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A garden of graue and godlie flowers

Sonets, elegies, and epitaphs. Planted, polished, and perfected: By Mr. Alexander Gardyne

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[As Beautie still desires to be in sight]
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[As Beautie still desires to be in sight]

As Beautie still desires to be in sight,
Of saddest Sable and mishapen Statures,
The more to grace thair admirable light,
By the default of such deformed Creatures:
As Cynthya be day can giue no glance
While bright Apollo showes his Radiance.
So gratious Gardyne wonder of thy Age,
Thou gains a world of praise for euerie verse,

Thy Countries honour thus thou does agraige,
All Nations thy, Jnuentions sall rehearse:
Poore pettie Poems now your heads goe hide,
While greater light here stains your glistring pride.
Ane light that showes be shining euery whair,
What Lamps are lost in British learned brains,
For lack of Patrons to maintain the rair,
And royall spirits that the Earth retaines:
Liue Gardine then, and loue thy Patron best.
Ile praise you both, and pray for all the rest.
P. G.