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The teares or lamentations of a sorrowfull Soule

Set foorth by Sir William Leighton

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[Mvsicke is then Diuine, and not but then]
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[Mvsicke is then Diuine, and not but then]

Mvsicke is then Diuine, and not but then,
when words & notes in aptnes do concord,
Composed so by zealous cunning men:
as words & notes both praise ye heauenly Lord
Such Musique is Diuine, & none but such,
be conceit & cunning ne're so much.
And such is worthy Leightons true intention,
whose heauēbred Muse, & Musiqu; do conspire
Both to Demonstrate his Diuine inuention:
and to Illustrate his most iust desire:
Oh, let not then his patterne be neglected,
who hath Gods praise, by Notes to him directed.
Luke Iones.