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Humours Heau'n on Earth

With The Ciuile Warres of Death and Fortune. As also The Triumph of Death: Or, The Picture of the Plague, according to the Life, as it was in Anno Domini. 1603. By Iohn Dauies of Hereford

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To mine entirely beloued, Master Iohn Dauies of Hereford.

In all thy Writings thou hast such a Vaine,
As but thy selfe thy selfe canst counterfet;
Which, lying farre beyond the vulgar straine,
Is harder well to open, then to get.
Few idle words thou hast to answer for
In all thy workes; but, thou dost merite much
(Nay supererogate) who dost abhorre
Superfluous words, though thine be over-rich!
Both Words and Matter do so well agree,
To glorifie themselves in either kinde,
That we must needs renowne both them, and thee,
Who neerely sought (for vs) the same to finde:
Thy Numbers flow from such a Minds excesse,
As all seeme Raptures, in all happinesse!
Ro: Cox.