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The kalender of shepherdes

the edition of Paris 1503 in photographic facsimile: a faithful reprint of R. Pynson's edition of London 1506. Edited with a critical introduction and glossary by H. Oskar Sommer

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the first braunche of wrathe.

To moke hym selfe
For to kepe other to loue hym by vayne scoffinge
For dylectalyons that thou haste in mockynges
Or that thou arte customed so to do
To cursse
Other in his thought without spekynge.
Or of his mouthe by wordes.
To cause debate bytwene people.
To dyssayue
For to gyue euyll counsell to synne.
And wisshynge yt he yt he hateth may do euyll
Seīge thē synne & reproue them nat whā he may

The seconde braunche of wrathe

For to manyfeste rancowers
To shewe outwarde frendshyp & be enmy ī harte
To saye yt they loue ī peas & haue malys ī mynde
In shamynge other
Takynge from them theyr godenesse
Or hurtynge his body or good name
Sysmatykes is tho that procure theyr synne
Thynkynge the parsons that are euyll
Or to conspire in any warkes

The thyrde braunche of wrathe.

Contynueng in vylyte.
Repreue the pouerte in whiche they are
The sekenesse that they haue or haue had
Or that they be come of pore kynrede
Sharpe worde
Prouokynge other to Ier
Full of repreuynges and wronges
Seke howe that they may do damage
To noye his neyghbours
By persones outtrageous
By hurtynge of his persone or omysyde
For to take fro him his goodes or his renowne

The foureth braunche of wrathe

Nat amēdinge other
As whan they haue lordeshipe a boue the synner
Or whan they be his ryght frende.
Or whiche hopes to do euyll and may lete it
To be glad of theyr synne.
As to prays and be glad of the synners
And not morne for that that they haue done
And nat amēde them but be glad of euyll doyng
Hope to do euyll.
By counsell that thou gyueste
By hope that thou haste
For thou defendest them that dothe euyll


The v. braunche of wrathe

To raunsowme
In pungnant godenesse
Beleuynge in any eresy.
For to haue to ete or drynke
For the loue of some and hatrede of other.
to haunte stryuynge
For rancours secrete in the harte.
By custome that they be glade
By opene hatrede that they wyll apeyre.
To stryue by wordes
As in questions vnprofitable.
For to shewe theyr synnis
For to agayne say hym to whome they speke.

The vi. braunche of wrathe

In defēdaunt
Hauynge wyl to kyll
Hym selfe or other withoute wyll of kyllynge.
To kyll vnwysely or ingnorantly
lyīge wyttīgly
By treason
By hatrede.
For he whiche he kyllythe is gode
that they beleue nat to kyll
Beleue that they do gode if they kyll any.
Castynge any gode gladly.
Or to gyue any medesyne

The vii. braunche of wrathe

By wronge doynge
Saynge suchlyke wronges.
or saynge of greter wronges
Or rehersynge wronges very small.
beleue tis dōage and is nat
To hurte hym that amendis for good
Or to do euyll to hym that hath done gode.
If it displesis the yt they haue done for thy gode
by faute of any thynge
If any geuyth the not or lendeth the theyr gode
That he hath done that he is nat bounde.
Or hath nat hopyd to do thy synne.

The viii. braunche of wrathe

In iugemētis of god
whan it pleseth the that plesys nat god
Or for that pleseth not to the wyll of god.
For that thou louest nat yt god wolde haue done
In his wrechednesse
If thou be in any sekenesse
If thou be in greate pouerte
Or if thou haue any aduersyte.
of wronge of his neyboure
For they haue myssayde the by any wordes
Or they haue done the euyll in thy body
Or yt they haue misdone to ye ī thy godes.


The ix. braunche of wrathe.

to talke of thinges vnprofitable
As of fayrenesse of women
Or of lenage of frendis.
Fo graete malys.
to say lesynges or falsenesse
Or of thinges that hurtethe.
For vauntynge or bostynge.
By fraude or vnfaythfulnesse.
To clater
For ouercomynge by forse of spekynge
Or for to hurte by flaterynge.
Or for pleasure that they take.

The x. braunche of wrathe

to vnderstōd of god that pertayneth nat to him
As of the souerayne withoute myght
Or of his ryght greate godenes in vs
Or of his rightfull Iustyce.
to aferme of god thīges vnworthely
For any erroure that they ar in.
For drede of lesynge.
For couetyse of wynnynge.
to say that it is god that is nat
Byleuynge as dothe ydolatours.
In opynyon by euyll vnderstandynge.
For to do agaynst the ordynaūce of the churche.
Here endeth the braūches of wrathe and foloweth the braūches of slewthe As fyrst euyll thought/ Noysumnes/ Promptuous/ Pusyllanymyte/ Euyll wyll/ Brekynge vowe/ Impenytent/ Vnfaythfulnes/ Ignorans/ Vaynsoroufulnes/ Heuynes/ Euyll Hope/ Curyosyte/ Idelnes/ Euagacyon/ Emplesynge to do gode. Here is the nombre of the great braunches. That is to say xvj. out of the whiche syxtene great braunches Cometh an hundreth and seuen and thyrty smale braunches whiche bryngeth man to euerlastynge dāpnacyon and to the paynes perpetuall.