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Strophe. 2.

Making speake (her with a sweete brute)
The ten diuers tongues of my Lute,
I will Fredone in thy honour,
These renowmed songs of Pindar:
And immitate for thee Deuer,
Horace, that braue Latine Harper.

And stand vp Nymphes Aganapide,
Stand vp my wantons Parnasside,
Stand vp wantons and that we sing,
A newe dittie Calaborois,
To the Iban harpe Thebanois,
That had such a murmuring string.
For I will shewt, heere with my verces,
(Following the auncient traces)
As high vp to the ayre this Hymne,
(With a strong bowe and armes, presumpstous)
As Deuer is both wise and vertuous,
And as of my Harpe, he is digne.