University of Virginia Library

VII. A Song of Praise for Health.


Health is a Jewel dropt from Heav'n,
Which Money cannot buy,
The Life of Life, the Bodies peace
And pleasant Harmony.


Lord, who hast Tun'd my outward Man
To such a lively Frame,
Skrew up my Heart-strings all, to make
Sweet Melody to thy Name.


Whilest Others in Gods Prisons Lie,
Bound with Afflictions Chains;
I walk at large, secure and free
From Sickness and from Pains;
Their Life is Death, their Language Groans
Their Meat is Juice of Galls;
Their Friends, but strangers; Wealth, but want
Their Houses, Prison-walls.


Their earnest Cries do pierce the Skies,
And shall I silent be?
Lord, was I sick as I am well,
Thou should'st have heard from me.
The Sick have not more cause to pray,
Then I to praise my King.
Since Nature teaches them to Groan,
Let Grace teach me to Sing.



I see my Friends, I taste my Meat,
I'm free for mine Employ.
But when I do enjoy my God,
Then I my self enjoy.
Lord, who dost set me on my Feet,
Direct me in thy wayes.
O Crown thy gift of Health with grace
And turn it to thy praise.