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My words, my thoughts, my vowes,
Haue soild, haue forst, haue stainde,
My tongue, my heart, my browes.
My tongue, my heart, my browes,
Shall speake, shal thinke, shall smile,
Gainst words, gainst thoughts, gainst vowes.
For words, for thoughts, for vowes,
Haue soiled, wrongde, and stained,
My tongue, my heart, my browes.

Whereon henceforth I sweare.
My words, my thoughts, my vowes,
So vaine, so vile, so bace,
Which brought, my tongue, heart, browes,
To shame, repulse, disgrace.
Shall euermore forbeare,
To tempt that brow, that heart, that tongue, so holy,
With vows, with thoughts, with words, of too great folly.