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Spiritual Songs, or, Songs of Praise to Almighty God Upon several Occasions

Together with The Song of Songs Which is Solomons. First Turn'd, then Paraphrased in English Verse. The Second Edition, Corrected, with an Addition of a Sacred Poem on Dives and Lazarus [by John Mason]

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VII. A Song of Praise for Health.


Health is a Jewel dropt from Heav'n,
Which Money cannot buy,
The Life of Life, the Bodies peace
And pleasant Harmony.


Lord, who hast Tun'd my outward Man
To such a lively Frame,
Skrew up my Heart-strings all, to make
Sweet Melody to thy Name.


Whilest Others in Gods Prisons Lie,
Bound with Afflictions Chains;
I walk at large, secure and free
From Sickness and from Pains;
Their Life is Death, their Language Groans
Their Meat is Juice of Galls;
Their Friends, but strangers; Wealth, but want
Their Houses, Prison-walls.


Their earnest Cries do pierce the Skies,
And shall I silent be?
Lord, was I sick as I am well,
Thou should'st have heard from me.
The Sick have not more cause to pray,
Then I to praise my King.
Since Nature teaches them to Groan,
Let Grace teach me to Sing.



I see my Friends, I taste my Meat,
I'm free for mine Employ.
But when I do enjoy my God,
Then I my self enjoy.
Lord, who dost set me on my Feet,
Direct me in thy wayes.
O Crown thy gift of Health with grace
And turn it to thy praise.