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displayed by his workes Physicall and Meta-physicall, in a Poeme of diuerse forme. Adapted to the Hebrue text, the frame of Diuinitie, and Catholike exposition. Togither, With necessarie marginall notes for relieuing of the young student. The First Part. By Henoch Clapham

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4. Section.

Bvt turne vnto the letters history:
Great Ælohim (who had decreede a season,
Wherein to speake a speach beyond mans reason:
Effectuall speach and full of mistery)
He speaketh thus: Iehiôr: let be light,
And loe the Chaos face did glitter bright.

From out the darknes bowels rusht this shine:
This bould bewrayer of confusion:
By Iahs commaundement not by intrusion,
Approued by Authority diuine.
A sodaine chainge, but yet more strange and rare
That Sable blacke should Argent white vpbare.
Simplicius here is ready prest to grinne,
And carpe at Moses, crying alls vntrue:
The light (saith he) is Causd by starry view,
But Sunne and Moone did with fourth day begin,
In this first day therefore no light for day,
Anti-nomos thus Atheist wise doth say.
Foule Auernes byrd, vgly Gehennaes toad,
Son of the night reserud in darkenesse chaine:
Shall sacred lore be subiect to thy braine,
In whome the damned spirits make their road?
Sufficeth vs the eternall writeth soe,
The eternalls writ vnfoyld of any foe.
But darknes snake, flye not the Charmers tune,
And other cause of light then Sunne is cleare:
What if El-shaddi mighty God tribune
His Essence brightnes had some vsage here?
Euen as sixt day he breathd a quickning spirit
The life of man and Ælohims delite.
But to descend to causes physical:
Light is not caused simply by the Sunne,
By starry shine onely more light is don:
Through Fyre and Ayre is wrought light naturall.
In acting which, elementall fire is agent,
And simple sparsed Ayre it selfe is patient.

Old Adams language termeth fire (Vre,)
But light cauld (Ore:) First letters are the same:
In Hebers tongue, Aleph and Vaf by name,
Distinguished by sound, not by figure.
Closely inferring, Fyre for cheife occasion
Of simple Light, through subiect ayres Inuasion.
Fyre bright and cleare is seated ouer all,
Ayre pulled out subiected to the same:
By ayre is spread the fiers simple flame,
Th' effect of both is Light mere naturall.
Thus Chaos guts in side is turned out,
A glorious light inuesteth all about.
Great Jehouah (because the Light was good)
He it beheld. And good it needes must stand,
That's caused by his word, his owne right hand
And so approuing it, right firme it stood:
With seperation 'twixt the glorious light,
and dredy Darknes: that put this to flight.
But so, as while th' one Hemisphere is light,
Th'anti podes retaines the former darke:
Let Horebs Roy his foes now baule and barke,
Two Elements conuay this colour bright.
For after Sunne it doth but lighten more,
augmenting that which shined true before.