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Fvneral Teares

For the death of the Right Honorable the Earle of Deuonshire. Figvred In seauen songes, whereof sixe are so set forth that the wordes may be exprest by a treble voice alone to the Lute and Base Viole, or else that the meane part may bee added, if any shall affect more finnesse of parts. The Seaventh Is made in forme of a Dialogue, and cannot be sung without two voyces, Inuented by Iohn Coprario [i.e. John Cooper]

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O the vnsure hopes


O th'unsure hopes of men! the brittle state!
The vaine contentions that vnluckilie,
Oft in midst of the race fall ruinate,
And in their course long ouerwhelmed be,
And swallow'd vp ere they the port could see.


O womens fruitlesse loue! vnquiet state!
Too deare affections, that despightfully,
Ev'n in their height of blisse proue desolate!
And often fall farre from all hope of ioy.
Ere they haue time to dreame on their annoy.