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If thou upon the heavenly way
Should'st meet, dear Angel of the Spring,
A maiden-spirit eyed like May,
And sweet beyond imagining;
If robed in meekness she appear,
Though circled with immortal breath,
And round about her brows she wear
The sign of ‘faithful unto death’;
And if the flowers, that know thy hand,
And tarry thy returning feet,
Beholding her, without command
Come forth to blossom and be sweet:
If thou should'st light on such an one,
So pure and peerless, brave and free,
With eyes that blench not at the sun,
Yet earthward turned for mine and me,
Oh, speak not of the days of pain—
The days of pain, the nights of tears,
Of sighs that rend the heart in twain,
Of rude remorse or faithless fears;
Oh, say that hope shines calm above
The eddying storms of wild regret;
Oh, tell her grief is lost in love,
And I no hopeless lover yet.