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The praise of peace

A poem. In Three cantos. From the Dutch of M. Van Haren, one of the Deputies of the Province of West-Friesland in the Assembly of their High Mightinesses the States General [by Samuel Boyse]

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Hanc olim veteres vitam coluere Sabini,
Hanc Remus & Frater, sic fortis Etruria crevit,
Scilicet & rerum facta est pulcherrima Roma.
Virg. Geor. II.

But close the Muse to darker Scenes her Eyes,
While fairer Views in pleasing Prospect rise!
Where Peace resides, and forms her subject State,
In Liberty serene, in Virtue great!
As when the Pilot sees the clouded Air,
He marks the Compass with attentive Care;
Studious his well-directed Course to keep,
And guide his Bark in Safety thro' the Deep!
So guardian Peace one steddy Aspect wears,
And for impending Danger calm prepares!


Respect abroad secures her from Alarms,
Freedom inchains domestic Faction's Arms!
All are her Friends, whose Justice makes no Foes,
And Truth and Virtue watch her fair Repose!
But does the Goddess ever cast a Ray
On Lands that dwell in arbitrary Sway?—
Belgia the Question wants not to decide,
Who views her drest in all her radiant Pride!
And while her Presence makes her Days serene,
Wishes to know no greater,—fairer Queen!
Let venal Bards record Augustus' Praise,
And to the Tyrant slavish Altars raise!
So the poor Wretch, who starves where Nile o'erflows,
May sing to Rocks the Comfort of Repose,
Alas! 'tis all the Happiness he knows!
But let the Belgic Muse with nobler Aim,
Arrouse the Patriot's never-dying Flame!
To freeborn Minds the happy Maxims trace,
How to preserve the balmy Sweets of Peace:


That not the Arts of Fraud, nor Tyrant's Frown,
May force the Goddess to desert the Throne!
On Education chief depends a State,
To rise for Wisdom fam'd, or Valour great;
Learn then with Care to form the rising Youth,
To Virtue's Dictates, and the Rules of Truth;
Show, not for Self alone was Man design'd,
But giv'n to serve his Country, and his Kind;
Born for Society's important Ends,
To guard that Peace on which his own depends;
In vain, where Principles like these prevail,
Av'rice would tempt, or Lust of Pow'r assail;
Since Precept and Example both unite,
And steddy Reason shews her constant Light!
While to the Son, the uncorrupted Sire
Points all that can his Country's Love inspire:
Tells, how for Freedom his Forefathers stood,
In Fields of Death, and lavish'd all their Blood!
How placid Orange

The first Prince of Orange, who greatly defended his Country from the Spaniards, and was assassinated by a Burgundian; he lies buried at Delft.

brav'd the Dart of Death,

And bless'd his Country with his dying Breath!


How Trompe

Van Trompe, famous for his naval Exploits. He was kill'd in an Engagement with the English Fleet under Blake in 1654. see his Epitaph, Gentleman's Mag. Vol. X. p. 618.

her Fame to distant India spread,

How Essens triumph'd,

Van Essens and Van Galen, two Dutch Admirals, who died in the Service of their Country.

and Van-Galen bled;

Or godlike Nassau,

K: William III. who saved his Country on the Brink of Ruin in 1672, and in 1688 rescu'd Britain from the Danger of arbitrary Power.

on the Verge of Fate,

Another Scipio rose to save the State,
Names dear alike to Liberty and Fame,
Whose lasting Virtues endless Honours claim;
As the skill'd Artist, in the glowing Mold,
First pours, and then extracts the minted Gold;
Which if neglected, till the Heat o'erpass,
Would still continue an unsightly Mass.
So virtuous Education forms the Mind,
And leaves for Life the beauteous Stamp behind!
Then to your Children in their early Days,
Inculcate with Esteem the Patriot's Praise!
Place these as Models to your manly Youth,
And let your own Example prove the Truth:
So shall your fair Posterity arise,
Firm, uncorrupted, gen'rous, just and wise!
Whose Steps their free-born Ancestors shall trace,
Nor shame your Counsels, nor their Fame disgrace;


To such (when Age shall summon to the Grave,)
With Joy your Rights intrusted shall you leave;
Which thus to latest Days delivered down,
Your Mem'ry shall with spotless Honour crown!
While Peace preserv'd by your distinguish'd Toil,
Gilds with her placid Beams the Belgic Soil.
Bless'd is the Land, where Rules like these obtain!
Where Peace and Freedom social Sway maintain:
Where chief the Welfare of the Whole's persu'd,
And every Passion yields to publick Good.
There Luxury in vain her Charms displays,
Or mad Ambition sheds her fatal Blaze!
Calm Temp'rance smiles the Syren to repell,
Integrity the Sorceress drives to Hell!
There Virtue joys Authority to trust,
That helps the Innocent, and crowns the Just!
Protects from Wrong, relieves the Poor distress'd,
But punishes the Tyrant who oppress'd:
There Sov'reign Pow'r in Goodness mild array'd,
Wants no external Forms of Pomp to aid;


Blest in itself, demands no vain Supplies,
Is it attack'd? a grateful People flies!
Prepar'd and willing at its slightest Word,
The Purse to open, or unsheath the Sword.
So when Eclipses blot the radiant Sun,
With eager Zeal Barbaric Nations run;
The Cymbal beat, each mystic Rite employ,
The God to succour, and the Foe destroy:
Till bursting thro' the envious. Veil of Night,
He shines with Lustre prevalently Bright!
As when the Eagle courts the solar Ray,
The timorous Hawk at Distance eyes her Way!
So hellish Discord still withdraws her Face,
And hides her from the hateful Beams of Peace:
In vain th'infernal Hag would try her Arts,
On Minds well-principled, and generous Hearts.
Where Equity, with an impartial Hand,
Administers the Laws that bless the Land;
Where heav'nly Reason with her temperate Light,
Teaches th'unbiass'd Mind to judge aright;


There Property secure enjoys her own;
There Conscience sits untroubl'd on her Throne;
For every lawless Passion sprung of Night,
Is aw'd by Virtue,—and abhors the Light.
See in yon distant Shade, all fierce with Scorn,
Pale Tyranny her fruitless Projects mourn!
Hear how she howls! distracted with Despair,
To see her fancy'd Triumphs lost in Air!
Vain is thy Rage, detested Monster! vain;
Peace views thee not with Pity,—but Disdain!
Her Smiles are destin'd for the virtuous Brave,
A Title never yet that grac'd a Slave:
Should there in Belgia be one Native found,
Deceived by thee, who trod the injur'd Ground,
The Wretch that Hour should yield his forfeit Breath,
And expiate his Disgrace by shameful Death.
Where guardian Wisdom in the Senate shines,
In vain Conspiracy prepares her Mines;
One watchful Tully

A wise and vigilant Administration is seldom troubled with Conspiracies.

at the Helm of State,

Can still a thousand Cataline's defeat.


When Justice is to Rank or Favour blind,
And guilty Greatness can no Mercy find;
Then Vice discourag'd quits the dangerous Ground,
Nor is the Villian, or the Traitor found;
If Tyranny her baffled Arts withdraws,
And fires some hair-brain'd Monarch in her Cause;
Who while the specious Name of Friend he wears,
Already black Invasion's Storm prepares;
Clear-sighted Peace the Artifice discries,
Disdains the Flattery, and the Threat defies;
Nor trusts her Safety to such dubious Things,
The Word of Statesmen, or the Faith of Kings;
Whom History from long Experience knows,
The Enemies of Freedom and Repose!
Tho' cautious thus against impending Harm,
Peace never arms, till long provok'd to arm!
To Treaties just, she sees not all the same,
Nor can her Truth, a faithless World reclaim;
Yet when some neighb'ring Prince prepares for Fight,
And Troops assembling gather in her Sight!


Soon she advances with determin'd Air,
And asks the Motives of the purpos'd War;
If Silence speaks her Apprehensions just,
In righteous Jove, the Goddess puts her Trust;
Assumes like Pallas her celestial Shield,
And issues out undaunted to the Field!
While Virtue thus gives Resolution Force,
Injustice stops her meditated Course;
Till Fear and Interest, pow'rful Reasons! join,
And whisper her to drop the rash Design.
As when some Diamond in Perfection fair,
Conceal'd the Owner keeps, with watchful Care;
Least tempted by the Sight, some Hand unknown,
Might snatch a Prize intended for a Crown!
So Freedom over Peace intent presides,
And in her Breast the dear Palladium

The Palladium was the Image on whose Conservation the Safety of Troy depended.


For her the Merchant grateful parts his Store,
Assur'd her Bounty can repay him more:
For her the Farmer braves the doubtful Fight,
Whose Smile alone his Toils can best requite;


Each Age, Condition, Sex her Cause maintains,
Bless'd while she's safe, and happy while she reigns;
All fly to aid, to save her in Distress,
And Pray'rs unnumber'd rise for her Success!
Thus when the Goddess grows by Insult warm,
No Arts can sooth her, no Bravade disarm!
Firm she persists to guard the publick Good,
And if she sets,—she sets in Seas of Blood!
Or chain'd Ambition captive at her Car
Dejected glooms, and mourns the threaten'd War!
For soon Injustice, Opposition breaks,
And Slav'ry shrinks, when Liberty awakes.
In pathless Woods where Beasts of Prey reside,
And unmolested range the Forest wide,
Did ever Fox presume on Wolf to prey?
Or Bear attack the Lyon on his Way!
No:—conscious they confess superior Pow'r,
And seek whom Nature gives them to devour!
So when with fiercest Rage Ambition beams,
Virtue's Repulse soon cools her lawless Flames;


From base Subjection, Pow'r tyrannic grows,
But shrinks abash'd, if Freedom firm oppose.
Her Voice the Demon with Aversion hears,
But let her hate it, welcome

The Motto of Caligula applied, Oderint dum metuant.

so she fears!

But give to false Security the Rein,
Soon Servitude creeps in with all her Train;
And if that Poison once the State infest,
'Tis only Death can give the Subject Rest.
Thus heav'nly Peace from every Danger guards,
Protects from Faction, from Invasion wards;
With thoughtful Care the State of Things she eyes,
“And marks what Stars of Empire set and rise;

This Line is taken from Mr Waller.

Observes which shine with kind, or baneful Light,
And by their Course directs her Conduct right;
True to her Faith, she keeps her plighted Word,
Averse to Blood,—she draws the righteous Sword;
But when her antient Friends Assistance claim,
Those who upheld

This alludes to the generous Support the States received from our great Q. Elizabeth in their first Struggles for Liberty.

her Infancy of Fame!

In spite of Art, and every false Disguise,
In spite of Force she to their Succour flies;


She knows, that Probity once left behind,
No longer shines Integrity of Mind!
Virtue was only giv'n to bless the Brave,
Fear is of Guilt:—the Coward is still a Slave!
Why then these close Intrigues,—these artful Snares?
Why meddle Foreigners with

The Intrigues of the French Embassador, the M. of Fenelon. at the Hague.

our Affairs?

If dark Ambition link the destin'd Chain,
Quick let us arm, and make her Labour vain;
Let Vigilance each latent Ill oppose,
An Hour of Freedom is too much to lose!
If we must fight, 'tis for the noblest End,
Peace to preserve, and Property defend;
Nor grieve we, tho' our dearest Blood should flow,
To guard the highest Blessing Man can know!
Thus when ensanguin'd Mars retires to Rest,
And Venus lulls the Warrior on her Breast,
Tho' no Alarms the troubled Nations shake,
Yet Prudence bids experienc'd Peace awake!
Nor in her Limits give the Demon Place,
Whose deadly Arts occasion'd Rome's Disgrace.


Impartial Justice guards her gentle Sway,
The Laws which all advantage, all obey;
Peace ne'er bestows her delegated Trust,
But on the wise, the honest, and the just:
Her Favours Fraud and Interest sue in vain,
And Impudence she treats with calm Disdain!
While modest Merit from its silent Shade,
She calls to set in Honour's Light display'd:
Nor are her Sons more known for Manners chaste,
Than Learning's Stores, and Elegance of Taste:
In all her Councils Pallas still presides,
Directs her Measures, and her Conduct guides;
Which, like the faithful Needle to the Pole,
Directive points the Welfare of the Whole!
There boundless Commerce spreads the busy Sail,
And rich Abundance swells each friendly Gale;
Sloth hides abashed her discontented Head,
While Industry and Manufactures spread;
There potent Gold serves no unrighteous End,
Nor Wealth despises Virtue for its Friend;


Prosperity with Equity combines,
And each with fair Effulgence gently shines:
Pow'r smiles in clear Integrity array'd,
And Honesty renews the Life of Trade:
The Lawyer there defends no wrongful Cause,
Nor to By-Ends the Priest Religion draws!
Those happy Climes ne'er civil Discord found,
Nor social Blood e'er stain'd the spotless Ground!
The Peasant, as he ploughs with calm Delight;
No Bones (the Marks of former Slaughters) fright;
But when the Harvest comes, with joyful Eyes
He sees the plenteous Gifts of Ceres rise!
And all the Care his peaceful Bosom knows,
Is where to lodge the Plenty Heav'n bestows.
Thrice happy Land! where Peace distinguish'd reigns,
And gilds with Happiness the smiling Plains;
Oh favour'd People! while no Clouds impend,
Precaution'd, against future Ills defend.
When all the Sky a chearful Aspect wears,
The careful Pilot for the Storm prepares.


So while no Woes th'untroubled State alarm,
Let Discipline preserve your Virtue warm;
That so Invasion if she comes unseen,
May stand repell'd,—and leave your Bounds serene.
Like Arms with cankering Rust no longer bright,
Let not your Laws unactive shed their Light;
Still let the Punishment the Crime attend,
Nor Wealth corrupt, nor Pow'r itself defend!
So shall your Foes, your steddy Virtue dread,
More than if Plains your numerous Armies spread;
Nor let Security, empoison'd Guest,
Infold your Eyes in her destructive Rest!
What Sight can penetrate th'Event to come,
Or tell dark Fate's irrevocable Doom?
Oft have I seen in Autumn's cloudless Day,
When Earth appear'd in all her Splendor gay!
With sudden Rage, impetuous

The Motto of Caligula applied, Oderint dum metuant.

Æölus rise,

Unchain the Winds, and darken all the Skies!
Rapid as Light, th'invading Storm came on,
And from th'astonish'd Eye eclips'd the Sun;


Who as displeas'd to see the Ruin made,
In gloomy Clouds, abhorrent veil'd his Head,
While rattling thick o'er the benighted Plain,
Dissolv'd the Tempest in a Flood of Rain!
The mournful Peasant from his Hut surveys,
The wild Uproar with Horror and Amaze;
Marks how the Inundation gathering spreads,
And sweeps his Cattle from the level Meads!
While o'er his Head the awful Thunders shake,
Thro' the thick Gloom redoubled Light'nings break!
Each Beast of Prey affrighted seeks his Cave;
Then guilty Breasts with conscious Terrors heave;
And while Jove's angry Bolts tremendous roll,
Celestial Vengeance awes the Tyrant's Soul!
But Peace, preventive, wards th'approaching Storm,
Her Face no Fears disturb, no Clouds deform;
Delighted Nations bless her Guardian Sway,
“She gives a double Pleasure to the Day!

This Line is taken from Mr Waller.


For her rewarded Labour grateful toils,
And every Muse-like Art encourag'd smiles;
Gay looks the World, as when bestow'd of old
Saturnian Years their radiant Courses roll'd;
So when the April Show'r with balmy Dews,
The Spring awakens, and the Earth renews;
Each verdant Flow'r uprears its chearful Head,
And Zephyrs mild th'ambrosial Odours spread!
While the fair Sun declining to the Main,
With inexpressive Charms adorns the Scene;
A conscious Pleasure steals upon the Breast,
Composing every anxious Care to Rest:
Majestic Nature shows her beauteous Face,
And wafts around the Joys of heav'nly Peace!