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XIV. The Kingis Complaint.

With hauie hart, on Snadoun hill,
Ane ȝoung King I hard schoutand schill;
With reuthfull rair he did record,
Prayand, as I haif writ this bill,
Judge and Reuenge my cause, O Lord.
He sayis, this causeles I not craif,
For he is now gone to his graif,
My commoun weill that maist decorde,
Na merwell albeit my hart claif
For sorrow of his deith, O Lord.
Hard is my chance all tyme and houris,
And harder to my Gouernouris:
Ȝe, hardest, (bot wo am I forde!)
To him has felt of deith the schouris,
And only for thy cause, O Lord.
Quhen I was not ȝit ane ȝeir auld,
Bothwell, that bludy Bouchour bauld,


My Father cruelly deuorde:
He him betrayit and his blude sauld:
Judge and Reuenge my cause, O Lord.
Than, Father slaine, Mother was schēt;
My Gudschir flemit Incontinent;
My self to poysoun it was schorde;
Me to betray was summis Intent:
Judge and Reuenge my cause, O Lord.
Than vp thow rasit to reule my Ring,
In to my tender yeiris ȝing,
My Faithfull freind that maid him forde,
James, Regent, my Uncle ding:
Judge and Reuenge my cause, O Lord.
He was my buckler and my beild;
He was my Targe, my speir, and scheild:
My stait maist hie for to restorde
He futtit euer mair the feild:
Judge and Reuenge his cause, O Lord.
For me he left Kyn, Freind, and wyfe;
For me he sufferit daylie stryfe;
For me he was haill Indeuorde;
For me now he hes loist his lyfe:
Judge and Reuenge his cause, O Lord.
For me that Nobill of Renoun
With ane Tyke, Tratour Hammiltoun,
Was schot, and throw the body borde,
For the mantening of my Crowne:
Judge and Reuenge his cause, O Lord.
Peloure, thow peirst him gaif ye peace,
Tratoure to him that gaif the grace,


Behind his bak thy Gunne him gorde,
Quhome thow nor nane of thyne dirst face:
Judge and Reuenge his cause, O Lord.
Lord, sen my gratious gyde is gone,
And I am left as Byrd allone,
This thing maist eirnistly I Implorde,
That Instantly thow steir vp one,
For to Reuenge his cause, O Lord.
Sen for my saik now he is slane,
Lord, for thy grace grant me agane
That deith my lyfe neuer deuorde,
Quhill that fals tressonabill trane
Be with my hand Reuengd, O Lord.
O Scotland! thy Josias trew,
That first Idolatrie ouerthrew,
He was, and Christs trew Kirk restorde:
Throw him in my Realme grace ay grew:
Judge and Reuenge his cause, O Lord.
He Abrahamis Faith, but feir, profest;
He Dauidis mercy manifest;
With Salomonis wit he was decorde;
Sampsonis strenth to him accrest:
Judge and Reuenge his cause, O Lord.
Theif and Reuer he did dant;
Justice and vertew he did plant;
Quhair thair was mys he gart remorde,
My Faithfull seruand and thy Sanct:
Judge and Reuenge his cause, O Lord.
As his Renoun is all ouerblawin,
And now his deith plainly furthschawin,


Sa sall all blyithnes be abhorde,
Quhill his Reuenge be alswa knawin,
Throw thy help and support, O Lord.
All ȝe, my trew Nobilitie,
That fauourit him and seruit me,
Lat not his duilfull deith be smorde,
Bot it Reuenge maist cruellie:
For it is the will of the Lord.
And quha his deith dois sair regaird,
And it to puneis will not spaird,
I wow to the in quhome he glorde,
Thay sall not mys ane riche rewaird,
For to Reuenge his cause, O Lord.
Now sall appeir, in wark and nature,
Quha is the trew man, quha is the trature,
Quha fittis the feild, quha cuiris not forde:
The trew liege be the Rubiature
In this cause salbe kend, O Lord.
And think that thay that did this deid
With lyke effect dois seik my heid,
For to be beatin downe and smorde:
All Faithfull hartis quyte thair meid,
And thow Reuenge my cause, O Lord.
For surely thair will and Intent,
That seikis of me the Gouernment
Be fraudfull factiounis, I stand forde,
Wald me forfault in Parliament,
Gif thow withstude thame not, O Lord.
My Coronatioun thay deny,
And dois maist spytefully defy


All thame that faithfully restorde
Me to my Crowne and Seignorie:
Thy michtie hand requyte thame, Lord.
Last, Lord, now him of me hes cure,
And in quhais handis I think me sure,
Thy puissant power I Implorde,
That he with me lang dayis Indure,
For to reuenge his cause, O Lord.
With this the Babe he gifis ane rair,
Quhilk maid my hart to sich sa sair
That farther I culd not recorde,
Bot with him sall cry euer mair:
Judge and Reuenge his cause, O Lord.