The First Fovre Bookes of Virgil his AEneis Translated intoo English heroical verse by Richard Stanyhurst, wyth oother Pohetical diuises theretoo annexed |
The First Fovre Bookes of Virgil his AEneis | ||
THEE FIRST PSALME OF DAVID, named in Latin, Beatus vir, translated in too English Iambical verse.
That wight is happy and gratious,That tracks noe wicked coompanye;
Nor stands in il mens segnorye;
In chayre ne sits of pestilence.
But in the sound law of the lordHis mynd, or heast is resiaunt:
And on the sayd law meditat's,
With hourlye contemplation.
That man resembleth verelyeThe graffe bye riuer situat;
Yeelding abundant plentines
Of fruict, in haruest seasoned.
With heunlye ioyce stil nurrishedHis leafe bye no means vannisheth;
What thing his hert endeuoureth,
Not so the sinful creaturs,Not so there acts are prosperous;
But lyke the sand, or chaffye dust,
That wynddye pufs fro ground doe blow.
Therefor in houre iudicial,The vngodlye shal vnhaunst remayne;
And shal be from the coompanye
Of holye men quit sundered.
The First Fovre Bookes of Virgil his AEneis | ||