University of Virginia Library


The Authoure.

Then vanishte Humber, and no sooner gon
Was he but straight in place before me came.
A princely wight, had complet harnes on,
Though not so complet as they now do frame:
He seemde sometime t'aue bene of worthy fame:
In breste a shafte with bleeding wounde he bare,
And thus he tolde the cause of all his care.


Was not this drenched king well servde thinke you
That could not byde at home content with his?
Now by his fall and his ambition vewe,
What good they get which gaze on Fortunes blisse,
How soone their haps and hoped Ioyes they misse,
Wherefore the setled minde surmountes the rest,
The meane contented state of all is best.
The conquest wonne, and kingdome got, you see
The Albaynes all subdude to Humbers crowne:
Yet straight againe the straunger drownde to bee,
To leese his conquest, kingdomes, and renowme.
Sith Fortune so sets vp and thirleth downe,
The setled minde content I counte is blest,
Reporting true the golden meane is best.
Loe how vaine glory causde him venter life,
By seas to sayle, by land in fielde to fighte,
In peace at home abroade to fish for strife,
And here confesse how Sors had sowst him right.
But king Locrinus next apearde in sight.
A shaft hee bare in wounded bleeding brest,
And thus (mee thought) his fatall fall exprest.