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The Anatomie of the Romane Clergie

or, a Discoverie of the Abvses Thereof. Written in Latine by sundrie Authors of their owne profession. And Translated into English verse by G. L. [i.e. George Lauder]

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The Epitaph of Alexander the third, by Sanazer.

Stay passenger a space, thy wearied limbes to ease,

Fortasse nescis cuius hic tumulus fiet, adsta viator, &c.

Perhaps thou know'st not who lies here intomb'd, stay if you please:
Tis not great Philips sonne, that all the world subdu'd,
But Alexander filthie Pope, in bloudshed all embru'd.
Great Kingdomes he o'rethrew, and Cities turn'd to nought,
All to aduance his bastard brood, a world of mischiefe brought.
This Land with fire and sword he vtterly destroid:
And to subuert Gods Lawes and mans, his care he all employ'd:
That he more freely might (ô filthie to be told)
Incestuously enioy the child his lust begot of old.
Yet he for all this sate & rul'd proudly the papall Sea
Eleu'n yeares, as great Pope and head in sole supremacie.
Speake not of cruell Kings, old tyrants do not name,
Caligula came short of him, and Heliogablus shame.
The rest for modestie I cannot well declare,
Suppose the worst, set on thy way, I wish thee well to fare.