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Hvmors Looking Glasse

[by Samuel Rowlands]

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The attribution of this poem is questionable.

[Occasion late was ministred for one to trie his friend]

Occasion late was ministred for one to trie his friend,
Ten pounds he did intreat him yet of all loue he would lēd
His case was an accursed case, no comfort to be found,
Vnles he friendly drew his purse & blest him with tē poūd
He did protest he had it not, making a solemne vow,
He wāted means & money both, to do him pleasure now.
Thē sir (quoth he) you know I haue a Gelding I loue wel,
Necessitie it hath no law, I must my Gelding sell,
I haue bin offered twelue for him, with ten ile be cōtent,
Well I will trie a friend (said he,) it was his chest he ment.
So fectch'd the money presently, tother sees Angels shine
Now God amercy horse (quoth he) thy credit's more then mine.