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Certayne Psalmes select out of the Psalter of Dauid

and drawen into Englyshe Metre, wyth Notes to euery Psalme in iiij. parts to Synge, by F. S. [i.e. Francis Seager]

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Psalme. Cxl. Eripe me.

Delyuer Lorde, me from the wayes

Of people here peruerte:
And from suche men, do me preserue
As be of wycked heart.

Whych styll vpon, myschiefe do muse
And in theyr hartes imagen:
To styr vp stryfe, and make debate
All daye playinge thys pagen.
Theyr toungs they whet, lyke to serpents
Theyr poysone out to poure:
Whych hydden is, vnder theyr lyps
Lyke vnto the addoure.
From the hands of, the vngodlye
O Lorde do thou me saue:
Whose whole deuyce, is to confound
And my doinges depraue.
The proude thinking, for to preuayle
Theyr snares abrode do laye:
And set theyr net, me into get
To trap me in my waye.
Unto the Lorde, I forthwyth spake
Sayinge my God thou art:
Lorde hear the voyce, of my request
And prayer of my harte.
O God my strength, and fortytude
That health to me dost sende:
In the daye of, my most daunger
Thou dydst me then defende.

O Lorde let not, the vngodly
Haue theyr desyre and wyll:
Lest they wyth pryde, be puffed vp
Because they prosper styll.
Let such myschiefe, as they imagen
Theyr owne dystruccyon be:
As theyr owne lyps, shall then pronounce
Seakynge to compas me.
Let flamyng fyre, them strayght consume
Wherin they byding payne:
As in a pyt, from whence I saye
Neuer to ryse agayne.
The man whose lyps, are ryfe in taulke
And can hys tounge not gyde:
Shall not inioye, the earth no space
Theron for to abyde.
Myschiefe shal moue, the wycked man
Him to molest and noye:
And to pursue, vntyll such tyme
He shall hym cleane dystroye.
The Lord doutles, the pore mans wrong
Reuenge wyll and redresse:
The cause of such, mayntayne he wyll
As here shall be helples.

The ryghteous shall, therat reioyce
Praysing thyne holy name:
The iust wyth ioye, contynew shall
In thy syght wythout blame.
To God he cals, him to assyst
And hys grace to him sende:

Hys harte to direct, in hys vvayes
And from euel him defende.