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Hary's Wallace

(vita nobilissimi defensoris scotie Wilelmi Wallace militis): Edited by Matthew P. McDiarmid

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In Feuerȝher befell the sammyn cace,
That Inglismen tuk trewis with Wallace.
This passyt our till Marche till end was socht.
The Inglismen kest all the wayis thai mocht,
With suttelte and wykkit illusione
The worthi Scottis to put to confusione.
In Aperill the king off Ingland come
In Cvmyrland, of Pumfrat, fro his home.
In-to Carleill till a consell he ȝeid,
Quhar-off the Scottis mycht haiff full mekill dreid.
Mony Captane that was off Ingland born
Thidder thai past and semblit thar king beforn.
Na Scottis man to that consell thai cald
Bot schir Amer that traytour was off ald.
At him thai sperd how thai suld tak on hand
The rychtwys blud to scour out off Scotland.
Schir Amer said, “Thar chyftayne can weill do,
Rycht wys in wer and has gret power to,
And now this trew gyffis thaim sic hardyment
That to ȝour faith thai will nocht all consent;
Bot wald ȝe do rycht as I wald ȝow ler,
This pes to thaim it suld be sald full der”.
Than demyt he the fals Sotheroun amang
How thai best mycht the Scottis barownis hang.
For gret bernys that tyme stud in-till Ayr,
Wrocht for the king quhen his lugyng wes thar,
Byggyt about that no man entir mycht
Bot ane at anys nor haiff off othir sicht,


Thar ordand thai thir lordis suld be slayne,
A Iustice maid quhilk wes off mekill mayne.
To lord Persye off this mater thai laid.
With sad awys agayne to thaim he said,
“Thai men to me has kepit treuth so lang
Desaitfully I may nocht se thaim hang.
I am thar fa and warn thaim will I nocht.
Sa I be quytt I rek nocht quhat ȝhe wrocht.
Fra thine I will and towart Glaskow draw
With our byschope to her off his new law”.
Than chesyt thai a Iustice fers and fell
Quhilk Arnwlff hecht, as my auctour will tell,
Off South Hantoun, that huge hie her and lord.
He wndirtuk to pyne thaim with the cord.
Ane othir ayr in Glaskow ordand thai
For Cliddisdaill men to stand that sammyn day;
Syne chargyt thaim in all wayis ernystfully
Be no kyn meyne Wallace suld nocht chaip by,
For weill thai wyst and thai men war ourthrawin
Thai mycht at will bruk Scotland as thar awin.
This band thai clois wndir thar seillis fast.
Syne south our mur agayn king Edward past.
The new Iustice rasawit was in Ayr.
The lord Persye can on to Glaskow fayr.
This ayr was set In Iun the auchtand day
And playnly criyt na fre man war away.
The Scottis merweld, and pes tane in the land,
Quhy Inglismen sic maistre tuk on hand.
Schir Ranald set a day befor this ayr;
At Monktoun kyrk his freyndis mett him thar.
Wilȝham Wallace on to that tryst couth pas,
For he as than wardane off Scotland was.
This maister Ihone, a worthi clerk, was thar.


He chargyt his kyne for to byd fra that ayr;
Rycht weyll he wyst, fra Persey fled that land
Gret perell was till Scottis apperand.
Wallace fra thaim in to the kyrk he ȝeid.
Pater noster, Aue he said and Creid,
Syne to the grece he lenyt him sobyrly.
Apon a sleip he slaid full sodandly.
Kneland folowed and saw him fallyn on sleip.
He maid na noyis bot wysly couth him kepe.
In that slummir cummand him thocht he saw
Ane agit man, fast towart him couth draw.
Sone be the hand he hynt him haistele.
“I am,” he said, “in wiage chargit with the”;
A suerd him gaiff off burly burnist steill.
“Gud sone,” he said, “this brand thou sall bruk weill.”
Off topaston him thocht the plumat was,
Baith hilt and hand all gliterand lik the glas.
“Der sone,” he said, “we tary her to lang.
Thow sall go se quhar wrocht is mekill wrang.”
Than he him led till a montane on hycht.
The warld him thocht he mycht se with a sicht.
He left him thar, syne sone fra him he went.
Tharoff Wallace studiit in his entent.
Till se him mar he had full gret desyr.
Tharwith he saw begyne a felloune fyr
Quhilk braithly brynt on breid throu all the land,
Scotland atour fra Ros to Sulway sand.
Than sone till him descendyt thar a qweyne,
Inlumyt lycht, schynand full brycht and scheyne.
In hyr presens apperyt so mekill lycht
At all the fyr scho put out off his sicht;
Gaiff him a wand of colour reid and greyne,


With a saffyr sanyt his face and eyne.
“Welcum”, scho said. “I cheis the as my luff.
Thow art grantyt be the gret god abuff
Till help pepill that sufferis mekill wrang.
With the as now I may nocht tary lang.
Thou sall return to thi awne oys agayne.
Thi derrast kyne ar her in mekill payne.
This rycht regioun thow mon redeme it all.
Thi last reward in erd sall be bot small.
Let nocht tharfor tak redres off this mys,
To thi reward thou sall haiff lestand blys”.
Off hir rycht hand scho betaucht him a buk.
Humylly thus hyr leyff full sone scho tuk,
On to the cloud ascendyt off his sycht.
Wallace brak vp the buk in all his mycht.
In iii partis the buk weill writyn was.
The fyrst writtyng was gross letter off bras,
The secound gold, the thrid was siluir scheyne.
Wallace merueld quhat this writyng suld meyne.
To rede the buk he besyet him so fast,
His spreit agayne to walkand mynd is past,
And wp he rays, syne sowdandly furth went.
This clerk he fand and tald him his entent
Off this wisioun, as I haiff said befor,
Completly throuch. Quhat nedis wordis mor?
“Der sone”, he said, “my witt vnabill is
To runsik sic for dreid I say off mys.
Ȝeit I sall deyme, thocht my cunnyng be small.
God grant na charge efftir my wordis fall.
Saynct Androw was, gaiff the that suerd in hand.
Off Sanctis he is wowar off Scotland.
That montayne is, quhar he the had on hycht,


Knawlage to haiff off wrang that thow mon rycht.
The fyr sal be fell tithingis or ȝe part
Quhilk will be tald in mony syndry art.
I can nocht witt quhat qweyn at it suld be,
Quhethir fortoun or our lady so fre.
Lykly it is be the brychtnes scho brocht,
Modyr off him that all this warld has wrocht.
The party wand, I trow be myn entent,
Assignes rewlle and cruell Iugëment.
The red colour, quha graithly wndirstud,
Betaknes all to gret battaill and blud;
The greyn, curage that thou art now amang.
In strowbill wer thou sall conteyne full lang.
The saphyr stayne scho blissit the with-all
Is lestand grace, will god sall to the fall.
The thrynfald buk is bot this brokyn land
Thou mon rademe be worthines off hand.
The bras letteris betakynnys bot to this,
The gret oppres off wer and mekill mys
The quhilk thow sall bryng to the rycht agayne,
Bot thou tharfor mon suffer mekill payne.
The gold takynnis honour and worthinas,
Wictour in armys that thou sall haiff be grace.
The Siluir schawis cleyne lyff and hewynnys blys.
To thi reward that myrth thou sall nocht mys.
Dreid nocht tharfor, be out off all dispayr.
Forthir as now her-off I can no mair”.
He thankit hym and thus his leyff has tayne,
Till Corsbe syne with his wncle raid hayme.
With myrthis thus all nycht thai soiornyt thar.
Apon the morn thai graith thaim to the ar
And furth thai ryd quhill thai come to Kingace.


With dreidfull hart thus sperit wicht Wallace
At schir Ranald for the charter off pees.
“Neuo”, he said, “thir wordis ar nocht les.
It is lewyt at Corsbe in the kyst,
Quhar thou it laid. Tharoff na othir wist”.
Wallace ansuerd, “Had we it her to schaw!
And thai be fals we suld nocht entir awe.”.
“Der sone”, he said, “I pray the pas agayne.
Thocht thou wald send, that trawaill war in wayne.
Bot thou or I can nane it bryng this tid”.
Gret grace it was maid him agayne to ryd.
Wallace raturnd and tuk with him bot thre.
Nane off thaim knew this endentour bot he.
Wnhap him led, for bid him couth he nocht;
Off fals dissayt this gud knycht had na thocht.
Schir Ranald raid but restyng to the town,
Wittand na thing off all this fals tresown.
That wykked syng so rewled the planait,
Saturn, was than in-till his heast stait;
Aboun Iuno in his malancoly,
Iupiter, Mars, ay cruell off Inwy
Saturn as than awanyst his natur.
Off terandry he power had and cur,
Rebell renkis in mony seir regioun,
Trubbill weddyr makes schippis to droun.
His drychyn is with Pluto, in the se
As off the land full off Iniquite.
He waknys wer, waxing off pestilence,
Fallyng off wallis with cruell wiolence.
Pusoun is ryff amang thir othir thingis,
Sodeyn slauchter off Emperouris and kingis.
Quhen Sampsone powed to grond the gret piller
Saturn was than in-till the heast sper.


At Thebes als off his power thai tell,
Quhen Phiorax sank throuch the erd till hell;
Off the Troians he had full mekill cur
Quhen Achilles at Troy slew gud Ectur;
Burdeous schent and mony citeis mo.
His power ȝeit it has na hap to ho.
In braid Brytane feill wengeance has beyne seyne.
Off this and mar ȝe wait weill quhat I meyn.
Bot to this hous that stalwart wes and strang
Schir Ranald come and mycht nocht tary lang.
A bauk was knyt all full of rapys keyne.
Sic a towboth sen syne wes neuir seyne.
Stern men was set the entre for to hald.
Nayne mycht pas in bot ay as thai war cald,
Schir Ranald fyrst, to mak fewte for his land.
The knycht went in and wald na langar stand.
A rynnand cord thai slewyt our his hed
Hard to the bauk and hangyt him to ded.
Schyr Brys the Blayr next with hys Eyme in past.
On to the ded thai haistyt him full fast.
Be he entrit his hed was in the swar,
Tytt to the bawk, hangyt to ded rycht thar.
The thrid entrit, that pete was for-thy,
A gentill knycht, schir Neill of Mungumry,
And othir feill off landit men about.
Mony ȝeid in bot na Scottis com out.
Off Wallace part thai putt to that derff deid;
Mony Craufurd sa endyt in that steid.
Off Carrik men Kennadys slew thai als,
And kynd Cambellis that neuir had beyne fals.
Thir rabellit nocht contrar thar richtwis croun.
Sotheroun for-thi thaim putt to confusioun.
Berklais, Boidis and Stuartis off gud kyn;
Na Scot chapyt that tyme that entrit in.


Vpon the bawk thai hangit mony par;
Besid thaim ded in the nuk kest thaim thar.
Sen the fyrst tyme that ony wer wes wrocht,
To sic a dede so mony sic ȝeid nocht
Vpon a day, throuch curssit Saxons seid.
Vengeance off this throuch-out that kynrik ȝeid,
Grantyt wes fra god in the gret hewyn;
Sa ordand he that law suld be thar stewyn,
To fals Saxons for thar fell Iugëment.
Thar wykkydnes our all the land is went.
Ȝhe nobill men that ar off Scottis kind,
Thar petous dede ȝhe kepe in-to ȝour mynd
And ws rawenge quhen we ar set in thrang.
Dolour it is her-on to tary lang.
Thus xviii scor to that derff dede thai dycht
Off barronis bald and mony worthi knycht.
Quhen thai had slayne the worthiast that was thar,
For waik peple thai wald na langar spar,
In-till a garth kest thaim out off that sted
As thai war born, dispulȝeit bar and ded.
Gud Robert Boid on till a tawern ȝeid
With xxti men that douchty war in deid,
Off Wallace hous, full cruell off entent.
He gouernyt thaim quhen Wallace was absent.
Kerle turnyt with his master agayne,
Kneland and Byrd that mekill war off mayn.
Stewyn off Irland went furth apon the streit.
A trew woman full sone with him couth meit.
He speryt at hir quhat hapnyt in the ayr.
“Sorou”, scho said, “is nothing ellis thar”.
Ferdly scho ast, “Allace, quhar is Wallace?”
“Fra ws agayne he passit at Kingace”.


“Go warn his folk and haist thaim off the toun.
To kepe him selff I sall be reddy boun”.
With hir as than no mar tary he maid.
Till his falowis he went with-outyn baid
And to thaim tald off all this gret mysfair.
To Laglane wood thai bownyt with-outyn mar.
Be this Wallace wes cummand wondir fast;
For his freyndis he was full sar agast.
On to the bern sadly he couth persew
Till entir in, for he na perell knew.
This woman than apon him loud can call,
“O fers Wallace, feill tempest is befall.
Our men ar slayne that pete is to se,
As bestiall houndis hangit our a tre.
Our trew barrouns be twa and twa past In”.
Wallace wepyt for gret los off his kyne,
That with wnes apon his hors he baid.
Mair for to sper to this woman he raid.
“Der nece”, he said, “the treuth giff thow can tell,
Is my Eyme dede, or hou the cace befell?”
“Out off ȝon bern”, scho said, “I saw him born,
Nakit, laid law on cald erd me beforn.
His frosty mouth I kissit in that sted,
Rycht now manlik, now bar and brocht to ded!
And with a claith I couerit his licaym,
For in his lyff he did neuir woman schayme.
His systir sone thou art, worthi and wicht.
Rawenge thar dede for goddis saik at thi mycht.
Als I sall help as I am woman trew!”
“Der wicht”, he said, “der god sen at thou knew
Gud Robert Boid, quhar at thou can him se,
Wilȝham Crawfurd als, giff he lyffand be,
Adam Wallace, wald help me in this striff!


I pray to god send me thaim all in liff.
For Marys saik bid thaim sone cum to me.
The Iustice Innys thow spy for cheryte
And in quhat feir that thai thar lugyne mak.
Son efftir that we will our purpos tak
In-to Laglane, quhilk has my succour beyne.
Adew merket and welcum woddis greyne!”
Her-off as than till hir he spak no mair,
His brydill turnyt and fra hir can he fair;
Sic murnyng maid for his der-worthi kyn
Him thocht for baill his breyst ner bryst in twyn.
As he thus raid in gret angyr and teyne,
Off Inglismen thar folowed him fyfteyn
Wicht wallyt men, at towart him couth draw
With a maser to tach him to the law.
Wallace raturnd in greiff and matelent.
With his suerd drawyn amang thaim sone he went.
The myddyll off ane he mankit ner in twa,
Ane othir thar apon the hed can ta.
The thrid he straik and throuch the cost him claiff.
The ferd to ground rycht derffly doun he draiff.
The fyft he hit with gret Ire in that sted.
With-out reskew dreidles he left thaim ded.
Than his thre men had slayne the tothir v.
Fra thaim the laiff eschapit in-to lyff,
Fled to thar lord and tald him off this cas.
To Laglane wode than ridis wicht Wallas.
The Sotheroun said quhat ane that he hit rycht
With-out mercye dredles to ded wes dycht.
Merwell thai had sic strenth in ane suld be,
Ane off thar men at ilk straik he gert de.
Than demyt thai it suld be Wallace wicht.
To thar langage maid ansuer ane ald knycht:


“Forsuth”, he said, “be he chapyt this ayr
All ȝour new deid is eking off our cair”.
The Iustice said, quhen thar sic murmur rais,
“Ȝhe wald be ferd and thar come mony fais,
That for a man me think ȝow lik to fle
And wait nocht ȝeit in deid gyff it be he!
And thocht it be I cownt him bot full lycht.
Quha bidis her ilk gentill man sall be knycht.
I think to deill thar landis haill to-morn
To ȝow about that ar off Ingland born”.
The Sotheron drew to thar lugyng but mar.
Four thousand haill that nycht was in-till Ayr.
In gret bernys biggyt with-out the toun
The Iustice lay with mony bald barroun.
Than he gert cry about thai waynys wide
Na Scottis born amang thaim thar suld bid.
To the castell he wald nocht pas for eys
Bot soiornd thar with thing that mycht him pleys.
Gret purwians be se to thaim was brocht,
With Irland ayle the mychteast couth be wrocht.
Na wach wes set becaus thai had na dout
Off Scottis men that leiffand was with-out.
Lawberand in mynd thai had beyne all that day;
Off ayle and wyne yneuch chosyne haiff thai,
As bestly folk tuk off thaim selff no keip.
In thar brawnys sone slaid the sleuthfull sleip,
Throuch full gluttre in swarff swappyt lik swyn.
Thar chyftayne than was gret Bachus off wyn.
This wys woman besy amang thaim was.
Feill men scho warnd and gart to Laglayne pas,
Hyr self formest, quhill thai with Wallace met.
Sum comfort than in-till his mynd was set.


Quhen he thaim saw he thankit god off mycht.
Tithandis he ast. The woman tald him rycht:
“Slepand as swyn ar all ȝone fals menȝhe.
Na Scottisman is in that cumpane”.
Than Wallace said, “Giff thai all dronkyn be
I call it best with fyr for thaim to se”.
Off gud men than thre hundreth till him socht.
The woman had tald iii trew burges, at brocht
Out off the toun with nobill aile and breid
And othir stuff, als mekill as thai mycht leid.
Thai eit and drank, the Scottismen at mocht.
The noblis than Iop has to Wallace brocht.
Sadly he said, “Der freyndis, now ȝe se
Our kyn ar slayn tharoff is gret pete,
Throuch feill murthyr, the gret dispite is mor.
Now sum rameid I wald we set tharfor.
Suppos that I was maid wardane to be
Part ar away sic chargis put to me,
And ȝe ar her cummyn off als gud blud,
Als rychtwis born be awentur and als gud,
Als forthwart, fair and als likly off persoun,
As euir was I; tharfor, till conclusioun,
Latt ws cheys v off this gud cumpanye,
Syne caflis cast quha sall our master be”.
Wallace and Boid and Craufurd off renoun
And Adam als than lord off Ricardtoun—
His fadyr than wes wesyed with seknes;
God had him tayne in-till his lestand grace—
The fyft Awchinlek, in wer a nobill man,
Caflis to cast about thir v began.
It wald on him, for ocht thai cuth dewys,
Continualy quhill thai had castyn thrys.
Than Wallace rais and out a suerd can draw.
He said, “I wow to the makar off aw
And till Mary his modyr, wirgyne cler,


My wnclis dede now sall be sauld full der,
With mony ma off our der-worthi kyn.
Fyrst or I eit or drynk we sall begyn,
For sleuth nor sleip sall nayne remayne in me
Off this tempest till I a wengeance se”.
Than all Inclynd rycht humyll off accord
And him resawit as chyftayne and thar lord.
Wallace a lord he may be clepyt weyll,
Thocht ruryk folk tharoff haff litill feill
Na deyme na lord bot landis be thar part.
Had he the warld and be wrachit off hart
He is no lord as to the worthines.
It can nocht be but fredome, lordlyknes.
At the Roddis thai mak full mony ane
Quhilk worthy ar, thocht landis haiff thai nane.
This disscussyng I leiff herroldis till end.
On my mater now brieffly will I wend.
Wallace commaunde a burges for to get
Fyne cawk eneuch, that his der nece mycht set
On Ilk ȝeit quhar Sotheroun wer on raw.
Than xxty men he gert fast wetheis thraw,
Ilk man a pair, and on thar arme thaim threw.
Than to the toune full fast thai cuth persew.
The woman past befor thaim suttelly,
Cawkit ilk ȝett that thai neid nocht gang by.
Than festnyt thai with wetheis duris fast,
To stapill and hesp with mony sekyr cast.
Wallace gert Boid ner-hand the castell ga
With fyfte men a Ieperte to ma.
Gyff ony ischet, the fyr quhen that thai saw,
Fast to the ȝett he ordand thaim to draw.


The laiff with him about the bernys ȝheid.
This trew woman thaim seruit weill in deid
With lynt and fyr that haistely kendill wald.
In euir-ilk nuk thai festnyt blesis bald.
Wallace commaund till all his men about,
Na Sotheron man at thai suld lat brek out:
“Quhat euir he be reskewis off that kyn
Fra the rede fyr, him selff sall pas tharin”.
The lemand low sone lanssyt apon hycht.
“Forsuth”, he said, “this is a plessand sicht.
Till our hartis it suld be sum radres.
War thir away thar power war the les”.
On-to the Justice him selff loud can caw:
“Lat ws to-borch our men fra ȝour fals law
At leyffand ar, that chapyt fra ȝour ayr.
Deyll nocht thar land, the wnlaw is our sayr.
Thou had no rycht. That sall be on the seyne”.
The Rewmour rais with cairfull cry and keyne.
The bryme fyr brynt rycht braithly apon loft.
Till slepand men that walkning was nocht soft.
The sycht with-out was awfull for to se.
In all the warld na grettar payne mycht be
Than thai with-in insufferit sor to duell,
That euir was wrocht bot purgatory or hell:
A payne off hell weill ner it mycht be cauld,
Mad folk with fyr hampryt in mony hauld.
Feill byggyns brynt that worthi war and wicht;
Gat nane away, knaiff, Captane nor knycht.
Quhen brundis fell off ruftreis thaim amang
Sum rudly rais in byttir paynys strang;
Sum nakyt brynt bot belches all away;
Sum neuir rais bot smoryt quhar thai lay;
Sum ruschit fast till ayr gyff thai mycht wyn.


Blyndyt in fyr thar deidis war full dym.
The reik mellyt with fylth off carioune
Amang the fyr, rycht foull off offensioune.
The peple beryt lyk wyld bestis in that tyd,
Within the wallis rampand on athir sid,
Rewmyd in reuth with mony grysly grayne.
Sum grymly gret quhill thar lyff dayis war gayne.
Sum durris socht the entre for to get,
Bot Scottismen so wysly thaim beset,
Gyff ony brak be awnter off that steid
With suerdis sone bertnyt thai war to dede,
Or ellys agayne beforce drewyn in the fyr.
Thar chapyt nayne, bot brynt wp bayne and lyr.
The stynk scalyt off ded bodyis sa wyde
The Scottis abhord ner-hand thaim for to byd,
Ȝeid to the wynd and leit thaim ewyn allayne
Quhill the rede fyr had that fals blude ourgayne.
A frer Drumlay, was priour than off Ayr,
Sewyn scor with him that nycht tuk herbry thar
In his Innys, for he mycht nocht thaim let.
Till ner mydnycht a wach on thaim he set;
Him selff wouk weyll quhill he the fyr saw rys.
Sum mendis he thocht to tak off that supprys.
Hys brethir sewyn till harnes sone thai ȝeid,
Hym selff chyftayne the ramanand to leid.
The best thai waill off armour and gud ger,
Syne wapynnys tuk, rycht awfull in affer.
Thir viii freris, in four partis thai ga.
With suerdis drawyn till ilk hous ȝeid twa.
Sone entrit thai quhar Sotheroune slepand war,
Apon thaim set with strakis sad and sar.
Feill frekis thar thai freris dang to dede.
Sum nakit fled and gat out off that sted,


The wattir socht, abaissit out off slepe.
In the furd weill that was bath wan and depe
Feyll off thaim fell that brak out off that place,
Dowkit to grounde and deit with-outyn grace.
Drownyt and slayne was all that herbryt thar.
Men callis it ȝeit ‘the freris blyssyng off Ayr’.
Few folk off waill was lewyt apon cace
In the castell; lord Persye fra that place
Befor the ayr fra thine to Glaskow drew.
Off men and stuff it was to purwa new.
Ȝeit thai with-in saw the fyr byrnand stout,
With schort awis ischet and had no dout.
The buschement than, as weryouris wys and wicht,
Leit thaim allayne and to the hous past rycht.
Boyd wan the port, entryt and all his men.
Keparis in it was left bot ix or ten.
The formast sone hym selff sesyt in hand,
Maid quyt off hym, syne slew all at thai fand.
Off purwyaunce in that castell was nayne.
Schort tyme befor Persye was fra it gayne.
The Erll Arnulff had rasawit that hauld,
Quhilk in the toune was brynt to powder cauld.
Boyd gert ramayn off his men xxty still.
Hym selff past furth to witt off Wallace will,
Kepand the toun quhill nocht was lewyt mar
Bot the wode fyr and beyldis brynt full bar.
Off lykly men that born was in Ingland
Be suerd and fyr that nycht deit v thousand.
Quhen Wallace men was weill to-gydder met,
“Gud freyndis”, he said, “ȝe knaw that thar wes set
Sic law as this now in-to Glaskow toun
Be byschope Beik and Persye off renoun.
Tharfor I will in haist we thidder fair.
Off our gud kyn sum-part ar lossyt thair”.


He gert full sone the burges till him caw
And gaiff commaund in generall to thaim aw,
In kepyng thai suld tak the hous off Ayr:
“And hald it haill quhill tyme that we her mayr.
To byd our king castellys I wald we had.
Cast we doun all we mycht be demyt our rad”.
Thai gart meit cum for thai had fastyt lang.
Litill he tuk, syne bownyt thaim to gang.
Horsis thai cheys that Sotheroun had brocht thar,
Anew at will, and off the toune can fair.
Thre hundreth haill was in his cumpany.
Richt wondir fast raid this gud chewalry
To Glaskow bryg, that byggyt was off tre,
Weyll passit our or Sotheroun mycht thaim se.
Lorde Persye wyst, that besy wes in wer,
Semblyt his men fell awfull in affer.
Than demyt thai that it was wicht Wallace;
He had befor chapyt throw mony cace.
The byschope Beik and Persye that was wicht
A thousand led off men in armys brycht.
Wallace saw weill quhat nowmyr semblit thar.
He maid his men In twa partis to fair,
Graithit thaim weill with-out the townys end.
He callit Awchinlek for he the passage kend.
“Wncle”, he said, “be besy in-to wer.
Quhethir will ȝhe the byschoppys taill wpber,
Or pas befor and tak his benysone?”
He ansuerd hym with rycht schort provision,
“Wnbyschoppyt ȝeit forsuth I trow ȝe be.
Ȝour selff sall fyrst his blyssyng tak for me,
For sekyrly ȝe seruit it best the nycht.
To ber his taill we sall in all our mycht”.
Wallace ansuerd, “Sen we mon sindry gang
Perell thar is and ȝe bid fra ws lang,


For ȝone ar men will nocht sone be agast.
Fra tyme we meit for goddis saik haist ȝow fast.
Our disseueryng I wald na Sotheroune saw.
Behynd thaim cum and in the Northast Raw.
Gud men off wer ar all Northummyrland”.
Thai partand thus tuk othir be the hand.
Awchinlek said, “We sall do at we may.
We wald lik ill to byd oucht lang away.
A boustous staill betwix ws sone mon be,
Bot to the rycht allmychty god haiff E”.
Adam Wallace and Awchinlek was boune,
Sewyn scor with thaim on the baksid the toune.
Rycht fast thai ȝeid quhill thai war out off sycht.
The tothir part arrayit thaim full rycht.
Wallace and Boid the playne streyt wp can ga.
Sotheroun merweld becaus thai saw na ma;
Thar senȝhe cryit vpon the Persys syde,
With byschop Beik that bauldly durst abide.
A sayr semlay was at that metyng seyne.
As fyr on flynt it feyrryt thaim betweyne.
The hardy Scottis rycht awfully thaim abaid,
Brocht feill to grounde throuch weid that weill was maid,
Perssyt plattis with poyntis stiff off steill,
Befors off hand gert mony cruell kneill.
The strang stour rais as reik vpon thaim fast,
Or myst throuch sone vp to the clowdis past.
To help thaim selff Ilkayne had mekill neid.
The worthy Scottis stud in fellone dreid,
Ȝeit forthwart ay thai pressit for to be
And thai on thaim, gret wondyr was to se.
The Perseis men in wer was oysit weill,
Rycht fersly faucht and sonȝeit nocht a-deill.
Adam Wallace and Awchinlek com In


And partyt Sotheron rycht sodeynly in twyn,
Raturnd to thaim as noble men in wer.
The Scottis gat rowme and mony doun thai ber.
The new cowntir assailȝeit thaim sa fast,
Throuch Inglismen maid sloppys at the last.
Than Wallace selff in-to that felloune thrang
With his gud swerd that hewy was and lang
At Perseis face witht a gud will he bar.
Bath bayne and brayne the forgyt steill throw schair.
Four hundreth men quhen lord Persie was dede
Out off the gait the byschop Beik thai lede,
For than thaim thocht it was no tyme to bid,
By the Frer kyrk till a wode fast besyd.
In that forest forsuth thai taryit nocht,
On fresch horsis to Bothwell sone thai socht.
Wallace folowed with worthi men and wicht.
Forfouchtyn thai war and trawald all the nycht,
Ȝeit feill thai slew in-to the chace that day.
The byschope selff and gud men gat away.
Amar Wallang Reskewit him in that place.
That knycht full oft did gret harme to Wallace.
Wallace began off nycht x houris in Ayr,
On day be ix in Glaskow semlyt thair.
Be ane our nowne at Bothwell ȝeit he was,
Repreiffit Wallang or he wald forthir pas,
Syne turnd agayne, as weyll witnes the buk,
Till Dundaff raid and thar restyng he tuk,
Tald gud schir Ihon off thir tithandis in Ayr.
Gret mayne he maid he was nocht with him thar.
Wallace soiornd in Dundaff at his will
V dayis out, quhill tithandis come him till
Out off the hycht quhar gud men was forlorn,
For Bouchane rais, Adell, Menteth and Lorn.


Apon Argyll a fellone wer thai mak.
For Eduuardis saik thus can thai wndirtak.
The knycht Cambell in Argyll than wes still
With his gud men agayne king Eduuardis will
And kepyt fre Lowchow his heretage,
Bot Makfadȝan than did him gret owtrage.
This Makfadȝan till Inglismen was suorn.
Eduuard gaiff him bath Argill and Lorn.
Fals Ihon off Lorn to that gyft can concord.
In Ingland than he was new maid a lord.
Thus falsly he gaiff our his heretage
And tuk at London off Eduuard grettar wage.
Dunkan off Lorn ȝeit for the landis straiff
Quhill Makfadȝan our-set him with the laiff,
Put him off force to gud Cambell the knycht,
Quhilk in-to wer was wys, worthi and wicht.
Thus Makfadȝan was entrit in-to Scotland,
And merwalusly that tyrand tuk on hand
With his power, the quhilk I spak off ayr.
Thai iiii lordschippis all semlyt till him thair.
Xv thousand off curssyt folk in deid
Off all gaddryn in ost he had to leid,
And mony off thaim was out off Irland brocht.
Barnys nor wyff thai peple sparyt nocht,
Waistyt the land als fer as thai mycht ga.
Thai bestly folk couth nocht bot byrn and sla.
In-to Louchow he entryt sodeynly.
The knycht Cambell maid gud defens forthi.
Till Crage Vnyn with thre hundir he ȝeid.
That strenth he held for all his cruell deid,
Syne brak the bryg that thai mycht nocht out pas
Bot throuch a furd quhar narow passage was.


Abandounly Cambell agayne thaim baid,
Fast vpon Ave that was bathe depe and braid.
Makfadȝane was apon the tothir sid
And thar on force behuffit him for to byd,
For at the furde he durst nocht entir out
For gud Cambell mycht set him than in dout.
Makfadȝane socht and a small passage fand;
Had he lasar, thai mycht pas off that land
Betuix a Roch and the gret wattir sid.
Bot iiii in front na ma mycht gang nor rid.
In-till Louchow wes bestis gret plente.
A quhill he thocht thar with his ost to be
And othir stuff that thai had with thaim brocht,
Bot all his crafft awailȝeit him rycht nocht.
Dunkane off Lorn has seyne the sodeyne cace.
Fra gud Cambell he went to seik Wallace,
Sum help to get off thar turment and teyne.
To-gydder befor in Dunde thai had beyne,
Lerand at scule in-to thar tendyr age.
He thocht to slaik Makfadȝanys hie curage.
Gylmychell than with Dunkan furth him dycht;
A gyd he was and fute man wondyr wicht.
Sone can thai witt quhar Wallace lugyt was.
With thar complaynt till his presence thai pas.
Erll Malcom als, the Lennox held at es,
With his gud men to Wallace can he pres.
Till him thar come gud Rychard off Lundy;
In-till Dundaff he wald no langar ly.
Schir Ihon the Graym als bownyt him to ryd.
Makfadȝanis wer so grewit thaim that tid
At Wallace thocht his gret power to se,
In quhat aray he reullyt that cuntre.


The Rukbe than he kepit with gret wrang
Stirlyng castell that stalwart wes and strang.
Quhen Wallace come be-sowth it in a waill
Till erll Malcome he said he wald assaill.
In diuers partis he gert seuir thar men,
Off thar power that Sotheroun suld nocht ken.
Erll Malcome baid in buschement out off sicht.
Wallace with him tuk gud schir Ihone the knycht
And a hundreth off wys wer-men but dout,
Throuch Stirlyng raid gyff ony wald ysche out.
Towart the bryg the gaynest way thai pas.
Quhen Rukbe saw quhat at thar power was
He tuk sewyn scor off gud archaris was thar.
Wpon Wallace thai folowed wondyr sayr.
At fell bykkyr thai did thaim mekill der.
Wallace in hand gryppyt a nobill sper,
Agayne raturnd and has the formast slayne.
Schir Ihon the Grayme that mekill was off mayn
Amang thaim raid with a gud sper in hand.
The fyrst he slew that he befor him fand.
Apon a nothir his sper in sowndyr ȝeid.
A suerd he drew quhilk helpyt him in neid.
Ynglis archaris apon thaim can ranew,
That his gud hors with arrowis sone thai slew.
On fute he was; quhen Wallace has it seyne
He lychtyt sone with men off armys keyne,
Amang the Rout fechtand full wondyr fast.
The Inglismen raturnyt at the last.
At the castell thai wald haiff beyne full fayne,
Bot erll Malcome with men off mekill mayne
Betuix the Sotheroun and the ȝettis ȝeid.
Mony thai slew that douchty wes in deid.
In the gret pres Wallace and Rukbe met,
With his gud suerd a straik apon him set.
Derffly to dede the ald Rukbe he draiff.


His twa sonnys chapyt amang the laiff.
In the castell be awentur thai ȝeid
With xxty men; na ma chapyt that dreid.
The Lennox men with thar gud lord at was,
Fra the castell thai said thai wald nocht pas,
For weill thai wyst it mycht nocht haldyn be
On na lang tyme; forthi thus ordand he,
Erll Malcom tuk the hous and kepyt that tyd.
Wallace wald nocht fra his fyrst purpos bid.
Instance he maid to this gud lord and wys,
Fra thine to pas he suld on nakyn wys
Quhill he had tane Stirlyng the castell strang.
Trew men him tald thai mycht nocht hald it lang.
Than Wallace thocht was maist on Makfadȝane;
Off Scottis men he had slayne mony ane.
Wallace awowide that he suld wrokyn be
On that rebald or ellis tharfor to de.
Off tyrandry king Eduuard thocht him gud.
Law born he was and off law simpill blud.
Thus Wallace was sar grewyt in his entent;
To this Iornay rycht ernystfully he went.
At Stirlyng bryg assemlyt till hym rycht
Twa thowsand men that worthi war and wycht.
Towart Argyll he bownyt him to ryd.
Dunkan off Lorn was thar trew sekyr gid.
Off ald Rukbe the quhilk we spak off ayr
Twa sonnys on lyff in Stirlyng lewit thair.
Quhen thai brethir consawit weill the rycht,
This hous to hald that thai na langar mycht
For caus quhi thai wantyt men and meit,
With Erll Malcome thai kest thaim for to treit
Grace off thar lyff and thai that with thaim was;
Gaiff our the hous, syne couth in Ingland pas


On the thrid day that Wallace fra thaim raid.
With king Eduuard full mony ȝer thai baid,
In Brucis wer agayne come in Scotland.
Stirlyng to kepe the tonne off thaim tuk on hand.
Mencione off Bruce is oft in Wallace buk.
To fend his rycht full mekill payne he tuk.
Quhar-to suld I her-off tary ma?
To Wallace furth now schortlye will I ga.
Dunkan off Lorne Gilmychall fra thaim send
A spy to be for he the contre kend.
Be our party was passit Straith Fulan
The small fute folk began to Irk Ilkane
And hors off fors behuffyt for to faill.
Than Wallace thocht that cumpany to waill.
“Gud men,” he said, “this is nocht meit for ws;
In brokyn ray and we cum on thaim thus
We may tak scaith and harme our fayis bot small.
To thaim in-lik we may nocht semble all.
Tary we lang a playne feild thai will get.
Apon thaim sone sa weill we may nocht set.
Part we mon leiff ws folowand for to be.
With me sall pas our power in-to thre.”
V hundyr fyrst till him selff he has tayne
Off westland men, was worthi knawin ilkane.
To schir Ihon Grayme als mony ordand he
And v hundreth to Rychard off Lundy.
In that part was Wallace off Ricardtoun.
In all gud deid he was ay redy boun.
V hundreth left that mycht nocht with thaim ga,
Suppos at thai to byd was wondyr wa.
Thus Wallace ost began to tak the hicht,
Our a montayne sone passit off thar sicht.
In Glendowchar thair spy mett thaim agayn,


With lord Cambell; than was our folk rycht fayn.
At that metyng gret blithnes mycht be seyn.
Thre hundreth he led that cruell was and keyn.
He comford thaim and bad thaim haiff no dreid:
“Ȝon bestly folk wantis wapynnys and weid.
Swne thai will fle, scharply and we persew.”
Be Louchdouchyr full sodeynly thaim drew.
Than Wallace said, “A lyff all sall we ta,
For her is nayne will fra his falow ga.”
The spy he send the entre for to se.
Apon the mos a scurrour sone fand he.
To scour the land Makfadȝane had him send.
Out off Cragmor that day he thocht to wend.
Gylmychall fast apon him folowed thar;
With a gud suerd that weill and scharply schar
Maid quyt off him, at tithandis tald he nayne.
The out spy thus was lost fra Makfadȝhane.
Than Wallace ost apon thar fute thai lycht.
Thar hors thai left thocht thai war neuir so wicht,
For mos and crag thai mycht no langar dre.
Than Wallace said, “Quha gangis best lat se.”
Throuch-out the mos delyuerly thai ȝeid,
Syne tuk the hals, quharoff thai had most dreid.
Endlang the schoir ay iiii in frownt thai past
Quhill thai with-in assemblit at the last.
Lord Cambell said, “We haiff chewyst this hauld.
I trow to god thar wakyning sall be cauld.
Her is na gait to fle ȝone peple can
Bot Rochis heich and wattir depe and wan.”
Xviii hundreth off douchty men in deid,
On the gret ost but mar process thai ȝeid
Fechtand in frownt and mekill maistry maid;


On the frayt folk buskyt with outyn baid.
Rudly till ray thai ruschit thaim agayne.
Gret part off thaim wes men off mekill mayne.
Gud Wallace men sa stowtly can thaim ster
The battaill on bak v akyr breid thai ber.
In-to the stour feill tyrandis gert thai kneill.
Wallace in hand had a gud staff off steyll;
Quhom euir he hyt to ground brymly thaim bar,
Romde him about a largë rude and mar.
Schir Iohn the Grayme in deid was rycht worthy,
Gud Cambell als and Rychard off Lundy,
Adam Wallace and Robert Boid in feyr
Amang thar fais quhar deidis was sald full der.
The felloun stour was awfull for to se.
Makfadȝane than so gret debait maid he
With Yrage men hardy and curageous;
The stalwart stryff rycht hard and peralous,
Boundance of blud fra woundis wid and wan,
Stekit to deid on ground lay mony man.
The fersast thar ynewch off fechtyn fand.
Twa houris large in-to the stour thai stand,
At Iop him selff weill wyst nocht quha suld wyn.
Bot Wallace men wald nocht in sowndyr twyn.
Till help thaim selff thai war off hardy will.
Off Yrage blud full hardely thai spill,
With feyll fechtyn maid sloppys throuch the thrang.
On the fals part our wicht wer-men sa dang
That thai to byd mycht haiff no langar mycht.
The Irland folk than maid thaim for the flycht,
In craggis clam and sum in wattir flett,
Twa thousand thar drownyt with-outyn lett.
Born Scottis men baid still in-to the feild,
Kest wappynnys thaim fra and on thar kneis kneild.
With petous woice thai criyt apon Wallace


For goddis saik to tak thaim in his grace.
Grewyt he was bot rewth off thaim he had,
Rasauit thaim fair with contenance full sad.
“Off our awne blud we suld haiff gret pete
Luk ȝhe sla nane off Scottis will ȝoldyn be.
Off outland men lat nane chaip with the liff.”
Makfadȝane fled for all his felloun stryff.
On till a cave with-in a clyfft off stayne
Wndyr Cragmor with xv is he gayne.
Dunkan off Lorn his leyff at Wallace ast;
On Makfadȝane with worthi men he past.
He grantyt him to put thaim all to ded.
Thai left nane quyk, syne brocht Wallace his hed,
Apon a sper throuch-out the feild it bar.
The lord Cambell syne hynt it by the har;
Heich in Cragmor he maid it for to stand,
Steild on a stayne for honour off Irland.
The blessit men that was off Scotland born,
Fwnde at his faith, Wallace gert thaim be sworn,
Restorit thaim to thar landis but les.
He leit sla nayne that wald cum till his pes.
Efftir this deid In Lorn syne couth he fayr,
Reullyt the land had beyne In mekill cayr.
In Archatan a consell he gert cry,
Quhar mony man socht till his senȝory.
All Lorn he gaiff till Duncan at was wicht
And bad him: “Hald in Scotland with the rycht
And thow sall weill bruk this in heretage.
Thi brothir sone at London has grettar wage,
ȝeit will he cum he sall his landis haiff.
I wald tyne nayne that rychtwisnes mycht saiff.”
Mony trew Scot to Wallace couth persew.
At Archatan fra feill strenthis thai drew.


A gud knycht come and with him men sexte.
He had beyne oft in mony strang Ieperte
With Inglismen and sonȝeid nocht a-deill.
Ay fra thar faith he fendyt him full weill,
Kepyt him fre, thocht king Eduuard had sworn;
Schir Ihon Ramsay, that Rychtwys ayr was born,
Off Ouchterhous and othir landis was lord,
And schirreff als as my buk will record,
Off nobill blud and als haill ancrase
Contenyt weill with worthi chewalre.
In-till Straithern that lang tyme he had beyne
At gret debait agaynys his Enemys keyne,
Rycht wichtly wan his lewing in-to wer.
Till him and his Sotheroun did mekill der.
Weill he eschewit and sufferyt gret distress.
His sone was cald the flour of courtlyness,
As witnes weill in-to the schort tretty
Eftir the Bruce, quha redis in that story.
He rewllit weill bathe in-to wer and pes.
Alexander Ramsay to nayme he hecht but les.
Quhen it wes wer till armes he him kest.
Wndir the croun he wes ane off the best.
In tyme off pees till courtlynes he ȝeid.
Bot to gentrice he tuk nayne othir heid.
Quhat gentill man had nocht with Ramsay beyne
Off courtlynes thai cownt him nocht a preyne.
Fredome and treuth he had as men wald as.
Sen he begane na bettyr squier was.
Roxburch hauld he wan full manfully,
Syne held it lang, quhill tratouris tresonably
Causit his dede, I can nocht tell ȝow how.
Off sic thingis I will ga by as now.
I haiff had blayme, to say the suthfastnes,
Tharfor I will bot lychtly ryn that cace,
Bot it be thing that playnly sclanderit is.


For sic, I trew, thai suld deyme me no mys.
Off gud Alexander as now I spek no mar.
His fadyr come as I tald off befor.
Wallace off hym rycht full gud comford hais
For weill he coud do harmyng till his fais.
In wer he was rycht mekill for to prys,
Besy and trew, bath sobyr, wicht and wys.
A gud prelat als to Archatan socht.
Off his lordschip as than he brukyt nocht.
This worthi clerk, cummyn off hie lynage,
Off Synclar blude, nocht xl ȝer off age,
Chosyne he was be the Papis consent,
Off Dunkell lord him maid with gud entent;
Bot Inglismen that Scotland gryppit all
Off benyfice thai leit him bruk bot small.
Quhen he saw weill tharfor he mycht nocht mwte,
To saiff his lyff thre ȝer he duelt in But;
Leifyde as he mycht and kepyt ay gud part
Wndir saifte off Iamys than lord Stewart,
Till gud Wallace, quhilk Scotland wan with payne,
Restord this lord till his leyffing agayne.
And mony ma that lang had beyne ourthrawin,
Wallace thaim put rychtwisly to thar awin.
The small ost als, the quhilk I spak off ayr,
In-to the hycht that Wallace lewyt thar,
Come to the feild quhar Makfadȝane had beyne,
Tuk at was left, baithe weid and wapynnys scheyne,
Throw Lorn syne past als gudly as thai can.
Off thar nowmyr thai had nocht lost a man.
On the fyft day thai wan till Archatan,
Quhar Wallace baid with gud men mony ane.
He welcummyt thaim apon a gudly wys


And said thai war rycht mekill for to prys.
All trew Scottis he honourit in-to wer,
Gaiff that he wan, hym selff kepyt no ger.
Quhen Wallace wald no langar soiorn thar,
Fra Archatan throu-out the land thai far
Towart Dunkell, with gud men off renoun.
His maist thocht than was haill on Sanct Ihonstoun.
He cald Ramsai, that gud knycht off gret waill,
Sadly awysyt besocht him off consaill:
“Off Saynct Ihonstoun now haiff I in remembrance.
Thar I haiff beyne and lost men apon chance,
Bot ay for ane we gert x off thaim de,
And ȝeit me think that is no mendis to me.
I wald assay off this land or we gang
And lat thaim witt thai occupy her with wrang.”
Than Ramsay said, “That toune thai may nocht kep.
The wallis ar laych suppos the dyk be depe.
Ȝe haiff enewch that sall thaim cummyr sa.
Fyll wp the dyk that we may playnly ga
In haill battaill, a thowsand our at anys.
Fra this power thai sall nocht hald ȝon wanys.”
Wallace was glaid that he sic comfort maid.
Furth talkand thus on to Dunkell thai raid.
Iiii dayis thar thai lugyt with plesance
Quhill tyme thai had forseyne thar ordinance.
Ramsay gert byg strang bestials off tre
Be gud wrychtis, the best in that cuntre;
Quhen thai war wrocht betaucht thaim men to leid
The wattir doun quhill thai come to that steid.
Schir Ihon Ramsay rycht gudly was thar gid,
Rewllyt tham weill at his will for to bid.
The gret ost than about the willage past.
With erd and stayne thai fillit dykis fast.
Flaikis thai laid on temyr lang and wicht,


A rowme passage to the wallis thaim dycht.
Feill bestials rycht starkly wp thai rais.
Gud men of armys sone till assailȝe gais.
Schir Ihon the Grayme and Ramsay that was wicht
The Turat bryg segyt with all thar mycht,
And Wallace selff at mydsid off the toun
With men of armys that was to bargane bown.
The Sotheron men maid gret defence that tid
With artailȝe that felloune was to bid.
With awblaster, gaynȝe and stanys fast
And hand gunnys, rycht brymly out thai cast.
Pwnȝeid with speris men off armys scheyn.
The worthi Scottis that cruell war and keyne,
At hand strakis fra thai to-gidder met,
With Sotheroun blud thar wapynnys sone thai wet.
Ȝeit Inglismen that worthi war in wer
In-to the stour rycht bauldly can thaim ber;
Bot all for nocht awailȝeid thaim thar deid,
The Scottis throw force apon thaim in thai ȝeid.
A thousand men our wallis ȝeid hastely.
In-to the toun rais hidwis noyis and cry.
Ramsay and Graym the Turat ȝet has wown
And entrit In, quhar gret striff has begown.
A trew squier quhilk Rwan hecht be nayme
Come to the salt with gud schir Ihon the Grayme,
Xxxty with him off men that prewit weill
Amang thar fais with wapynnys stiff off steill.
Quhen at the Scottis semblit on athir sid
Na Sotheroun was that mycht thar dynt abid.
Twa thousand sone, was fulȝied vndyr feit,
Off Sotheroun blud lay stekit in the streit.
Schir Ihon Sewart saw weill the toun was tynt,
Tuk him to flycht and wald no langar stynt;
In a lycht barge and with him men sexte


The water doun socht succour at Dunde.
Wallace baid still quhill the ferd day at morn
And left nane thar that war off Ingland born.
Riches thai gat off gold and othir gud,
Plenyst the toun agayne with Scottis blud.
Rwan he left thar Capteyn for to be,
In heretage gaiff him office to fee
Off all Straithern, and schirreiff off the toun.
Syne in the north gud Wallace maid him boun.
In Abyrdeyn he gert a consaill cry,
Trew Scottis men suld semble hastely.
Till Cowper he raid to wesy that abbay.
The Inglis abbot fra-thine was fled away.
Bischop Synclar with-out langar abaid
Met thaim at Glammys, syne furth with thaim he raid.
In-till Breichyn thai lugyt all that nycht.
Syne on the morn Wallace gert graith thaim rycht,
Displayed on breid the baner off Scotland
In gud aray with noble men at hand;
Gert playnly cry that sawfte suld be nayne
Off Sotheroun blud quhar thai mycht be ourtayn.
In playne battaill throuch-out the Mernys thai rid.
The Inglismen, at durst thaim nocht abid,
Befor the ost full ferdly furth thai fle
Till Dwnottar, a snuk with-in the se.
Na ferrar thai mycht wyn out off the land.
Thai semblit thar quhill thai war iiii thousand,
To the kyrk rane, wend gyrth for till haiff tayne.
The laiff Ramaynd apon the Roch off stayne.
The byschope than began tretty to ma,
Thar lyffis to get, out off the land to ga,
Bot thai war rad and durst nocht weill affy.
Wallace in fyr gert set all haistely,


Brynt wp the kyrk and all that was tharin.
Atour the Roch the laiff ran with gret dyn.
Sum hang on craggis rycht dulfully to de.
Sum lap, sum fell, sum floteryt in the se.
Na Sotheroun on lyff was lewyt in that hauld
And thaim with-in thai brynt in powdir cauld.
Quhen this was done feill fell on kneis doun,
At the byschop askit absolucioun.
Than Wallace lewch, said, “I forgiff ȝow all.
Ar ȝe wer-men, rapentis for sa small?
Thai rewid nocht ws in-to the toun off Ayr,
Our trew barrowns quhen that thai hangit thar.”
Till Abyrdeyn than haistely thai pas,
Quhar Inglismen besyly flittand was.
A hundreth schippys that Ruthyr bur and ayr,
To turs thair gud, in hawyn was lyand thar,
Bot Wallace ost come on thaim sodeynlye.
Thar chapyt nane off all that gret menȝhe.
Bot feill serwandis in thaim lewyt nane.
At ane eb se the Scottis is on thaim gayn,
Tuk out the ger, syne set the schippys in fyr.
The men on land thai bertynyt bayne and lyr.
Ȝeid nane away bot preistis, wyffis and barnys.
Maid thai debait thai chapyt nocht but harmys.
In-to Bowchane Wallace maid him to ryd,
Quhar lord Bewmound was ordand for to bid.
Erll he was maid bot off schort tyme befor.
He brukit nocht for all his bustous schor.
Quhen he wyst weill that Wallace cummand was,
He left the land and couth to Slanys pas
And syne be schip in Ingland fled agayne.
Wallace raid throw the north-land in-to playne.
At Crummade feill Inglismen thai slew.


The worthi Scottis till him thus couth persew;
Raturnd agayne and come till Abirdeyn
With his blith ost apon the Lammes ewyn;
Stablyt the land as him thocht best suld be,
Syne with ane ost he passit to Dunde,
Gert set a sege about the castell strang.
I leyff thaim thar and forthir we will gang.
Schir Amar Wallang haistit him full fast,
In-till Ingland with his haill houshald past.
Bothwell he left, was Murrays heretage,
And tuk him than bot till King Eduuardis wage,
Thus his awne land forsuk for euirmar.
Off Wallace deid gret tithandis tald he thar.
Als Inglismen sair murnyt in thar mude,
Had lossyt her bathe lyff, landis and gud.
Eduuard as than couth nocht in Scotland fair,
Bot Kercyingame that was his tresorair,
With him a lord than Erll was off Waran,
He chargyt thaim with nowmeris mony ane
Rycht weill beseyn in Scotland for to ryd.
At Stirlyng still he ordand thaim to bid
Quhill he mycht cum with ordinance off Ingland.
Scotland agayne he thocht to tak in hand.
This ost past furth and had bot litill dreid.
The Erle Patrik rasauit thaim at Tweid.
Malice he had at gud Wallace befor,
Lang tyme by past and than Incressyt mor,
Bot throuch a cas that hapnyt off his wyff:
Dunbar scho held fra him in-to thar striff
Throuch the supple off Wallace in-to playne;
Bot he be meyne gat his castell agayne
Lang tyme or than, and ȝeit he couth nocht ces.
Agayne Wallace he prewit in mony pres,
With Inglismen suppleit thaim at his mycht.


Contrar Scotland thai wrocht full gret wnrycht.
Thar mustir than was awfull for to se,
Off fechtand men thousandis thai war sexte;
To Stirlyng past or thai likit to bid.
To Erll Malcome a sege thai laid that tid
And thocht to kep the commaund off thar king,
Bot gud Wallace wrocht for ane othir thing.
Dunde he left and maid a gud chyftane
With twa thousand to kepe that hous off Stayne,
Off Angwis men and duellaris off Dunde.
The sammyn nycht till Sanct Ihonstoun went he.
Apon the morn till Schirreff mur he raid
And thar a quhill in gud aray thai baid.
Schir Ihon the Grayme and Ramsay that was wicht,
He said to thaim, “This is my purpos rycht.
Our mekill it is to proffer thaim battaill
Apon a playne feild bot we haiff sum awaill.”
Schir Ihon the Grayme said, “We haiff wndirtayn
With les power sic thing that weill is gayn.”
Than Wallace said, “Quhar sic thing cummys off neid
We suld thank god that makis ws for to speid,
Bot ner the bryg my purpos is to be
And wyrk for thaim sum suttell ieperte.”
Ramsay ansuerd, “The brig we may kepe weill.
Off way about Sotheroun has litill feill.”
Wallace sent Iop the battaill for to set,
The Twysday next to fecht with-outyn let.
On Setterday on to the bryg thai raid,
Off gud playne burd was weill and Iunctly maid;
Gert wachis wait that nane suld fra thaim pas.
A wricht he tuk, the suttellast at thar was,
And ordand him to saw the burd in twa,
Be the myd trest, that nayne mycht our it ga;


On charnaill bandis nald it full fast and sone,
Syne fyld with clay as na thing had beyne done.
The tothir end he ordand for to be,
How it suld stand on thre rowaris off tre,
Quhen ane war out that the laiff doun suld fall.
Him selff wndyr he ordand thar-with-all,
Bownd on the trest, in a Creddill to sit,
To lous the pyne quhen Wallace leit him witt
Bot with a horn quhen it was tyme to be.
In all the ost suld no man blaw bot he.
The day approchit off the gret battaill.
The Inglismen for power wald nocht faill.
Ay sex thai war agayne ane off Wallace.
Fyfty thousand maid thaim to battaill place.
The Ramaynand baid at the castell still.
Baithe feild and hous thai thocht to tak at will.
The worthi Scottis apon the tothir side
The playne feild tuk, on fute maid thaim to bid.
Hew Kercyngayme the wantgard ledis he
With xxty thousand off likly men to se.
Xxxty thousand the Erll off Waran had,
Bot he did than as the wysman him bad,
All the fyrst ost befor him our was send.
Sum Scottismen, that weill the maner kend,
Bade Wallace blaw and said thai war enew.
He haistyt nocht bot sadly couth persew
Quhill Warans ost thik on the bryg he saw.
Fra Iop the horn he hynt and couth it blaw
Sa asprely and warned gud Ihon wricht.
The Rowar out he straik with gret slycht.
The laiff ȝeid doun quhen the pynnys out gais.
A hidwys cry amang the peple rais.
Bathe hors and men in-to the wattir fell.
The hardy Scottis that wald na langar duell


Set on the laiff with strakis sad and sar.
Off thaim thar-our as than souerit thai war.
At the for-breist thai prewit hardely,
Wallace and Grayme, Boid, Ramsay and Lundy,
All in the stour, fast fechtand face to face.
The Sotheron ost bak rerit off that place
At thai fyrst tuk v akyr breid and mar.
Wallace on fute a gret scharp sper he bar.
Amang the thikest off the pres he gais.
On Kercyngaym a strak chosyn he hais.
In the byrnes that polyst was full brycht
The punȝeand hed the plattis persyt rycht,
Throuch the body stekit him but reskew.
Derffly to dede that chyftane was adew.
Baithe man and hors at that strak he bar doun.
The Inglis ost, quhilk war in battaill boun,
Comfort thai lost quhen thar chyftayne was slayn
And mony ane to fle began in playne.
Ȝeit worthi men baid still in-to the sted
Quhill x thousand was brocht on-to thar dede.
Than fled the laiff and mycht no langar bid.
Succour thai socht on mony diuers sid,
Sum est, sum west, and sum fled to the north.
Vii thousand large at-anys flottryt in Forth,
Plungyt in depe and drownd with-out mercye,
Nayne left on lyff off all that feill menȝhe.
Off Wallace ost na man was slayne off waill
Bot Andrew Murray in-to that strang battaill.
The south part than saw at thar men was tynt,
Als fersly fled as fyr dois off the flynt.
The place thai left, castell and Stirlyng toun,
Towart Dunbar in gret haist maid thaim boun.


Quhen Wallace ost had won that feild throuch mycht,
Tuk wp the brig and loussit gud Ihon wricht,
On the flearis syne folowed wondyr fast.
Erll Malcom als out off the castell past
With Lennox men to stuff the chace gud speid.
Ay be the way thai gert feill Sotheroun bleid.
In the Torwod thai gert full mony de.
The Erll off Waran that can full fersly fle,
With Corspatrik that graithly was his gyd,
On changit hors throuch-out the land thai rid
Strawcht to Dunbar, bot few with thaim thai led.
Mony was slayne our sleuthfully at fled.
The Scottis hors that had rown wondyr lang,
Mony gaiff our that mycht no forthyr gang.
Wallace and Grayme euir to-giddyr baid.
At Hathyntoun full gret slauchtir thai maid
Off Inglismen quhen thair hors tyryt had.
Quhen Ramsay come gud Wallace was full glad.
With him was Boid and Richard off Lundy,
Thre thousand haill, was off gud chewalry;
And Adam als Wallace off Ricardtoun,
With Erll Malcome, thai fand at Hathyntoun.
The Scottis men on slauchtir taryt was,
Quhill to Dunbar the twa chyftanys coud pas
Full sitfully for thar gret contrar cas.
Wallace folowed till thai gat in that place.
Off thar best men, and Karcyngaym off renoun,
Twenti thousand was dede but redempcioun.
Besyd Beltoun Wallace raturnd agayn.
To folow mar as than was bot in wayn.
In Hathyntoun lugyng thai maid that nycht,
Apon the morn to Stirling passit rycht.


Assumpcioun day off Marye fell this cas.
Ay lowyt be our lady off hir grace!
Conuoyar offt scho was to gud Wallace
And helpyt him in mony syndry place.
Wallace in haist, sone efftir this battaill,
A gret aith tuk off all the barrons haill
That with gud will wald cum till his presens.
He hecht thaim als to bid at thar defens.
Schir Ihon Menteth, was than off Aran lord,
Till Wallace come and maid a playne record.
With witnes thar be his ayth he him band
Lauta to kep to Wallace and Scotland.
Quha with fre will till rycht wald nocht apply
Wallace with force pwnyst rygorusly,
Part put to dede, part set in prysone strang.
Gret word off him throuch bathe thir regions rang.
Dunde thai gat sone be a schort trete,
Bot for thar lywes thai fled away be se.
Inglis capdans that hous had in-to hand
Left castellis fre and fled out off the land.
With-in ten dayis efftir this tyme was gayne
Inglis captanys in Scotland left was nane,
Except Berweik and Roxburch castell wicht.
Ȝeit Wallace thocht to bryng thai to the rycht.
That tyme thar was a worthi, trew barroun,
To nayme he hecht gud Cristall off Cetoun.
In Iedwort wod for saiffgard he had beyne.
Agayne Sotheroun full weill he couth opteyn.
In wtlaw oys he lewit thar but let.
Eduuard couth nocht fra Scottis faith him get.
Herbottell fled fra Iedwort castell wycht


Towart Ingland, thar Cetoun met him rycht.
With xlti men Cristall in bargane baid
Agayne viii scor and mekill mastre maid,
Slew that captane and mony cruell man.
Full gret ryches in that Iornay he wan,
Houshald and gold as thai suld pas away,
The quhilk befor thai kepit mony day.
Iedwort thai tuk; ane Ruwan lewit he,
At Wallace will captane off it to be.
Bauld Cetoun syne to Lothiane maid repair.
In this storye ȝe ma her off him mair,
And in-to Bruce quha likis for to rede;
He was with him in mony cruell deid.
Gud Wallace than full sadly can dewys
To rewill the land with worthi men and wys.
Captans he maid and schirreffis that was gud,
Part off his kyn and off trew othir blud.
His der cusyng in Edynburgh ordand he,
The trew Crawfurd that ay was full worthe,
Kepar off it with noble men at wage;
In Mannuell than he had gud heretage.
Scotland was fre that lang in baill had beyne,
Throw Wallace won fra our fals enemys keyn.
Gret gouernour in Scotland he couth ryng,
Wayttand a tyme to get his rychtwis king
Fra Inglismen, that held him in bandoun,
Lang, wrangwysly, fra his awn rychtwis croun.