University of Virginia Library




Of the lamentable Death of the gallant Knight FITZHUGH,

and how his Love died broken hearted.


Lith ye and listen Ladies all,
Lend me a pitying ear,
And when I've sung fair Emma's fall,
Pray drop one gentle tear.
She was a fair and comely dame,
Her Sire a Baron free:
A youth she lov'd, Fitzhugh by name.
A gentle Knight was he.
By val'rous deeds he won her love,
And eke her father's too;
She was as gentle as the Dove;
His heart to her was true.


Woeworth the day King Edward came,
The Welchmen to o'erthrow,
For though Fitzhugh still prov'd his fame,
Death struck the fatal blow.
The battle gain'd, no Love appear'd,
To cheer her drooping heart,
And as her lovely eyes she rear'd
The tear 'gan fast to start.
Swift as the nimble deer she flew
To where her hero lay;
She kiss'd his lips, sigh'd out Fitzhugh,
Sunk down and died away.


A kind of curse.