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War with the Devil

or the Young Mans Conflict with the Powers of Darkness: In a Dialogue. Discovering the Corruption and Vanity of Youth, the Horrible Nature of Sin, and Deplorable Condition of Fallen Man. Also, a Definition, Power, and Rule of Conscience, and the Nature of true Conversion. To which is Added, An Appendix, containing a Dialogue between an old Apostate and a Young Professor. Worthy the Perusal of all, but chiefly intended for the Instruction of the Younger sort. The Fourth Impression. By B. K. [i.e. Benjamin Keach]

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A Mystical Hymn of Thanksgiving.

My Soul mounts up with Eagles wings,
And unto thee dear God, she sings;
Since thou art on my side,
My Enemies are forc'd to fly,
As soon as they do thee espy;
Thy Name be glorify'd.
Thou makest Rich by making Poor.
By Poverty add'st to my Store;
Such Grace dost thou provide:
Thou wound'st as well as thou mak'st whole,
And heal'st by wounding of the Soul;
Thy Name be glorify'd.
Thou mak'st men blind by giving sight,
And turn'st their darkness into light:
These things can't be deny'd.
Thou cloath'st the Soul by making bare,
And giv'st in food when none is there;
Thy Name be gloryfi'd.
Thou killest by making alive,
By dying do'st the Soul revive,
Which none can do beside:
Thou dost raise up by pulling down,
And by abasing, thou dost crown,
Thy Name be magnify'd.


By making bitter thou mak'st sweet,
And mak'st each crooked thing to meet,
I'th' Soul which thou hast try'd:
The fruitless tree thou mak'st to grow,
And the green tree dost overthrow;
Thy Name be glorify'd.
The conquered the conquest gains;
By being beat, the field obtains,
Which makes me therefore cry,
Lord while I live upon the Earth,
Since thou hast wrought the second birth,
Thy Name I'le magnify.
Thou mak'st men wise by 'coming fools;
By emptying, thou fill'st their Souls,
Such Grace dost thou provide:
By making weary, thou giv'st rest,
That which seem'd worst, proves for the best;
Thy Name be glorify'd.
Thou art far off, and also neer,
And not confin'd, but ev'ry where.
And on the clouds dost ride.
O thou art Love, and also Light;
There's none can go out of thy sight;
Thy Name be magnify'd.
Lord, thou art great and also good,
And sit'st upon the mighty flood,
By whom all hearts are try'd:
Though thou art Three, yet art but One,
And comprehended art of none;
Thy Name be glorify'd.