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The Vision of William concerning Piers Plowman

together with Vita de Dowel, Dobet, et Dobest, Secundum Wit et Resoun, By William Langland (About 1362-1380 A.D.): Edited from Numerous Manuscripts, with Prefaces, Notes and a Glossary, By the Rev. Walter W. Skeat

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[Primus passus de visione.]

What þis Mountein be-Meneþ and þis derke Dale,
And þis feire feld, ful of folk feire I schal ow schewe.
A louely ladi on leor In linnene I-cloþed,
Com a-doun from þe [clyf] and clepte me feire,
And seide, “sone! slepest þou? Sixt þou þis peple
Al hou bisy þei ben A-boute þe Mase?
Þe moste parti of þe peple þat passeþ nou on eorþe,
Hauen heo worschupe in þis world kepe þei no betere;
Of oþer heuene þen heer [holde] þei no tale.”
Ich was a-ferd of hire Face þauh heo feir weore,
And seide, “Merci, Ma dame What is þis to mene?”
“Þis Tour and þis Toft,” quod heo “treuþe is þer-Inne,
And wolde þat ȝe wrouȝten as his word techeþ;
For he is Fader of Fei þat formed ow alle
Boþe with Fel and with Face and ȝaf ow fyue wittes,
Forte worschupen him [þerwith] while ȝe beoþ heere.


And for he hihte þe eorþe to seruen ow vchone
Of wollene, Of linnene To lyflode at neode,
In Mesurable Maner to maken ow at ese;
And Comaundet of his Cortesye In Comune þreo þinges;
Heore nomes beþ neodful and nempnen hem I þenke,
Bi Rule and bi Resun Rehersen hem her-aftur.
Þat on Clothing is from Chele ow to saue:
And þat oþur Mete at Meel for meseise of þiseluen:
And drink whon þou druiȝest but do hit not out of Resun,
Þat þou weor[þ]e þe worse whon þou worche scholdest.
For Lot in his lyf-dayes for lyking of drinke,
Dude bi his douhtren þat þe deuel louede,
Dilytede him in drinke as þe deuel wolde,
And lecherie him lauhte and lay bi hem boþe;
And al he witede hit wyn þat wikkede dede.
Dreede dilitable drinke And þou schalt do þe bettre;
Mesure is Medicine þauh þou muche ȝeor[n]e.
Al nis not good to þe gost þat þe bodi lykeþ,
Ne lyflode to þe licam þat leof is to þe soule.
Leef not þi licam for lyȝere him techeþ,


Þat is þe Wikkede word þe to bi-traye.
For þe Fend and þi Flesch folewen to-gedere,
And schendeþ þi soule seo hit in þin herte;
And for þou scholdest beo war I wisse þe þe bettre.
A madame, Merci!” quaþ I “me likeþ wel þi wordes.
Bote þe Moneye on þis Molde þat men so faste holden,
Tel me to whom þat Tresour appendeþ?”
Go to þe gospel,” quaþ heo “þat god seiþ himseluen,
Whon þe peple him a-posede with a peny in þe Temple,
Ȝif heo schulden worschupe þer-with Cesar heore kyng.
And he asked of hem of whom spac þe lettre,
And whom þe ymage was lyk þat þer-Inne stod.
“Ceesar, þei seiden We seoþ wel vchone.”

[Reddite ergo que sunt cesaris cesari, et que sunt dei deo.]

“þenne Reddite,” quaþ God “þat to Cesar falleþ,
Et que sunt dei deo or elles do ȝe ille.”
For Rihtfoliche Resoun schulde rulen ou alle,
And kuynde wit be wardeyn oure weolþe to kepe,
And tour of vr tresour to take hit [ȝow] at nede;
For husbondrie and he holden to-gedere.”
Þenne I fraynede hire feire for him þat hire made,
“Þat [dungun] in þat deope dale þatdredful is of siht,
What may hit Mene, Madame Ich þe bi-seche?”


Þat is þe Castel of care,” quod heo “hose comeþ þer-Inne,
Mai Banne þat he born was to Bodi or to soule.
Þer-Inne woneþ a wiht þat wrong is I-hote,
Fader of Falsness he foundede [it] him-seluen;
Adam and Eue he eggede to don ille;
Counseilede Caym to cullen his Broþer;
Iudas he Iapede with þe Iewes seluer,
And on an Ellerne treo hongede him after.
He is a lettere of loue and lyȝeþ hem alle
Þat trusteþ in heor tresour þer no truþe is Inne.”
Þenne hedde I wonder in my wit what wommon hit weore,
Þat suche wyse wordes of holy writ me schewede;
And halsede hire in þe heiȝe nome er heo þeonne ȝeode,
What heo weore witerly þat [wisside] me so feire.
“Holi churche Icham,” quaþ heo “þou ouhtest me to knowe:
Ich þe vndurfong furst and þi feiþ þe tauȝte.
Þow brouȝtest me Borwes my biddyng to worche,
And to loue me leelly While þi lyf durede.”
Þenne knelede I on my kneos and criȝed hire of grace,
And preiede hire pitously to preye for vr sunnes,
And eke to teche me kuyndely on crist to bi-leeue,


Þat Ich his wille mihte worche þat wrouhte me to Mon.
“Tech me to no Tresour bote tel me þis ilke,
Hou I may saue my soule þat seint art I-holde.”
“Whon alle tresour is I-triȝed Treuþe is þe Beste;
I do hit on Deus Caritas to deeme þe soþe.
Hit is as derworþe a drurie as deore god him-seluen.
For hose is trewe of his tonge telleþ not elles,
Doþ his werkes þer-with and doþ no mon ille,
He is a-counted to þe gospel on grounde and on lofte,
And eke I-liknet to vr lord bi seint Lucus wordes.
Clerkes þat knowen hit scholde techen hit aboute,
For Cristene and vn-cristene him cleymeþ vchone.
Kynges and knihtes scholde kepen hem bi Reson,
And Rihtfuliche Raymen þe Realmes a-bouten,
And take trespassours and [teiȝen] hem faste,
Til treuþe hedde I-termynet þe trespas to þe ende.
For Dauid, in his dayes he Dubbede knihtes,
Dude hem swere on heor swerd to serue treuþe euere.
Þat is þe perte profession þat a-pendeþ to knihtes,
And not to faste a Friday In Fyue score ȝeres,
But holden with hem and with heore þat asken þe treuþe,


And leuen for no loue ne lacching of ȝiftus;
And he þat passeþ þat poynt is a-postata in þe ordre.
[For crist, kyngene kyng knyhtide tene,]
Cherubin and Seraphin an al þe foure ordres,
And ȝaf hem maystrie and miht in his Maieste,
[And ouer his meyne made hem Archaungelis,]
And tauȝte [hem] þorw þe Trinite treuþe for to knowen,
And beo boxum at his biddynge he bad hem not elles.
Lucifer with legiouns lerede hit in heuene;
He was louelokest of siht aftur vr lord,
Til he brak Boxumnes þorw bost of him-seluen.
Þene fel he with his felawes and fendes bi-comen,
Out of heuene in-to helle hobleden faste,
Summe in þe Eir, and summe in þe Eorþe and summe in helle deope.
Bote Lucifer louwest liȝþ of hem alle;
For pruide þat he put out his peyne haþ non ende;
And alle þat wrong worchen wende þei schulen
After heore deþ-day and dwellen with þat schrewe.
Ac heo þat worchen þat word þat holi writ techeþ,
And endeþ as Ich er seide in profitable werkes,


Mouwen be siker þat heore soules schullen to heuene,
Þer Treuþe is in Trinite and Corouneþ hem alle.
For I sigge sikerli bi siht of þe textes,
Whon alle tresor is I-triȝet Treuþe is þe beste.
Lereþ hit þis lewed men for lettrede hit knoweþ,
Þat treuþe is tresour triedest on eorþe.”
“Yit haue I no kuynde knowing,” quod I “þou most teche me betere,
Bi what Craft in my Corps hit cumseþ, and where.”
Þou dotest daffe,” quaþ heo “Dulle are þi wittes.
Hit is a kuynde knowynge þat kenneþ þe in herte
For to loue þi louerd leuere þen þi-seluen;
No dedly sunne to do dyȝe þauȝ þou scholdest.
Þis I trouwe beo treuþe! hose con teche þe betere,
Loke þou suffre him to seye and seþþe teche hit forþure!
For þus techeþ us his word (worch þou þer-aftur)
Þat loue is þe leuest þing þat vr lord askeþ,
And eke þe playnt of pees; prechet [in] þin harpe
Þer þou art Murie at þi mete whon me biddeþ þe ȝedde;


For bi kuynde knowynge in herte Cumse[þ] þer a Fitte.
Þat Falleþ to þe Fader þat formede vs alle.
He lokede on vs with loue and lette his sone dye
Mekeliche for vre misdede[s] forte amende vs alle.
And ȝit wolde he hem no wo þat [wrouȝte] him þat pyne,
But Mekeliche with mouþe Merci he by-souȝte,
To haue pite on þat peple þat pynede him to deþe.
Her þou miht seon ensaumple in [hymselfe] one,
Hou he was mihtful and Meke þat merci gon graunte
To hem þat heengen him heiȝe and his herte þurleden.
[For-þi I rede þe riche haue reuþe on þe pore;
Þeiȝ ȝe ben miȝty to mote beþ meke of ȝour werkis;]

[Eadem mensura qua mensi fueritis, reme ci[e]tur uobis;]

For þe same Mesure þat ȝe Meten A-mis oþer elles,
Ȝe schul be weyen þer-with whon ȝe wenden hennes.
For þauȝ ȝe ben trewe of tonge and treweliche winne,
And eke as chast as a child þat in Chirche wepeþ,
Bote ȝe liuen trewely and eke loue þe pore,
And such good as God sent Treweliche parten,


Ȝe naue no more merit In Masse ne In houres
Þen Malkyn of hire Maydenhod þat no Mon desyreþ.
For Iames þe gentel bond hit in his Book,
Þat [Fey] withouten [fait] Is febelore þen nouȝt,
And ded as a dore-nayl but þe deede folewe.
Chastite withouten Charite (wite þou forsoþe),
Is as lewed as a Laumpe þat no liht is Inne.
Moni Chapeleyns ben chast but Charite is aweye;
Beo no men hardore þen þei whon heo beoþ avaunset;
Vn-kuynde to heore kun and to alle cristene;
Chewen heore charite and chiden after more!
Such [Chastite] withouten [Charite] worþ claymed in helle!
Curatours þat schulden kepe hem clene of heore bodies,
Þei beoþ cumbred in care and cunnen not out-crepe;
So harde heo beoþ with Auarice I-haspet to-gedere.
Þat nis no treuþe of Trinite but tricherie of helle,
And a leornyng for lewed men þe latere forte dele.
For þeos beþ wordes I-writen In þe Ewangelye,


Date et dabitur vobis for I dele ow alle.
[Ȝoure grace & ȝoure good happe ȝoure welþe for to wynne,
& þerwiþ knoweþ me kyndely of þat I ȝou sende.]
[Þat is þe lok of loue þat letiþ out my grace
To counforte þe carful Acumbrid wiþ synne.
Loue is þe leueste þinge þat our lord askiþ,
And eke þe graiþ gate þat goþ into heuene.
For-þi I seiȝe as I seide er be siȝte of þise tixtes,
Whan alle tresouris arn triȝede treuþe is þe beste.
Now haue I tolde þe what treuþe is þat no tresour is betere,
I may no lengere lenge now loke þe oure lord.”]