University of Virginia Library

Of other maner Herbys.

Of other' herbys y schall telle
Þerfor' y mote A stownd dwell
Yn what moneth ys hervest ham sette & sow
Sone here-after þu schalt knowe
Yn the moneth of Auerell
Set & sow ham euerydell
Herbys to make bothe sawce & sewe
Þu schalt haue ham here A rewe
Of al the herbys of yrlonde
Here þu schalt knowe meny onde
Pelyter dytawnder rewe & sage
Clarey tyme ysope and orage
Myntys sauerey tuncarse & spynage
Letows calamynte auans & borage


Fynel sowthrynwode warmot & rybwort
Herbe Ion herbe Robert herbe Water & walwort
Hertystonge polypody parrow & comfery
Gromel woderofe hyndesall & betony
Gladyn valeryan scabyas & sperewort
Verueyn wodesour' waterlyly & lyuerworte
Mouseer' egri moyne honysoke & bugull
Centory horsel adderstong' & bygull
Henbane camemyl wyldtesyl & stychewort
Weybrede growdyswyly elysauwder & brysewort
Merege lauyndull radysche sanycle & seueny
Peruynke violet cowslyppe and lyly
Carsyndyllys strowberys and moderwort
Langebefe totesayne tansay & feldewort
Orpy nepte horehownd & flos campi
Affodyll redeuay primrole & oculus Christi
Rose ryde rose whyȝte foxgloue & pympernold
Holyhocke coryawnder pyony & þe wold
All this herbys by seynt Mychaell
Wold be sette yn the moneth of Auerell
Further'-more wul y noȝt go
But here of herbys wul y ho.