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The works of Sir William Mure of Rowallan

Edited with introduction, notes, and glossary by William Tough

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Calling to mynd the heauinly featour,
The baschfull blinks, and comely grace,
The forme of hir angelick face
Deckt wt ye quintascence of natour,
To none inferiour in place,
Oft am I forc'd,
Altho diuors'd
From presence of my deirests eyes,
The too slou day
To steil away,
Admiring hir, my smairt quho sies.
Thoght by myne eyes I sould distill,
And quyt dissolue in tears my hert
To satisfie hir causles smairt;
Ȝit rather sche delytis to kill,
Then any joy to me impairt.
Bot since ye faits,
Qch ruils all staits,
Such tragick luck to me doth threat,
Do quhat sche can,
Resolued I am
To loue hir more then sche can heat.


Altho sche froune, sall I dispair?
Or, if it please hir prove wnkynd,
Sall I abstrack my loyal mynd?
O no! its sche must hail my sair.
For hir I loth no to be pyn'd.
Shee, I suppose,
Lyk to the rose,
The prick befoir ye smell impairts.
Hert-breking woes
Oft-tymes forgoes
The mirth of murning, martyred herts.

