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Poems of John Stewart of Baldyneiss

From the MS. in the Advocates' Library, Edinburgh: Edited by Thomas Crockett

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FAIR HEAVENLIE MVSES, Muife me now ane quhyle
Vith Sacred furie, filling vp my vaine.
Thow lustie lady, Queine of Cypris yle,
Hich heyiss my saeils, And mak my passage plaine;
Dycht and derect my dytment but disdaine,
The quhilk Intends to steir ane staitlie stour.
ȝour Paladein Roland, beild to Charlemaine,
I introduce, And all his dintis dour.
Martche, Mychtie MARS, now from thy birnist bour
Vith clincking sourd, cled in thyn armeur cleir;
Present thy puissant person at this hour,
That heauen, and erth, and hell, and all may heir
This pert pelmell, quhilk present sall appeir.
Thow fyrie vulcane, to my sute Inclyn,
My sensis schairpe, And viwelie tham vpsteir,
And all the roust Roub from my blont Ingyn.
Stout Pucelle Pallas, pouss me to desyn
His grawe attempts in monie dyuerss land
for Angelique, Quhais personage deuyn
Did Intertene him In King Cupids band:
Bot nether force of his victorius hand,
Nor firm effection, feruent and Inteir,
Of hir againe ane spark of fauor fand;
The Bird he bruiks not, thocht he beit the Breir.
The histoir Is lamentabill to heir,
Mad he becam for veirray teinfull noy,
Thocht he surpast all vthers far but peir.
Thus I begin the mateir to convoy.