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Sixe Bookes. First three Bookes. Of Tooth-lesse Satyrs. 1. Poeticall. 2. Academicall. 3. Morall: Corrected and amended

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Too popular is Tragick Poesie,
Stayning his tip-toes for a farthing fee,
And doth besides on Rimelesse numbers tread,
Vnbid Iambicks flow from carelesse head.
Some brauer braine in high Heroick rimes
Compileth worme eate stories of olde times:
And he like some imperious Maronist,
Coniures the Muses that they him assist.
Then striues he to bumbast his feeble lines
With farre-fetcht phraise:
And maketh vp his hard-betaken tale,
With strange enchantments, fetcht from darksom vale
Of some Melissa, that by Magicke dome
To Tuscan soyle transporteth Merlins tombe:


Painters and poets hold your ancient, right:
Write what you wil, and write not what you might:
Their limits be their List, their reason will.
But if some painter in presuming skill
Should paint the stars in center of the earth,
Could ye forbeare some smiles, & taunting mirth?
But let no rebell Satyre dare traduce
Th'eternall Legends of thy Faery Muse,
Renowmed Spencer: whome no earthly wight
Dares once to emulate, much lesse dares despight,
Salust of France, and Tuscan Aorist,
Yeeld vp the Lawrell girlond ye haue lost:
And let all others willow weare with mee,
Or let their vndeseruing Temples bared bee.