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FABLE IV. The Poet and Clown:

Or, Least alone, when alone.

A Country Bumpkin, unrefin'd and rude,
Disturb'd a Poet's pleasing Solitude;
And finding him, as he suppos'd, alone,
(Tho' in the noblest Conversation)
Ask'd, Why that solitary Life he lov'd,
From the Delights of Company remov'd?
The Student, thus diverted from his Books,
Reply'd, (and back'd his Words with angry Looks)
Till you intruded, I was less alone,
But find your Company is worse than none.


‘They who in Study do their Time employ,
‘And with their Books, or Thoughts, themselves enjoy:
‘Each pleasing Minute to Retirement gain'd,
‘Are with delightful Converse entertain'd:
‘But when by strong Necessity drawn thence,
‘And forc'd into the World's Impertinence;
‘In Crowds most lonesome to themselves appear,
‘And find their only Solitude is there.