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Withers Redevivus

In a Small New-Years-Gift, Pro Rege et Grege: And to His Royal Highness the Prince of Orange. Wherein is a Most Strange and Wonderful Plot, lately found out and Discovered. And Recommended to all the Imposing Members of the Church of England, to be by them acted, as part of their last Lent Confession. Viz. To all Roman Catholick Priests and Jesuits of Persecuting Principles and Profession. With the Arraignment and Tryal of Innocent the XIth. Present Pope of Rome. Refused last Lent to be Licensed, by reason of the Matter therein contained. By T. P.

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A Copy of VERSES long since made, but very Proper at this present Conjuncture to be Perused by some straight-laced Men, now of our English Nation, Viz.


A Copy of VERSES long since made, but very Proper at this present Conjuncture to be Perused by some straight-laced Men, now of our English Nation, Viz.


Opinion Rules the Humane State,
And Domineers in every Land;
Shall Sea or Mountain Separate
Whom God hath joyn'd in Nature's Band.
Dwell they far, or dwell they near,
They're all my Father's Children Dear.


Lend me the bright Wings of the Morn,
That I from hence may take my Flight,
From Cancer unto Capricorn,
Far swifter than the Lamp of Night.
Where e'er my winged Soul doth fly,
All's Fair and Lovely in mine Eye.


Features and Colours of the Hair,
These all do meet in Harmony;
The Black, the Brown, the Red, the Fair,
All Tinctures of Variety.
In single simple Love alone,
These Various Colours are but one.



I'th' Flegmatick I Sweetness find,
The Melancholly Grave and VVise;
The Sanguine Merry to my Mind,
From Choler Flames of Love arise.
In single simple Love alone,
All these Complexions are but one.


The Nightingal doth never say
(Though he be King of Melody)
Unto the Cuckow or the Jay,
VVhy sing you not so sweet as I.
Each tunes his Harp in Love alone,
These Various Notes are all but one.


Behold the painful lab'ring Hand,
And he that keeps the harmless Sheep;
The Country Swain that Tills the Land,
The Merchant that doth Plough the Deep,
Each doth his Work in Love alone,
One Works for all, and all for one.


I Love with all my Heart and Soul,
The French, the Dutch, the English Man,
The Turk, the Swede, the Dane, the Pole,
The Spaniard, and the African.
In this I see, in Love alone,
All Nations reconcil'd are one.



VVith open Arms, let me imbrace
The Heathen, Christian, Turk or Jew,
The Lovely and Deformed Face,
The Sober and the Jovial Crew.
In single simple Love alone,
All Forms and Features are but one.


The Protestant is all my Joy,
The Baptist and the Monarchy;
The Puritan (though he be Coy)
The Papist full of Charity.
In single simple Love alone,
All these Perswasions are but one.


Then Sail I with my Love as far
As China and the Indian Shore;
From the Artick to the Antartick Star,
The Tawney and the Blackamore.
From thence I Travel round about,
To Countries never yet found out.


My Heart of Love is very Sick,
All Nations in the VVorld I woo;
My Soul is turning Catholick,
And so is my Religion too.
The Deity in all doth move,
So Universal is my Love.