura ipse valere, et mentis viribus excitari, et quasi quodam divino spiritu afflari. Cicero.

To be powerful from nature; impelled by the energies of the mind, and to feel, as it were, the inspiration of a Divine Spirit.

Hope's path, lo! with pleasures a Campbell next strews,
True fancy with lustre enshrining the Muse;
His scenes rapid changing, revolve boundless scope,
Each vision the phantasy nurtur'd of Hope.
As in Comus of Milton bright gems stud each line,
The fire of a Genius ne'er resting supine,


So his vesture our Bard dipp'd in heaven's azure beam,
And Hope seems no longer Delusion's gay dream:
Enchain'd by his number, dark Fate is forgot,
Our passage through life ranks of Angels the lot;
The sunshine of pleasure dispels sorrow's tears,
And the soul seems entranc'd by the choir of the spheres.
Oh! welcome, fond Hope, choicest boon from above,
The balm of affliction and soother of love;


Thy precept enchanting, by Campbell design'd,
'Graves each budding joy on my sensitive mind:
Then live, sweetest soother! my soul's dearest treasure;
The pathway of Peace, and the beacon of Pleasure.

When sunbeams illumine the sphere, we are gladdened by the brilliancy of their rays; and when the soul of poetry vibrates on the mind, we own the heavenly inspiration. It is therefore sufficient that the Pleasures of Hope be enrolled, to invigorate every thrill that emanates from the effusions of harmonic and vigorous poesy. Having thus dismissed a Campbell with a eulogy inadequate to his deserts, which are so conspicuous throughout all his performances, I cannot refrain from coupling with the above-mentioned bard the name of Cowper, which has no less conferred the highest honour upon the votaries of true genius in our matchless isle.