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The History of Polindor and Flostella

With Other Poems. By I. H. [i.e. John Harington] The third Edition, Revised and much Enlarged

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Return All safe; both Seas and Wind,
To serve you as you'd wish, combin'd:
At home, th' whole Kingdomes Honours wear:
That Child shall prove your Gloryes Heyr:
He's Shepheard-Swain, yet None; and She
He loves a Nun, yet None, shall be:
He Dyes twice for her, lives; She Dyes,
Till in his Armes quick-bury'd lyes:
All's in the bowry Grove, awhile
Where Both must bear like Sex, and style


Two now made joyntly One) that Place
Shewes Both 'gainst Fortunes Storms a grace:
No wrong to th' Mayden train, nor crime;
By this First step to Bliss they clime.