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Holy Obseruations

Lib. I. Also Some fewe of Davids Psalmes Metaphrased, for a taste of the rest. By Ios. Hall

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Psal. 5.

Psal. 5.


In the tune of 124. Psalme; Now Israel may say, &c.


Bow downe thine eare

Lord to these words of mine,
And well regarde
the secret plaints I make.


My King, my God,

to thee I do betake
My sad estate
oh do thine eare incline
To these loud cryes
that to thee powred bin.


At early morne

thou shalt my voyce attend:
For, at day breake,
I will my selfe addresse
Thee to implore,
and waite for due redresse.


Thou dost not Lord

delight in wickednesse;
Nor to bad men
wilt thy protection lend.


The boasters proud

cannot before thee stay:
Thou hat'st all those
that are to sinne deuoted:


The lying lippes,

& who with bloud are spotted,
Thou doost abhorre,
and wilt for euer slaie:


But I vnto

thine house shall take the way,
And through thy grace
aboundant shall adore,
With humble feare
within thine holy place.


Oh! lead me Lord

within thy righteous trace:
Euen for their sakes
that malice me so sore,
Make smooth thy paths
my dimmer eyes before.


Within their mouth

no truth is euer found:
Pure mischiefe is
their heart: a gaping toome


Is their wide throate;

& yet their tongues stil sound


With smoothing words.

O Lord giue them their doom,
And let them fall,
in those their plots profound.
In their excesse
of mischiefe them destroy


That rebells are;

so those that to thee flie
Shall all reioice
and sing eternally:


And whom thou dost

protect, and who loue thee,
And thy deare name,
in thee shall euer ioy.

Since thou with blisse
the righteous dost reward,
And with thy grace
as with a shield him guard.