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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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De mirabilibus contingentibus in die natali domini & circa illud tempus in diuersis mundi partibus. ffrater Bartholomeus in sua compilacione de infancia Christi.

When Ioseph comen was & Mary
At nyȝt into þat simple place,
al-þaȝe Ioseph wist witerly
that Marie Crist conceyuet has,
neuer-þe-later he went in hie,
for he segh neȝe hir time it was,
and two maidens wonyng bie
he broȝt to help hir in þat cas.
That one of hom hiȝt Salome,
that oþer Tebel, soth to say,
that al nyȝt lenget, leue ȝe me,
with our lady til hit was day.
Tebel by signe sothlie con se
that Mary was a clene may,
affermet & saide, ‘how may þis be?
a maiden has born a child to-day.’
That oþer saide hit was not so,
hou miȝt þat be for any thyng?
Tebel was in hir purpos thro,
saide it was soth & no lesyng.
Quen þat Salome seȝe þis,
ho thoȝt be sleȝt ho wold assay,
and temptide forto do amys
our lady Marie þer ho lay.
But sone hir hondes flesch & bone
ffor that ilk presumpcioune
drieden vp, & þat onon
for veniaunce, as ȝe leue moun,


ffor felyng of hom clene was gone,
til an angel liȝt adoun,
that counseilet hir to leue opon,
& mercy aske with deuocioun.
Anon as ho asket mercy
And touchide Ihesu that born was,
hole ho was onon in hie
and thonket God of al his grace.