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The Colonies of Bartas

VVith the Commentarie of S. G. S. in diuerse places corrected and enlarged by the Translatour [i.e. William Lisle]

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[This countrey reaching foorth as rich as it is large]

This countrey reaching foorth as rich as it is large,

Sem went toward the West.

From Peake of Perosites (where doth himselfe discharge
The stately running Ob, great Ob, fresh waters king,
A riuer hardly crost in sixe dayes trauelling)
To Malaca, to th'Isles from vvhence are brought huge masses
Of Calamus and Cloues: Samotra whereon passes
The night-equalling line, and to the waters far
Of Zetlan breeding-pearle, and goldie Bisnagar:
And from the Pont-Eusine, and from the brother waues
Of those Chaldean streames, vnto the sea that raues
With hideous noise about the Straight of th'Aniens,
To Quinzats moorie poole, and Chiorzeke, from whence
Come Elephantick buls with silken haired hides;
That was the share of Sem: for Gods decree it guides

How and what nations came of Sen.

Ashur t' Assiriland, that after some few dayes

Chal, Rezen, Niniué, their towres to heau'n may raise.
The Persian hils possest great Elams princely race,
And those fat lands where-through Araxes runnes apace.
Lud held the Lydian fields, Aram th' Armenian,
And learned Arphaxad the quarter Chaldean.