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Mirrovr of new reformation

wherein reformers, by their owne acknowledgement, are represented ad viuum. The beauty also of their handy-worke is displayed

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VIII. An other vpon the same.

I haue read (sayth that learned Protestant Zanchius) the Latin coppy of the Apology, and diligently read it ouer, not without choller, when I perceaued what manner of writing very many, let me not say for the most partial, doe vse in the Churches (as they are called) of the reformed Ghospel; who would seem notwithstanding to be Pastours, Doctours, & Pillars of the Church. The state of the question that it may not be vnderstood, we often of set purpose ouerclowd with darknes: things which are manifest we impudently denie; things false we without shame auouch; things plainly impious we propose as the first principles of fayth, things orthodoxal we condemne of heresy; scriptures at our pleasure we detort to our owne dreames; we boast of Fathers when we wil follow nothing lesse then their doctrine; to deceaue, to calumniate, to raile is familiar with vs &c. So as we may defend our cause, good or bad, by right or by wrong, al other things we turne vp-side-downe, ô times! ô manners! Zanch. epist. ad Io. Sturm. this in fine lib. 7. & 8. Miscellan.

The question's state we Ministers, to shrowd

Our falshood, doe with darknes ouerclowd;
Things that are plaine we shamelesly deny;
Things false we al maintaine, yet know we lye.
Impious things we as faith's grounds propose;
And true things stil, as heresies, oppose.
The scriptures we to our owne dreames doe wrest;
We boast the Fathers, but their faith detest:
To cheat, calumniate, glosse, deceaue, and raile
Is our cheif practize: so we may preuaile
'Gainst our Opponents, al things we auouch
But greatly care not what: I think not much.