University of Virginia Library

The songe of zacharias.

Benedictus dominus deus Israel

The lorde our god of Israel
Be blessed now therefore
That hath his people visited
with mercy euermore

And hath lyft vp his sauynge helth
that is both fyrme and stronge
To Dauyd who hys seruaunt is
and all that of him spronge
As god dyd speake by his prophets
Euen synce the worlde begonne
Whose sayinges true shall styl remaine
vntyll the worlde be done.
That we shulde thus be saued than
from all oure enemyes handes
And from those gyantes crueltye
that woulde vs tye with bandes.
This shall he do whiche promysed
Our fathers mercy great
And wyll remember his couenaunte
Of promys that is swete
And eke the othe, performe will he
whiche longe before was sworne
Unto our father Abraham
before that we were borne

That we beynge delyuered
out of the wycked hande
Myght serue the lorde in loue and feare
as well by sea as lande.
In holynes and rightousnes
abhoryng bate and stryfe
Before the lorde and Christe his sonne
the dayes of all our lyfe.
And then thou chylde shalt called be
the prophete of an hye
For thou shalt go before the lorde
his worde to preache truelye.
And to geue knowledge of his health
Unto his people deare,
For the forgiuenes of their synnes
that they before in were.
And through the mercy of our god
whereby the daye doth springe
That from an hye, doth vysyt vs
and lyghte on earth doth brynge

That they whiche sytte, beneth in darke
and lyght, ther can none se
Myghte se to guyde their feete in peace
that they from death myght fle.
Prayse we the father. &c.